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Craig Reeves

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Posts posted by Craig Reeves

  1. How to reproduce:

    Create a bunch of tracks, a mix of simple instrument tracks and audio tracks.

    Create a bus. Name it whatever you want.

    Select all the tracks and and hold CTRL.

    While holding CTRL, go to the Inspector of one of the tracks selected and assign to the bus.

    Check each track to see if the output is indeed the buss. *Some* of them will be assigned to the buss, but not all of them.


    I am running the latest version on Windows 10.

  2. Yes, I am aware that it works when you have a .ins file, but I do not have a .ins file for the synthesizer that I'm using. It seems that the only bank numbers that are accepted in the Event List's patch change settings are ones "known" by the instrument definition. But Cakewalk should not assume everyone has an INS file for their instrument, especially with newer gear.  This needs to be fixed. INS files are very difficult to come by these days for newer gear as the overwhelming majority of producers these days are using virtual instruments exclusively and so there just simply isn't much of a demand for INS files.

    Typing in any bank number works fine in the Track View.  Each MIDI track in the Track View seems to accept any bank number typed in. This imposes a limitation, however, as program changes mid-song cannot be done via this method. The Event List needs to operate in a manner where no matter the bank number entered, it is always accepted. We know what we're doing...we don't need Cakewalk slapping our hand. Strangely enough, as said earlier, clicking where the "---" is and dragging the mouse upward will get you whatever bank number you wish, but that takes an eternity, especially for bank numbers in the 1000's. It's just a bug that has been overlooked because, as I mentioned, everybody's using exclusively VST's now so it's been overlooked for a long time.

  3. Not all of us only use VST's, and would like to use outboard synthesizers via MIDI.

    Because of that, patch changes need to be made easy to do and there isn't a .ins available for the tone generator I'm using.

    Because of that, I have to insert my patch changes manually.

    Unfortunately, this feature doesn't work in Cakewalk.

    I'll try to describe what is going on.

    I'm trying to switch to Bank 1024, Patch 5 via a program change insert. So when I go to the Event List (Alt+8) and insert a new event and choose Patch Change as the kind, I then double-click under the "Data" column, and a dialog called "Bank/Patch Change" comes up, allowing me to type in the Bank and Patch number. So I put in 1024 for the Bank and 5 for the patch and click "OK". Unfortunately, the Patch is saved but the Bank number is not. It shows "---" instead of "1024" like it should. I should be able to insert whatever Bank number I want. However, what I CAN do is click where the "---" is, I can click on that and drag my mouse up and it will begin to slowly scroll up the numbers. This is the only way I can actually choose the bank number I want. The problem is that it is bank 1024. It would take a very long time to scroll all the way up to that number. I should be able to type the number in the dialog that pops up and it should stick. 

    This problem has been with Cakewalk since at least Sonar X2.

  4. 14 hours ago, Craig Reeves said:

    As it currently stands now, Cakewalk allows you to VIEW multiple tracks in the piano roll, but you can only edit one at a time (while the others are grayed out).

    Seems like this is a basic feature that virtually every other major DAW has but Cakewalk. Isn't it now time that we're allowed to do this? It isn't uncommon where several tracks have a notes that needs to be moved. Would be nice to be able to select them all and move them in the piano roll.

    Again, this is another one of those deals where Cakewalk is literally behind everybody else.

    This post is false. My apologies.

    Cakewalk does indeed allow you to edit multiple tracks in the piano roll. It's just that the setting by default is that it locks every track that isn't in focus, but this can be turned off by going up to the View menu option in the piano roll, showing the Track Pane and turning Autofocus off.

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  5. If you look at other DAWs like Logic, Digital Performer, Cubase, Studio One and I'm sure others as well, you're able to zoom out vertically to where the tracks in the arranger view are so tiny that up to 50 tracks can be seen at once. Cakewalk allows you to zoom out horizontally extremely well, but vertically, the tracks can't get super narrow the way they can in other DAWs.

    This is a feature that I think would greatly benefit for film scoring in Cakewalk because you can see more of the music at once. In film scoring, because there's so many instruments a film composer wants to have access to/uses, there can be hundreds of MIDI tracks they're using. In other DAWs, you can see more of the music at once. 

    • Great Idea 1
  6. As it currently stands now, Cakewalk allows you to VIEW multiple tracks in the piano roll, but you can only edit one at a time (while the others are grayed out).

    Seems like this is a basic feature that virtually every other major DAW has but Cakewalk. Isn't it now time that we're allowed to do this? It isn't uncommon where several tracks have a notes that needs to be moved. Would be nice to be able to select them all and move them in the piano roll.

    Again, this is another one of those deals where Cakewalk is literally behind everybody else.

  7. I just downloaded IK Multimedia's MODO Bass and in Cakewalk by Bandlab, when I play, notes either don't play at all or the MIDI notes hold out forever. The same occurred in SONAR Professional, so this is not a new problem and has persisted for years.

    This issue only seems to occur in Cakewalk. MODO Bass works fine in every other major DAW. So this seems to be a problem specifically with Cakewalk and not with MODO Bass.

    I do not have this problem with any other VST2 or VST3 I use in Cakewalk by Bandlab, whether it be Kontakt, NEXUS3, Synthogy Ivory, etc.

    This problem occurs with MODO Bass whether I am using VST2 or VST3.

    I tried restarting my computer and reinstalling MODO Bass. The problem persists.

    Once the MIDI data is recorded, the playback works fine and all the MIDI data seems to be what I recorded, but playing live is where the problem is.

    The problem seems to go away when I turn the buffer size (latency) all the way up but that shouldn't have to happen as I have a very fast and very powerful workstation machine where far more demanding instruments and sampled orchestral libraries do not have this issue.

    I am using a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 and the latest version of Cakewalk by Bandlab.

    I understand Cakewalk by Bandlab isn't one of the "mainstream" DAWS everybody's using these days like FL Studio, Ableton, ProTools or Logic which might be why there haven't been enough complaints to get anybody's attention over at IK, but I've seen others raise this issue  in posts that are years old yet this issue still seemingly hasn't been addressed.

    Thank God IK was nice enough to provide a trial version of this product because I would have thrown away hundreds of dollars on a product I cannot use. 

    But every other DAW can cooperate with MODO Bass, I think Cakewalk should be able to as well.

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