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John Maar

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Everything posted by John Maar

  1. I made it almost all the way through solving those equations until I hit a "divide by zero" and the whole thing failed. Does that mean my free Jampoints are worthless?
  2. Brrrrr. What's amazing about Arcachon is that we're at the same latitude as Boston, but had no snow this winter, and only one or two days where the windchill dropped all the way to -1.. Celsius. About +30 Fahrenheit. Nice winter! A couple of areas up north along the English channel could get 5-10 cm of snow today. Just some cold wind from the north here.
  3. I did some more clicking around, shut down AT5, walked my dogs for an hour along the bay down by Le Moulleau, came back and voila!, there was ToneNET working in AT5. Must have been the dog walk. 😅 Loving France, still working on my feelings for IKM. 🤪
  4. Not sure what you mean. I clicked on the ToneNET link in the v5.4.0 update, which opened a Chrome window and took me to a page where I created a ToneNET alias for my IKM account. Back in AT5, all I get is the 103 error. When I click on the globe icon to the right of the big ToneNET button, I'm taken to an IKM ToneNET web page that shows me logged in with the alias I created. The initial wizard you refer to is no longer available in AT5, so I'm stuck.
  5. Still throwing a 103 error message for me after multiple tries. Tone.net user profile verified. YAIKMUNRFPT Yet Another IK Multimedia Update Not Ready For Prime Time
  6. I know that Steinberg is working on a new licensing scheme, but I avoided Cubase specifically because of the eLicenser dongle. I had dealt with iLok's various dongles going all the way back to the Centronics port app-specific dongles. You could "supposedly" chain a couple of them in series, but that never worked. Only the dongle physically connected to the port worked. The others in the chain never did. And iLok NEVER provides any assistance, always referring you back to the app provider. I wasted a bunch of money on Steven Slate's plugins which required the iLok USB dongle, which was unreliable on my desktop DAW and used up a precious USB port. Slate added cloud support, but that's worse than a physical dongle. They refuse to: a) support iLok's soft licensing (to the PC), and b) respond to any attempt to communicate with them regarding the issue. So, I swore off physical dongles. The fact that Steinberg is working on some kind of soft licensing process is no longer relevant to me. I'm past the point where I'd make a major investment (learning time and money) in a new DAW.
  7. I bought a license to Studio One Pro v2 before I bought one for SONAR. The only real reason I got into SONAR was the forum. The Studio One forum was, and continues to be, of little use to me. I stopped using SPLAT when it transitioned to BandLab. I also stopped using Reaper because I was spending too much time screwing around with the GUI and not recording. I had kept updating Studio One, and returned to it full time. Nothing is perfect, but no regrets here, either.
  8. John Maar


    Money gone. Used all of my JAM points. The two AUBs and the fretless Jazz made it a worthwhile upgrade for me.
  9. The Orange Vocoder v4 was demoed at the Frankfurt Messe in 2018, but has yet to see the light of day. Not holding my breath.
  10. It's not just that. A number of vendors install their product to the Windows Public/My Documents folder, a place I never remember to look. I've wasted too much time searching for installed content and not finding it. I always seem to forget to check the Public User folders. I couldn't find the install folder to do the update, then followed the video advice to use Kontakt, and voila, there it was. Sheesh. I HATE it when vendors use the Public User without asking me during the initial install process.
  11. I purchased and installed v2 (upgraded from v1), but haven't had time to play with it yet. FWIW, v1 with the expansion takes up less than 400 MB of drive space. v2 comes in at close to 1 GB with the expansion, so there's a lot more going on that makes the $70 upgrade price reasonable. YMMV.
  12. On the off-chance that you haven't heard this classic by Sir Mashup.
  13. And a loverly good morning to you all from France.
  14. I had a 3-DAW limit. Studio One Pro, SONAR Platinum and Reaper. I'm now down to one, Studio One, that is. I was wasting too much time going back and forth between DAWs. 🎸
  15. I followed a 12-step plan and am now happily Steinberg-free! And I'm going to stay Steinberg-free.
  16. The steelpan samples are from 2012 (when I bought the library), but have aged very well. It's about a 4 GB download, but covers all of the different steelpan instruments, plus a couple of oddballs. Nothing like adding some steelpan to a reggae backbeat. Caribbean fusion!
  17. Yup. Thought of that when I woke up this morning. Fixed in initial post.
  18. StudioLogic has just released a wonderful free instrument plugin, Numa Player. It is available for Windows, Mac and iOS. It comes with standalone and plugin versions (VST3 for Windows; VST3, AU2 and AU3 for Mac). The total download is only 200 MB, so the instruments must be modeled, not sampled. The standalone version only supports Windows audio (not ASIO) with a fixed sample rate of 48K and a fixed buffer size of 480, but I'm using the VST3 version, so that's not an issue. Numa Player has 4 parts: Acoustic Pianos, Electric Pianos, Keys and Strings & Pads. There are several instruments in each part. Parts can be overlaid (an EP overlayed with a pad, for example). Very cool! A 3-band EQ, delay and reverb are available, as well as instrument setting controls. Only the Intro video (0:53 seconds) is listed. The Acoustic Piano demo video is unlisted and clickable at the end of the demo video. The Electric Piano demo video is clickable at the end of the Acoustic Piano demo video. Etc. Fantastic! Numa Player by Studio Logic - FREE
  19. I already have licenses for all of those except Clarent, and I have no interest in another Orange amp sim. What I have in Amplitube 5 is sufficient. I care way more about bass amp sims, anyway.
  20. I HATE it when things install to the PUBLIC user's folder. Sheesh. I NEVER think to look there, but guess what? That's where Output installed the freebie IRs. Many thanks for pointing me to that folder. I went back into REmatrix's Preferences and pointed it to that folder. If they're going to use that folder no matter what the user specifies, then why on earth do they ask (require) you to specify a folder, and then not use it?
  21. I tried it with the VST plugin (in Gig Performer and Studio One; stopped using SPLAT when it went splat, so no more Pro Channel) and with the standalone app. Same problem in both. EDIT: The problem was that I had no User folder defined for REmatrix IRs. I created an Overloud/REmatrix/IRs folder on my samples drive, pointed REmatrix at that folder, and voila!, able to drop/install the free IRs. I think all the other optional stuff I installed was presets, so an IR folder wasn't required. Live and learn. Thanks to those who took and time and responded! EDIT #2: Here's what's weird. There's nothing in that folder! For the life of me, I can't find where REmatrix put those IRs.
  22. That's what I'm doing, but all I get is Windows cursor changing to the European street sign for "NO" when it's over the plugin UI.
  23. I was able to download the IR file no problem, but I'm unable to drop it on to ReMatrix (full). I have no user folder specified for user IRs, but seem to have installed all of the other ReMatrix packs on my new laptop. Can't remember how I did that. Off to class. Will work on it this afternoon.
  24. What do I get from Impressor that I don't get from MasterComp ($199) that makes it worth $69?
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