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Clint Martin

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Everything posted by Clint Martin

  1. hmmm. Didn't know thanks! I'll double check that with Waveform and Mixbus.
  2. I sent in a ticket after confirming the issue in Cakewalk (VST3 only). It should be said that trying to pull the corner of the plugin doesn't expand or change the view anyway, so I would just advise people to not do it. I also tested this in Waveform 12.5 Pro and it seems to work fine with no issues. (VST2 and 3) Cakewalk also works fine with VST2.
  3. I'm kind of tired of hearing about the whole lifetime update thing. It's common sense that it know longer applies. I think bandlab did everyone a huge favor for letting everyone have it for free for as long as they did. Personally I'm grateful and excited to see Sonar back! I hope they expand and update some of the prochannel tools. I always thought that it was a feature that set Sonar apart. I honestly can't think of anything that I need. It's already a full featured DAW that hold's it own with anything out there.
  4. This is probably a good one. The guy makes good stuff!
  5. I can't seem to get the latest 4.7.1 Toneboosters plugins to scan in properly. They work fine in my other DAWs. Anyone else having issues with version 4.7.1?
  6. I'm still on Waveform 9. I haven't seen anything in 10, 11 or 12 to make me want to upgrade.
  7. Yeah, I wondered if there was a way to take a bass track I actually played, turn it into midi for editing and timing fixes, and then use the sounds from ezbass. That may be cool. I have ezdrummer 3 ordered. I also wonder if there will be some kind of integration with that.
  8. Yeah, I'm still around. NOT DEAD YET!
  9. Tokyo Dawn Labs TDR Limiter 6 GE | AudioDeluxe I'm not sure if Larry has posted this or not, but I saw it and bought it. I love all of my TDL plugins and this is a beast of a limiter.
  10. Is EZbass worth it? I like to play my own bass. How would I use this exactly? Can I change my audio into midi or what? Thanks for any info you can provide.
  11. @Jim Roseberry @StarTekh @Tezza Sorry to keep bugging you guys, but I'm ignorant about all of this. Does this look like a good one? If so I think I'll order one or even two today. The PC at work also needs a better card for Autocad. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814932062&ignorebbr=1
  12. I was looking at this one. I guess it would work. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126237&ignorebbr=1&source=region&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Video+Card+-+Nvidia-_-N82E16814126237&gclid=Cj0KCQiA14TjBRD_ARIsAOCmO9Ygs2vNRwQBaXeQhKDJck-fPJehgrIsEfBQL7k4w_vM41EqkB0fTBMaAmDREALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. @Tezza Thanks. I use AutoCAD a lot for work, but as for the gaming, it would only be for iracing. That would be the only game I would play. Sounds like either card would probably work and I do have a fairly large tower. I'll open it up and see how much room is in there. It could probably use a good cleaning anyway.
  14. My PC comes with a standard video card that works fine for Cakewalk and other daws. The problem is I'm a huge geeky race fan, and would like to add a racing sim called iracing. They suggest a Nvidia GeForce GTX660 with 2GB of dedicated memory. I would also like to use AutoCAD, which is worthless as is. @Jim Roseberry Do you sell these?
  15. So far I see zero performance gains, but so far Cakewalk is working. I could never get Sonar to work with Windows 10, which I suspect was a Presonus driver issue. Anything special I should turn off?
  16. @Larry Jones I never had the other to compare it to. I bought it to compare to my Presonus 44VSL, and was just testing stability and latency. They both work good, and I found them to be pretty even.
  17. For sake of clarity you mean at 44k only correct? I mean using 48k or 96k other brands can beat 5ms.
  18. @TezzaYeah, in my case I didn't know anything when I bought my 44VSL, and I don't have any affiliation with any brand. Jim Roseberry is a straight up guy too. With the market so crowded it's hard to tell which product is actually the best fit for my needs. All I know is I prefer my 44VSL over the Focusrite 6i6. I don't use the VSL software. Never have. Which is why I don't mind that it is no longer supported, and now use the latest Universal Control Driver which is about a week old. Anyway, this has been a very good and educational thread. I appreciate all of the opinions and insight from all of you.
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