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Everything posted by ab7

  1. Thank you. This is what I was concerned about. The piano is just one of many instruments. So, I suppose it is worth a try!
  2. I have never tried stem separation. I have a song from some years ago that is mixed and I no longer have the individual tracks. It is a fairly dense mix with piano in it. I would like to redo the piano as it was not recorded very well. Can I pull it out with one of these stem tools? Thank you!
  3. Well - if it changed that much since September - that is good news! This is exciting, but I can be patient. I want this to be a super success!
  4. First, welcome to the forum, Nicholas. Second, check this out: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+use+best+service+engine+load+instrumnet&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS987US987&oq=how+to+use+best+service+engine+load+instrumnet&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKAB0gEJMTAyMzRqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_P7VsZc6QFr_TkPIP2oa7EA_35 You can also read about it in the attached pdf with step by step instructions: I hope this helps you. bestservice_engine2_freischaltung_eng.pdf
  5. Glad Sonar beta is ready now for testing. And I am glad that the Bakers did not simply push it to Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but rather release it when it is truly ready. In the meantime, Cakewalk by Bandlab is great.
  6. If I edit the gain of a clip by using the edit function and changing the gain, or if do it by changing the volume envelope, is the result the same or different in terms of audio quality? Thank you.
  7. Is Cakewalk the Rodney Dangerfield of DAW's? 😀 Seriously, as long as Cakewalk has enough people and revenue to be sustainable, I am happy.
  8. How do you do your Manual Offset?
  9. See my post below with the quote. Thank you.
  10. I remember that Mike Oldfield, sometimes called the master of overdub or something like that, did so many overdubs on one reel of tape that he had to toss the whole thing out. Would not have with Cakewalk!
  11. I understand that the text in markers cannot be made larger. I am wondering if this is something that can be look at in the Sonar version coming out? Does anyone else really care? Should I just get a better magnifying glass? 😄 To be clear, I LOVE CAKEWALK, and this is a minor issue and in no ways impacts my desire for the product. But it still would be nice to be able to enlarge the text.
  12. Can one make the writing in markers bigger? It is often difficult for me to see.
  13. I do not know how anything can last forever in its currect state when operating systems will obviously be changed from time to time. Eventually, the Cwb version will be problematic as it will no longer be updated. Therefore, it makes sense to have a version of Cakewalk that will be updated as needed. For me, that is Cakewalk Sonar. I suspect this will all be for the good.
  14. Can anyone indicate whether Cakewalk Sonar will have an easier way of developing themes (color assignments), perhaps even more preset choices of themes? And hopefully a preset theme on the "lighter" side like one I found in 8.5.3. Thank you!
  15. I do not think the price should be so high as to weed out people. It needs to be a high enough price that makes it sustainable for the Owner but also a low enough price so there is a critical mass of users.
  16. As long as it is a reasonable fee, does not lose current features, and as long as it helps the sustainable of Cakewalk for a long, long time, I am very happy.
  17. Yes. We are still at the baby stage of digital communication, and it tends to sound harsher than in person conversations (or even telephone). Fortunately, on this cakewalk forum, people are almost always very respectful to each other and it is not an issue. And people like the OP who seek an apology are high on my list as great people here.
  18. If Cakewalk by Bandlab needs more money to continue, and it results in some fees for updates, or something, I am happy to pay a reasonable amount. I do not want to go through that awful period again when Cakewalk had no sponsor until Bandlab saved it. So, Bandlab, please do what is reasonable to make this a sustainable product.
  19. Nice to know I am not in the boat alone. I have twenty years plus worth of files that I still need to access. So, I am grateful for all these bakers do. I have tried other DAWS, but nothing beats Cakewalk for me.
  20. I check everyday as well and sometimes more than once a day. This forum is saved as a favorite on my bookmarks bar. No pressure though on the bakers, as I am glad they are taking the time needed. I an grateful for what I have.
  21. The important thing is to get to know your speakers. Check out your mixes in cars, headphones, whatever your audience is likely to listen to music on. And get to know how your speakers translate. Example: Are your speakers bass starved for instance, and then you find out that there is a lot more bass on the headphones or elsewhere? Or the opposite? This is one of many examples. Once you really get to know your speakers, they can be great. There are a lot of great speaker choices out there from relatively inexpensive to expensive. Yamaha HS8 on the more inexpensive side. I like the Zen Pro Audio mod on those speakers. I mostly use Adam S3H and am very happy with those. Enjoy!
  22. In the old days I liked the idea of mixing midi instruments without putting them on tape first. So I had a tape deck with vocals, drums, and the like synced to the computer, with the midi instruments triggered by Master Tracks Pro. The mixdown deck was originally tape, but then changed to DAT, and now a computer. Anyway, when I wanted a DAW, I still had this idea in mind (i.e. not recording the midi instruments into tracks), and Cakewalk seems like the most obvious choice because it was so great with Midi. Anyway, I can still open up Cakewalk files from a couple of decades ago, with the latest revision (and earler revisions as well.) Now that DAWs can handle so many tracks, perhaps it is wise to record all those midi instruments into tracks. And I have tried other DAWs throughout the years, and Cakewalk is the winner by a longshot for me. And this forum helps as well!
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