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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. Spent my "budget" for this month. Fortunately, April is almost over and the GB will still be going strong in May. Probably like a lot of people, I'll jump in at 10 freebies.
  2. I can't understand why people get their panties in such a knot over this one. I know IK Multimedia could foster a lot of good will by doing away with this but it is all of $10 for crying out loud. I have spent more on plugins that turned out to be garbage and were useless to me. Even spent more on duplicate plugins I had forgotten I already had. And IKM is not the only company to expire download access. Some even expire after a week or two. To me 180 days is quite reasonable. There are a lot of things to complain about with the way IKM has done stuff in tbe past. This is way down the list for me.
  3. Now I got the Floyd running through my head.
  4. For me this was the misunderstanding on my part. This was it for me also, and not really understanding what the Edit button did. I assumed that the Edit button was for editing all the parameters of a synth not just the Wave Sets. So I thought that if S2 CS and SE did not upgrade V1 synths, I was stuck with the V1 presets as is with no way to modify them. I was wrong of course.
  5. This is incorrect as has already been explained earlier in the thread. Full S2 does not allow S1 presets in edit mode. Edit mode is a new feature for S2 and only works with S2 presets. Note that you can still do all the same things to S1 presets in S2 that you could do in S1, ie the instrument interface is still available for S1 presets.
  6. Anybody actually got this to work? I tried registering with them but never received an email.
  7. Can never have too many tuners, my mamma used to always say.
  8. My current understanding is that there is no difference in the underlying program between the different versions of Syntronik 2. The total difference is in the content. You may not be seeing any Syntronik 2 presets because you have not downloaded the sound content for CS. You can do this in the Product manager. You also have to download the V2 presets for previously purchased synths if you get 2 or Max. I owned J-60 and V-80 previously but still had to download the new sound content in order to see the V2 presets.
  9. I think that is an old voucher from 2021🤪. This is real one: 2022-04-25GS8P973iTw243
  10. Thanks for clarifying this. So "upgrading" previous purchased synths really means just adding V2 presets (not that this is insignificant). It however does nothing with the V1 presets.
  11. Are you bragging about your IQ? https://www.iq-test.net/IQ-136-and-its-meaning-10202.html
  12. I saw your message. I guess I didn't state my question very well. You do say you get V1 and V2 presets but can you edit the V1 presets if you only have CS or SE? My experience with getting the free Syntronik 2 V-80 and the Syntronik 2 J-60 is that you cannot edit the V1 presets. So the Tracks option on the Edit page is useless if you cannot get to the Edit page. It is stated the product page of Syntronik 2 in the Version comparison, that CS and SE hosts previously purchased synths, but 2 and MAX upgrades previously purchased synths. The real issue is what is meant by upgrading previously purchased synths. Does upgrading convert V1 presets to V2 presets and thus allow you to edit them, or does it just add V2 presets which are editable in Syntronik 2, but the V1 presets are still not editable?
  13. I think the issue is that, at least for me, even when a synth is V2, not all the V1 presets are included in V2, and it seems like you cannot edit the V1 presets in Syntronik 2. My understanding is that if you purchase Syntronik 2 or Max, your V1 synths are upgraded to V2 enabling you to edit the V1 presets in Syntronik 2. Can anyone verify this?
  14. They're worth more that way. Collector's item you know.
  15. Funny, I read this as LO-RES until I watched the video. I thought it was some sort of bit-crusher based instrument. Does sound good though. Kind of in the same vein as Zero-G's Elements.
  16. Good reminder for me. I had gotten the V-80 from APD but had forgotten to register the serial. I am not expecting it to qualify for the GB but glad to have another toy to play with. Now I need to check out the CM freebie.
  17. Why get it for free when you can pay $24.99!
  18. This is now truly fixed. Sick Noise has reduced the price of NoiseClick to 15e so it can be had for free with the coupon.
  19. You are correct. I hadn't actually tried to use the codes, was just basing my statement on what I received from APD.
  20. This is not working for me. Dynamic discounts are not working for the amps.
  21. Worked fine for me earlier as well. Got UA Tails!
  22. Looks like I already had it. Now I got two!
  23. Looks like they blocked the loophole. The upgrade code no longer works. In fact, the hg-2ms upgrade is not even available for my account that has the hg-2. Oh well.
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