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Everything posted by jude77

  1. I wish GM would publish some more packs! I've about gotten everything there I want.
  2. I had a problem too, and installed it in a custom folder I made and had PS look there.
  3. Only 40? Then you definitely need this one. Then when you hit an even 100 you can start working on reverbs. Or compressors. Or tape saturators. Or preamps. Or limiters. I don't care what those doctors say, it's not a problem.
  4. I'm glad you survived! Life is a beautiful and precious thing. I think you're going to need to change your user-name from "Bitflipper" to "Lazarus".
  5. Thanks for that, I don't think I would have ever found it.
  6. SONAR es un DAW totalmente profesional que puede hacer cualquier cosa con el audio que puedas imaginar. Me alegro de que te guste, y sí, hace mucho tiempo que falta una versión para MAC. Bienvenido al foro!
  7. I found GFX to good for a freebie. Not great, but good. As Sidney Earl above said, just don't expect it to go head to head with the big boys. I tried different speaker irs than the ones it came with and thought it sounded better. FWIW I couldn't get VST3 to install (actually it claimed it was installed, but darned if I could find it). VST2 installed fine.
  8. This is demo I've been looking for. Great job. And super playing. Happy Easter to you!
  9. You always post great reviews and this one is no exception. Excellent playing as always. The black notes are just for the bass players. We guitarist don't need them.
  10. They're propriety, but you can export them from EZ as midi files.
  11. He's saved me hundreds, but cost me thousands.
  12. Interesting theory. They certainly have gotten aggressive with pricing.
  13. Actually, that's the new 1040 form for bass players.
  14. https://www.hornetplugins.com/ For those who may not know, HoRNet makes most utility type plugins that are modestly priced to begin with. At 40% off they're pretty much a steal.
  15. This really is an excellent demo. Thanks for posting. Fortunately, I am also fluent in the Hachijō dialect of Japanese, so I also enjoyed the comments.
  16. Many thanks! I feel like I'm making progress with JS, but certainly not using it to its full potential. Hopefully, these videos will take me to the next level.
  17. Total truth here. JS is deeeeep and will do amazing things, but you've got to be willing to put in the time to get the best out.
  18. This is very cool! Congradulations!
  19. How about some of you guys who have bought ST4 giving us your thoughts. Are there bugs (I seem to remember some problems with ST3 in the beginning)? Are the new sounds better/worse/the same as ST3? Are you glad you pulled the trigger? Sorry? If you had it to do over would you buy now or wait? Are there alternatives you prefer? Any thoughts at all would be appreciated. Thanks.
  20. I spent a Loooong time trying to figure out JS, and didn't get very far. Then I broke down and read the manual and a lot of things opened up. I still don't totally understand it, but it is an amazing program that can deliver the goods. Now I just wish Ray would develop a pack for folk/americana.
  21. It's government math. Sort of like "We want to tax your income and the rate will never be above 2%."
  22. jude77

    Steinberg Warning

    I finally created a dummy email just to sign up for that stuff. It gets some really interesting spam.
  23. jude77

    Steinberg Warning

    That's what gets me. It seems like Steinberg just blew him off. "So, somebody hacked your account and stole your stuff? Oh well, gotta run."
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