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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Don't get me wrong, I am too! I'm really curious what's going to be in this one though. I seriously don't know what I would want from a new version...
  2. Bug: Toggling 2more than 1 item in the Company drop-down filter shows nothing instead of all selected companies. Example: Drop the Company Combo, toggle "None", the select "Audio Damage" (items show up with the filter), then additionally select "Audio Thing" - no items show up.
  3. I'm still not using everything in v5! The jumps from v2-3 and v3-4 were pretty amazing. V4-5... meh. I'm curious to see where they're headed, especially with the "Fender Musical Instruments Corporation" tagline. I guess I'm more curious than chomping at the bit for this release.
  4. Use code: SUMMITTOLA https://www.softube.com/tla100
  5. I edited the original title to reflect the $19 price...
  6. Anyone else having trouble getting your Tone Empire Presets to show up? I'm on StudioOne and Win11. Here are the preset folders locations I was given by support: C:\Users\* Your username *\ToneEmpire\Presets\ * LOCNESS V2 PRESET FOLDER HERE * C:\Users\* Your username * \AppData\Roaming\ToneEmpire\Presets\ * OPTORED PRESET FOLDER HERE * C:\Users\* Your username * \AppData\Roaming\ToneEmpire\Presets\ * MODEL5000 PRESET FOLDER HERE * I ain't got nuthin' in those directories. Anyone else have this problem and fix it? I don't remember this with the original LochNess, but I may not have checked. I also haven't tried installed the VST2 versions yet, but I shouldn't have to... ---edit --- Support sent me a Presets folder for Model 5000 which worked when pasted in the location above...
  7. Oh, that IS WAS a nice feature!
  8. If you have Studio One, you could just export your mix to the Production page and run Ozone there... Or start a new empty project in whatever DAW and just use Ozone with your mixed tracks. It just doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me TBH, but then, I never used the stand alone version either. (I never use the T-Racks stuff stand alone either. )
  9. I emailed support last week and they just updated me yesterday. I'm sure they're very busy fixing this little snafu for all of the users. But they'll do it!
  10. You can still use the Neutron 4 separate plugins outside of the "Motherhip". I guess they just did away with the Standard version?
  11. @PavlovsCat Yep! On the other hand, I'm sure it totally blows for the small developers, which I think is the ultimate goal of the Waves pricing. Waves has licensing deals in the auto industry and even on my PC's OS, so they can withstand a much tighter margin on individual plugins sales a lot better than the small devs...
  12. This one is now on sale at the Tone Empire website for $19. Hard to pass up after watching MixbusTV demo...
  13. If you get it to where the Categories are useful, a dropdown with a checkbox (like Company and Stores) could be useful. Would be nice to be able to filter out the Soundpacks, Loops and/or Virtual Instruments. Something like that.
  14. Looks great! The last website update did something strange with the fonts. It is now very hard to read. (I'm on FireFox)
  15. It would have to be really really good for me to quit using T-Racks Tape Echo and Pulsar's EchoRec. I LOVE both of these! Korneff Audio should be coming out soon with their waaaay overdue Echoleffe. I'm super curious about that one!
  16. I've been watching for this one for awhile. That an OK price, but it's still not no-brainer territory for me - especially after the plugin binge I have been on this year!
  17. mibby

    RX 10 is here

    That has always been my experience as well. Thanks for letting us know. I'm in the same boat.
  18. Hey! I see we got an update with "Company" instead of "Manufacturer"! I also got some Price Alert emails! And very nicely formatted and slick looking. Well done! Some observations: 1. The email body reads: "You are receiving this email because you subscribed to receive alerts when the price for the following products changed". You are only showing 1 product at a time so - product(s) = product. (not plural) 2. "Available on discount here" button - it takes me to a specific store when the item is on sale in multiple stores. For example, the button on the Price Alert email for Kuassa's Caliburn Amp takes me to KVR (https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/amplifikation-caliburn-by-kuassa) It seems like it should go to "Price History" like the other links above it. That way I can choose which store to purchase from. 3. The "Unsubscribe from alerts on this product" takes me to Price History. All I can do there is ADD and alert for the one I just got an email for. (?) 4. "Unsubscribe from all alerts or update all of your alerts" - this one takes me to MY Alerts page, which is where I'd expect to go in No. 2 above also. IMO, you could simplify No. 3 and 4 above and combine them into just one link that goes to MY Alerts page. Maybe something simple like "Manage Your Alerts"? That's the place to go and remove any alerts I no longer want, check on others, etc. In other words, you would only have 2 links on the Price Alert email: 1. Price History and 2. MY Alerts page to maintain my email alerts I love what you're doing with this site! I wish I had thought of it.
  19. 1. That works for me. 2. This seems like a good solution. You wouldn't have to worry about reloading it every time too. I've only just now realized you can type into the fill-in when the drop-down is activated! That makes this super userful feature even better and quicker to get to the Company you're looking for! 👍
  20. Absolutely - AND a brilliant idea! Well done.
  21. bump! Came here to post the $7.56 price and you guys had already posted. I'm afraid that's a no-brainer even though I have like 3 different versions of this delay already. you never know, maybe one of the settings will be THAT SOUND I've always been looking for...
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