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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. good track and on point - like the guitar tone, fits perfectly Mix sounds good here cool Nigel
  2. Hi Douglas - thanks for those positive comments, really appreciated Nigel
  3. this is excellent - loved it, especially the choral parts cool Nigel
  4. Tim - cool version of such a classic - good job Nigel
  5. cool but as Lynn said a bit short!! Nice stuff Nigel
  6. Bajan Blue

    Time to Wake

    good track enjoyed the listen - sorry to hear about the computer issues - hope you get that sorted soon Nigel
  7. Bajan Blue

    The Darkness

    this is way cool Bjorn - i really really liked this - made my Sunday Cheers Nigel
  8. Good track - i enjoyed the listen Nigel
  9. Good track Barry - i do like your vocals Cool Nigel
  10. sounds really good, like the mix - great playing as always Nigel
  11. pleasant listen and nicely done Nigel
  12. Tiny Tim - my sister who was working in the US for some chap called Hugh Hefner (another story!!) brought me back a copy of a Tiny Tim record - i was very young at the time and I put this Tiny Tim episode down to why I turned out as I did!!!!! I do like your stuff Jesse - always reminds me of when I first listed to Captain Beefheart - i loved his stuff and i still have my original vinyl copy of Mirror Man - a few of the others went somewhere or another but this one still gets listened to!! Keep well Nigel
  13. Like this Bjorn, sounds good and love the video - I live in the middle of a bird reserve so love watching them Nigel
  14. I have the full version of Decoda ad I use it quite a bit as a writing tool - you can put your track into then change tempo and key - it does lots of other things but I don't use them - no idea what the LE version can do but as I said the full version is really useful
  15. Bajan Blue

    Hear my call

    nicely recorded and mixed - great energy cool track Nigel
  16. Paint me Yesterday Guys Here’s the second track we have recently done a video for from our 2014 album, Stop The Bloody Trade. It’s called Paint me Yesterday. Hope you enjoy it Nigel
  17. Exactly my thoughts - sounds like you could turn this into a good track Nigel
  18. Bajan Blue


    Great playing and I think a really good mix - really enjoyed the listen Cool Nigel
  19. Bajan Blue


    I think some of the advice people have already offered could be helpful - especially re the top end Nice Guitars and the makings of a very good track Cool Nigel
  20. nicely played and good tune but as others have said dying out for some melody or vocals perhaps Good stuff Nigel
  21. Cheers Gary - I appreciate that - whilst we didn't spend the usual time on the mixing of this it still came out ok - thanks for the comments Nigel
  22. I've just used this on a track off our latest album - honestly I don't think I could have achieve this with a Different delay - was really something very different - definitely going into the final mix Nigel
  23. I thought it was the opposite of lifeless - after twiddling for a while got some great movement in the repeats - it really seems you adjust about anything - I am pretty sure there is a demo you can download
  24. Nicely recorded and pretty catchy Cool Nigel
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