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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. I was really going for 2 things. One is midi devices and one is midi controllers. In the controllers image attached, you can see where the device is specified. Make sure the right device is specified for the right controller. When this gets flipped so the devices are controlling the wrong thing, it won't work. Below, you can see that my Alpha Track (AZ Controller -1) has been assigned to my RME UCX Midi Port. This is wrong. I will NEVER run my Alpha Track (USB) through my RME. To fix this, I can either plug in my Frontier Alpha Track and map it to this controller or I can delete the controller. If I do nothing, I cannot use the Midi from UCX Midi Port 1 for anything, including soft synths.
  2. I've been listening to the Audio Book 'In Pieces' by Sally Field. Wow! What a story. I love hearing about her journey as a performer.
  3. Watch for clock speed. You wouldn't want to trade lower clock speed for more cores, I don't think.
  4. In the preferences, you can choose which midi device is mapped to your controller. It is default behavior that when you unplug the midi device mapped to your controller, if you have another midi device [rme] it maps that. It is very confusing behavior but easily fixed of you recognize it. If that does not fix it for you, try removing the controllers temporarily. Then add them back. I have a frontier alpha track for which the azslow driver does wonders. http://www.azslow.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=0869hkhnigi7pbn5kbp8occol0&action=downloads I'm not sure if this might help you too.
  5. Do you have links for why the gates foundation is under investigation in Sierra Leone? I can't find it on snopes or general searches. Too much similar but not useful stuff to dig through.
  6. With respect, i don't believe the gates foundation is evil. I've read a lot. I've visited. Nothing I've seen suggests this might be true.
  7. There was once a day when I'd be buying up spools of CDs, but ... shrug... times change.
  8. I use an fcb 1010 for this. Works fine in the latest version of cakewalk. Route the midi to a midi enabled synth, like thu. Do midi learn on the pedal of choice and play away. Search for videos on YouTube of fcb1010 and cakewalk or sonar.
  9. It's an art to extract midi well from a recording. In melodyne there are a number of controls you have... You can set windows to ignore tones outside the instrument range. You can change sensitivity for how strong a tone must be to get a note. Play back the recording, watching the midi and correcting mistakes. Takes time to get good at it. Even converting drum replacer to midi you have the same stuff going on. Eq windowing. Threshold. And it still could make mistakes you can only correct manually.
  10. I've not cleaned a Mic. Interesting thought. But i don't eat them either.
  11. If you add a midi controller in preferences and then unplug the device routed to it, the next midi device will automatically route to it. I don't think this is useful behavior. My Alpha track never routes to my alpha track controller through my interface. 🙂 But, you have to go unassign it or delete the controller. Every time you start cakewalk it will assign midi to the controller and then you will not be able to record from that midi device.
  12. This bugged me too. I use a gr20. Check you controllers list in preferences. Make sure your midi isn't routed to a controller. Delete the controller if you find one. Hth
  13. I think it must be the tubes.. My friend has a regular Fender champ and a moded one. He likes to run moog synths through them. The moded one now arbitrarily makes noise when you play through it. I have a fender deville 4x10. I play it using a rock crusher attenuator most of the time. It gets so hot you can smell it. You can get different odd sounds sometimes when you run the tubes that hot often. I'll never go back though. It makes me wonder how often big stage musicians change tubes. Do they let their amps cool completely before moving them? What's different about how to keep your amp working when you really drive it all the time? I will say we drive those champs hard too. We crank them up until the break up. Thanks for the suggestions to clean pots, Jacks, etc. I do that. On the moded champ we can get it to work pretty well on one of the two input channels. The other one sounds awful. Does that help pinpoint the issue? I should make a video. 😃
  14. I use s to split. Does that do it? Ctrl+x to cut.
  15. Misha, I've tried to repeat your case in an effort to help. I haven't been successful and I'm out of ideas. Sorry I couldn't help. I did notice that when I made really complex projex with tons of tracks that the GPU was not pushed. I could get things to slow down a little once I had more than 100 take lanes of audio and midi spread across 20 tracks but while monitoring the CPU and GPU, they really weren't taxed. Things just moved slower.
  16. How do you fix a crackly channel in a tube amp, @kennywtelejazz?
  17. The personality out the amp shows more with the regular cable. More expressive. But for rhythm work or amp Sims it's cool.
  18. @kennywtelejazz Sure have! Playing it now at a friend's house on fender bronco champ. Using a tele. We are both marveling at it. Thanks @Craig Anderton
  19. Do you have any audio wave forms in Midi tracks? Just curious.
  20. Are you showing PRV for the tracks? Are there tons of muted notes represented on the PRV for the muted takes?
  21. I think the problem is being driven by large amounts of stacked midi and the math required to resize it all. What happens if you select the midi tracks and change the Time Base to Absolute rather than Musical?
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