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Everything posted by DocBob

  1. I couldn't find the link I got it from so here it is in text form.... Copy and paste into Notepad or other text editor, save as "Invert.cal" and put it into the C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\CAL Scripts folder. ; by MiRo ; This program will reverse the intervals in the selection. (do (int Event 0) ; Event counter for status line (int Hi 0) ; Storage for highest note's pitch (int Lo 128) ; Storage for lowest note's pitch ) (if (!= Event.Kind NOTE) NIL (do (message "Processing Note Event no. " (++ Event)) (switch Note.Key Note.Key (do (if (< Hi Note.Key) (do (= Hi Note.Key) ; new High Key 1 ) NIL ) (if (> Lo Note.Key) (do (= Lo Note.Key) ; new Low Key 1 ) NIL ) ) ) ) ) (forEachEvent (if (== Event.Kind NOTE) (= Note.Key (+ (+ (* 2 (- (+ Lo (/ (- Hi Lo) 2)) Note.Key)) (% (- Hi Lo) 2)) Note.Key)) ) )
  2. Well... did a bit of research and there is a CAL "Invert_Retrograde.CAL" In spite of its name it does NOT do retrograde, just inverts. I haven't looked at it detail but I did test it and it works, though I'm not sure how it chooses it's starting point relative to the key signature. Good enough though. So now you can do retrograde as a built in function of Cakewalk and invert using the CAL and do both to produce a retrograde inversion. Why do all of this?? These are tricks for developing a motive or phrase used by many classical composers.
  3. I want to invert a melody. The built-in function "Process/Retrograde" reverses a clip - plays it end to beginning. What I want to do is invert the intervals. So C-> E becomes C->G# A major third up becomes a major third down, Is there a CAL script to do it? Any other method other than grunt work?
  4. Alt Tab is a windows reserved key combo that cycles between open PROGRAMS. Cntrl Tab cycles between open windows within one program
  5. Answered my own question. The inspector pane was undocked, (since I never undock it myself, I assume the upgrade did) so Control Tab WAS cycling to the next open window. All is well. No other issues, no hanging.
  6. Control Tab opens the track inspector even though that key combination is unassigned in the Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts. It SHOULD be reserved as a standard Win 10 key combo to cycle through the open windows. Show/Hide Track inspector does not appear in the list of actions even though the "i" key is bound to it. Anyone else with this behaviour?
  7. Control Tab opens the track inspector even though that key combination is unassigned in the Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts. It SHOULD be reserved as a standard Win 10 key combo to cycle through the open windows. Show/Hide Track inspector does not appear in the list of actions even though the "i" key is bound to it. Anyone else with this behaviour?
  8. Thanks Promidi. As an experiment I loaded the Cakewalk TTS instrument and ALL the cc numbers are present in the dropdown list. So it is not an issue with Cakewalk per se, but it is directly related to my orchestra instrument, in this case the Garritan (Plogue) Arial player. Knowing this I'll just type in the cc numbers I need on the fly and be content that we've tied up the loose ends. Thanks all... Great place for expertise!
  9. Well ain't that simple! But not obvious. It is not in the dropdown list in my installation and I can't figure out why not. I CAN type it in. Thanks much.
  10. I need to use cc 102 - The list of cc controllers in the piano roll view is limited to only the ones that are conventionally assigned. (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95) My orchestra software uses 102 for legato. Any way of get it to work?
  11. Thanks David... makes sense, and I see the multiple controllers data, but I still don’t see the edit filter arrow..
  12. In piano roll view "Display Multiple Controllers" is grayed out, and there is no little arrow for the "Edit Filter" at the right of the cc lane name. I've searched for why for an hour with no joy. Anyone know
  13. I installed Orchestral Tools SINE player and "Layers" and it works fine as a VST in Cakewalk. But when I add it as a synth the Cakewalk dialog does not give an option for midi out. Does anyone know if I can send the output as midi to a different instrument? Why would I want to do that? In order to create single instrument parts and scores eventually. Thanks
  14. Can you get the SINE player to output midi to another track? I'd like it to output all the notes to another instrument patch. I can't figure out a way to do it.
  15. I have now an issue with latency but I will look online for a solution first before I bother you all again Use the ASIO driver
  16. I'll answer my own question. Somehow all the track inputs were set to the NanoKontrol instead of Midi Omni. Easy to fix, but I have no idea how this even happened! I never changed them myself so Cakewalk did without my knowledge or consent!
  17. I have a keyboard routed through a Roland OctaCapture which plugs into a USB port. I also have a Korg NanoKontrol2 plugged into a different USB port. I cannot use both at the same time. I have to disable the OctaCapture in order to use the NanoKontrol. The idea is to input notes from the keyboard AND add expression and modulation "live" via the NanoKontrol. REAPER has no difficulty with this setup so it I know it is not a windows issue. There has to be something in the routing of Cakewalk. Any ideas out there?
  18. Nope... click and drag selects everything including all the empty tracks; but you gave me an idea. RIGHT click and drag over all the clips and THAT selects only the tracks with data. Thanks
  19. Newbie question... I have a large orchestral template, but only use 10-15 tracks in any given piece. Is there a way to quickly select only the tracks that have data so I can then use ShiftControl H to show only those and hide the others? Selecting them one at a time in a large template is a real pain. Thanks...
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