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Clint Martin

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  1. I was looking at this one. I guess it would work. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126237&ignorebbr=1&source=region&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Video+Card+-+Nvidia-_-N82E16814126237&gclid=Cj0KCQiA14TjBRD_ARIsAOCmO9Ygs2vNRwQBaXeQhKDJck-fPJehgrIsEfBQL7k4w_vM41EqkB0fTBMaAmDREALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  2. @Tezza Thanks. I use AutoCAD a lot for work, but as for the gaming, it would only be for iracing. That would be the only game I would play. Sounds like either card would probably work and I do have a fairly large tower. I'll open it up and see how much room is in there. It could probably use a good cleaning anyway.
  3. My PC comes with a standard video card that works fine for Cakewalk and other daws. The problem is I'm a huge geeky race fan, and would like to add a racing sim called iracing. They suggest a Nvidia GeForce GTX660 with 2GB of dedicated memory. I would also like to use AutoCAD, which is worthless as is. @Jim Roseberry Do you sell these?
  4. So far I see zero performance gains, but so far Cakewalk is working. I could never get Sonar to work with Windows 10, which I suspect was a Presonus driver issue. Anything special I should turn off?
  5. @Larry Jones I never had the other to compare it to. I bought it to compare to my Presonus 44VSL, and was just testing stability and latency. They both work good, and I found them to be pretty even.
  6. For sake of clarity you mean at 44k only correct? I mean using 48k or 96k other brands can beat 5ms.
  7. @TezzaYeah, in my case I didn't know anything when I bought my 44VSL, and I don't have any affiliation with any brand. Jim Roseberry is a straight up guy too. With the market so crowded it's hard to tell which product is actually the best fit for my needs. All I know is I prefer my 44VSL over the Focusrite 6i6. I don't use the VSL software. Never have. Which is why I don't mind that it is no longer supported, and now use the latest Universal Control Driver which is about a week old. Anyway, this has been a very good and educational thread. I appreciate all of the opinions and insight from all of you.
  8. I sometimes use Sims, I like to use my VSTs in real time. I do use my Amplifire 12 mostly these days, but I have my levels set. Hardware monitoring is louder and sounds different. My Presonus allows me to work the way I want even if the latency reporting in Cakewalk may or may not be true. I'll defer to @Jim Roseberry on that one. It's great that affordable options exist for those of us that rely on our limited income to find our passions. I bought my 44VSL 6 years ago for $399 and it's still working for me. I can certainly afford to spend $1000 or so when the time comes to replace it.
  9. Since updating to the new Universal Control driver my old Presonus 44VSL can easily work at 64 buffers, and that's with my PC online with Windows firewall active. At 48khz I believe 5.3ms roundtrip is pretty impressive.
  10. Yeah, It's not that big of a deal. What I'm getting is working fine for me. I'm interested in the new IK AXE I/O interface which is still usb 2.0. 5.3 ms roundtrip is something that doesn't bother me at all.
  11. I don't have thunderbolt. My PC was built by ADK Pro Audio and has been very stable for 6 years. Whever it comes time to replace it, I'll go that way for sure.
  12. Update: The Presonus wins. (Focusrite for sale) I went ahead and downloaded the latest Universal Driver, and while it does increase latency at 128 buffers (9.7), it is far more stable with my machine than the Focusrite, and at 64 buffers has a rountrip latency of 5.3. (the Focusrite was 7.9) This is at 24bit 48khz. I'm interested in what the new IK Axe I/O latency numbers are, because the rest of it looks very nice.
  13. Well, so far here's my results using usb 2.0. Presonus as stated before has a roundtrip latency of 7.3 at 24bit 48khz 128 buffers. The Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 is 12.6 using the same settings, but... The Scarlett is far more stable at 64 buffers and that gets me a 7.9 roundtrip. Now to try usb 3.0. hmmm. Doesn't work at all using 3.0. 7.9 is plenty good enough for me, and of course I can always go up to 96khz. Stability is really what I value the most between these two interfaces.
  14. Well I should be able to test the Scarlett 6i6 against the 44VSL this weekend. My PC (which is now 6 years old) was built by ADK pro audio and does have two usb3 ports that have never been used. The Presonus has served me well all this time, but the latest universal driver delivers 9. something roundtrip, and the older one I use is getting less stable. This PC is still Windows 7 because I could never get the Presonus to work with Sonar and Win 10.
  15. Guess my old VSL isn't too bad then! I'll post what I find out when I get the Focusrite in later this week.
  16. I have an aging Presonus 44VSL which when I use an older driver at 24bit 48khz 128 buffers get me a roundtrip of 7.3ms, which is pretty decent. The problem is the driver is old, and the latest one is worse. My overall stability with the Presonus is driving me nuts. I have ordered a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6. Hopefully it can replace the Presonus with less latency. If not I think I'll sell both of them and buy something else. What do you guys have and use, and what is your roundtrip latency?
  17. Clint Martin

    Link Digital Duo

    https://www.bandlab.com/machines/link-analog When will this be available? Will it have 1/4" or XLR speaker outs?
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