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Clint Martin

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Everything posted by Clint Martin

  1. Well after demoing both baby audio plugins, I think I can live without them. Both work as advertised and sound good. I just think I already have that ground covered.
  2. Smooth Operator and Taip are both on my radar. I was hoping the Ezx signature would go on sale but I guess it’s too new.
  3. Smooth operator can run at 96k. As I said before however, I don’t personally own it so I can’t say if it’s good or not.
  4. https://babyaud.io/smooth-operator-plugin# this link has more info, including a link to the manual.
  5. Interesting topic. I have several plugins that should be able to do this. (Mspectraldynamics, Mautodynamiceq, TDR Nova, Toneboosters EQ4, to name a few.) I haven’t actually attempted to use this technique but I wonder if baby audio smooth operator would be the budget choice at $39.99?https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/7565-Smooth-Operator?currency=USD&force_country=US&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pyqBhDmARIsAKd9XINFWkyrlaU7tvvcHiV3JDnMWSoj08OknAAhz_gM-U0-9SrBS98PmDgaAhiQEALw_wcB
  6. I'm going to download it this weekend and attempt to give it a solid try. I have Cakewalk, Waveform 12.5 Pro and Harrison 32C, but I hear so much about Reaper.
  7. @Bapu I'm curious about Reaper. I downloaded it a couple of times but never gave it a fair try. How well do you think it stacks up against the others. It would seem like a good time to jump in if one was inclined to.
  8. Installed. No issues. Bring on Sonar!
  9. I used to use that, then I switched computers and never bothered to reinstall it. I wonder if Audacity is capable of being used like that? I suppose the old Adobe is still available somewhere? I believe it was Adobe 3? Do other DAWs include a feature like this? Seems like an obvious thing to add if not.
  10. I can see we’re it might be a nice tool to have. I have his LU and VU meters which I’m sure would do the same thing, but for a $1.50 I’ll try it out!
  11. Went ahead and picked these two up. Syncpressor, Normalizer.
  12. As far as games of patience, I play chess daily. Can't wait for the new Sonar...instant buy for me! I'm hoping they restart development of the Pro-channel. I always thought the Pro-channel was unique and set Sonar apart in many ways. Update the tape sims and console emulations, I'm sure they have many plans.
  13. I’m not going to do it but I would like to see the video someday. The sound the Beatles got on all of their albums was so far ahead of the time. I still think Abbey Road is the best sounding recording ever made and they made it with the 12345 and a j37! Incredible!
  14. Anyone else try this? I have a cheap bass which plays great and has a great tone but it also has a constant low buzz or hum. This plugin removed it with ease and left a very natural clean sounding bass! I’m impressed. I thought I may have to buy the Acon Digital restoration suite to fix it which is $99. Free is cheaper!
  15. Probably mentioned before but Blue Lab audio has this excellent noise reduction plugin that cleaned up one of my tracks perfectly. https://plugins4free.com/plugin/3618/
  16. Good time to pickup TDR Nova GE. I'm a sucker for Tape plugins!
  17. If I prefer to play my own bass parts, what does EZbass do for me? Can I upload my part and convert it to midi, and replace it with a toontrack bass sample?
  18. Not sure if this is a great deal or fairly common? Tape sims are a fascination of mine for some reason all though I hardly ever actually use them. https://www.sweetwater.com/c714--VP_Effects?highlight=UADStuderA800&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=&mrkgbflag=&mrkgcat=&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008496077437&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=UADStuderA800&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=m&network=x&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9026149&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=20412093983&awsearchcpc=&&&gclid=CjwKCAjwseSoBhBXEiwA9iZtxinbfbSzFFXixWpErM0foZkljJbNhouvnibRHktpp84Y92OqmlFXUxoCAMcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  19. Mixbus is an instant crash when pulling the corner. Waveform doesn't let you pull the corner so there isn't a problem.
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