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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Just put the effect of your choice on the channel. Preferably a low latency one. I don't understand why this is hard. Reduce the input gain and raise it with vsts before sending to the mains. Now you don't clip and it sounds great. You might use the cakewalk compressor on the track and the same with a high ratio for a limiter on the master out.
  2. Omni directs any midi to your synth. When you have multiple midi inputs that go to different synths you don't want omni. For each midi channel you want to select the correct input. Don't forget there are midi only plugins like filters and delays and other cool things.
  3. Lower the gain on your interface input tho reduce clipping. Raise gain with a compressor or limiter by adding them to the fx bin. You can also raise the gain on the track without risking clipping the input. You can still clip the output however.
  4. Twenty thousand hertz podcast is interesting. The mastering show with Ian Shepherd runs a distant second. Any others worth checking out?
  5. Out of line, but want to turn you on... It is like the coolest tempo syncd multi voiced pad ever. One of the loudest bands I've seen.
  6. Melda. I bought the everything package on sale. In part, I decided learning one plugin set was easier. I also had the cash. For years I've had their mastering bundle. They gave me a further discount for the plugins i already own. Honestly, i didn't know they had a drum synth [pretty fun]. They also gave a synth synth that sounds cool. Really, I've been starting slowly getting into them all. So many creative choices.
  7. @craigr68You don't have to use pcs to automate thu anyway. Just use notes. Works fine. I can make a video demonstrating if you really need it. I have some around thu and the fcb1010 i know. Whether they spell out the answers to your exact questions idk. Search YouTube for gswitz101 and you will turn them up. @Noel Borthwick sorry for the final off topic post. Ty for being awesome and fixing the bug. Craig and i can take this offline or start a new thread.
  8. I use thu with vst3 and i change banks and patches with my fcb1010. What are you trying to automate that you can't? I suppose i do save my usual patches in a bank to make it easy to shift through them. I have not tried mapping sets of commands to a single stomp or having specific stomps bringing up specific sounds. I can bring up any patch i like and use fixed stomps so no matter what patch i get, my reverb stomp toggles reverb and delay toggles delay etc.
  9. If you open the markers view you can select a range between any two markers. When you have no markers between your start of timeand end of tune markers you can select all and then click the ruler between the markers. If you are exporting a clip you bounced just click the clip.
  10. Sure. You can mix to a surround output if you want. You could choose some content for center, some for left and right you could even do a brief delay before the rear speakers if you want. It's hard to make it sound good without listening on a surround system of your own (even if you have to burn it to DVD and listen in your living room or a friend's living room. But, yes, you make a stereo mix 'surround'. You'll still have to pick music for each of the 5 channels. Front left and right should be easy enough. You can set rear left and right to the same or give it some small off-set. You will have the biggest struggle with the center channel I think. Channel tools plugin might help there.
  11. This is almost exactly what i use except mine are slightly lifted off my ears.
  12. I use a phone app called Chord! http://getchord.com/ It has all the chords, shapes, positions, scales... You can enter any set of chords and it will recommend scales to use.
  13. They oughta hold a follow up to the G7 summit a week later and call it the C Major Summit...Maybe that would resolve everything!
  14. You are at another level from me. I feel silly for having chimed in. I love playing jazz tunes but I am mostly terrible. I've been working on God Bless the Child most recently. I usually get distracted and just noodle for hours. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a 'How to learn keyboard' program from a million years ago that's awesome and teaches shells. I'd never heard of them before I started using that app. It makes a ton of sense to divide the 1+5 to the left hand and the 3+7 to the right on a keyboard. I find it hard to be so organized on the guitar.
  15. Hey Bill, don't forget to look for walking lines between the changes. Those can help it groove a little and also distinguish the A parts from each other in AABA patterns. By this i mean look for cases where you can walk a III of one chord to a VII of another for example... Either up or down... Chromatic is always a choice too.
  16. If you can, you might. If you can't you may never know what you might have done with the power. For me, i love to play my guitar through midi synths with high voice count pads selected. This works fine when i play slowly but as i quicken the pace, i cause issues because all the voices stick on one processor, usually the first. So, i let go and don't use it. I use weak second choice stomp boxes that aren't close to being as cool.
  17. With phantom, preamps matter less. That's part of the idea around ribbons that take phantom... Any preamp works. Different pres make a difference, but none as much as the Mic. Don't forget shock mounts for the mics too.
  18. Shifting between tools is kinda fun. As long as the handle doesn't break, i can dig fairly good holes with lots of shovels. Under pressure, I'll surely pick up a trusted, sturdy friend.
  19. flirting with the politics tos.
  20. Obviously taking a sec before 4.20. Duh. ๐Ÿ˜ Jk No, i can't think of what might cause all projects to drop out at 4.17. Have you used latency monitor to make sure you have your computer tuned for real time audio?
  21. Could you use a stack of midi filters to do this?
  22. https://www.ebay.com/i/323879731908?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=323879731908&targetid=475515018221&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9008393&poi=&campaignid=1669934840&mkgroupid=65058350539&rlsatarget=pla-475515018221&abcId=1139296&merchantid=6296724&gclid=CjwKCAjw1_PqBRBIEiwA71rmtfHdBqCFlWq8vBEM9MVMivNWM8jdmiKQyZoOd5vYse1AI3k87JieARoCvckQAvD_BwE I use a frontier design alpha track. It works with a 30ft usb extension that gives me plenty of slack.
  23. I have off ear headphones i can wear indefinitely. I cannot wear closed back headphones more than on hour or so.
  24. That's the type of thing that indicates it isn't authorized for some reason. I don't have that problem but I purchased the full version of Breverb. Is it possible you downloaded the full version as a trial and never purchased it and just forgot?
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