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Milton Sica

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Everything posted by Milton Sica

  1. I ask if it would be possible to generate a single midi track and use the TRANSPOSE plugin via automation or the ARTICULATION MAP to make the notes. Via automation I couldn't see the Transpose plugin control that I could use for this. In the image an example of how I think it could be done.
  2. Thank you very much. Unfortunately this doesn't help much, because the biggest problem is precisely knowing where (time) in the project each file should be placed. Perhaps this could turn out to be a very interesting logging implementation to record. It would be great to be able to identify exactly the time where each recording/wav should be inserted.
  3. RESYNC AUDIO IN PROJECT / TAKE POSITION LISTING IN TIME This week I had a problem in one of my projects. I don't know how, but all the audios (WAV) were excluded from the project. The Audio files were all in their own folder intact. However, as there were several takes I had a lot of difficulty in repositioning the files in their original positions in the project. Then came a question: Is there a list in Cakewalk that tells you in which positions/time each shot starts? That way it would be much easier to put the wavs back in their correct places.
  4. Hello. I was using 14 and I also migrated to 15 which, from what I've seen, already has more parameters and settings. I didn't test with polyphonics. Only with my voice, because I found it interesting to make some "phrases" in the arrangements of my songs that, sometimes, as I'm not a great keyboard player, made it easy for me. This is how I generate the "basic melodic line" with the voice. Even though the migration to MIDI wasn't 100% correct, then it became easier for me to make the edits on the Piano Roll.
  5. The manual is very complete about using MTuner. For my part, I got better results working on reducing or increasing treeshold. https://www.meldaproduction.com/download/documentation/MTuner.pdf
  6. Hello. Usage is quite simple. 1 - Include MTuner in an AUDIO track with the solution's image settings. 2 - Include a synthesizer. 3 - Configures the synthesizer input for the MTuner that will appear in the input list. 4 - The result of each generation is improved using Mtuner settings. There is documentation that can be accessed directly from the plugin. I've mainly used it to generate some melodic lines with my own voice for strings, guitar solos, etc.
  7. SOLVED 1 - Enable plugin mid output 2 - Enable plugin mid output in Cakewalk Menu
  8. Would anyone know how to route the MTUNER midi? The plugin documentation describes it this way. MIDI output panel contains parameters of the integrated audio->MIDI converter. You can use it by accessing the plugin's MIDI output. Please refer to your host's documentation for details about MIDI routing.
  9. @Noel Borthwick Post here, because it was here that I posted and to praise the new policy of the Forum and its moderators that I found much more positive than deleting the topic. My thread was removed from the thread it didn't refer to and reclassified by moderators as a new thread. That is great ! Congratulations ! To this new evolution I would add, when this is done, to allow the user to know the operation. I really liked this new policy.
  10. I bring a problem that I found in a project. I don't know if it's from this version or from others, but I'll explain: 1 - I have a Battery VST (Mt-DrumKit) that I forward to a BUS. 2 - This BUS transmits to the Master. 3 - I muted all the drum tracks (wav/mid) and the VST itself, but when exporting, the drum tracks are generated in the exported Wav file as if they had not been MUTE. I thought it might be something from the pre-recorded task. I redid the procedures to rewrite the task and the same keeps happening. I only got what I intended, that is, to mute the drums when, even with the MUTE of all the tracks triggered, I put all the volumes in INF.
  11. Clarification question. Would there be or is there already a way to specify the blocking of the mouse scroll operation or edits in tracks or projects? My question is based on the fact that sometimes I do mouse operations on a part of the screen where the mouse cursor is already, but the operation actually takes place on another part of it. Example: I want to scroll the PAN fade on one BUS, but end up performing the operation on the fade of another. The impression I have is that the movement and positioning of the mouse on the screen is much faster than what actually happens in DAW times. The mouse has already arrived where I want it on the screen, but in the program it is still in the previous position. It's just a clarification question.
  12. Hello. Could you explain better how the timer works, because, invariably, in projects where the PANs are changed. It seems that these are scroll movements with the mouse wheel that have been buffered. Perhaps it was important to lock mouse wheel operation when it was in operation.
  13. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsPUYud4sZK5gch2yyWkn71OM67cvw?e=ggJain
  14. Thank you very much. I thought the DUMP was gone, but realized it's too big to post on the forum. I will send you a private message with the file in the folder I will share.
  15. Error encountered when trying to delete tracks from the BBC Symphony Orchestra 1 64-bit version. Follow Dump. MM_Pelos caminhos_03142022_201528.txt
  16. Attempting to convert Audio to MIDI is always running into an error that calls Melodyne.vst3 despite not having Melodyne installed on the system.
  17. I'm afraid it might be something with a MIDI Clip that I imported into the project. Whenever I copy and paste it migrates from the original midi track. I'll attach the midi clip so if you can, check if that's it. Jorge_Ben_JorIve_Brussel.mid
  18. Am I missing something from this update or has it made some different preference settings in the Copy - Paste and CTRL-Shift Copy MIDI operation? By doing such operations instead of copying, you are cutting.
  19. @Noel Borthwick Very good your approach and also that of the other friends of the forum that are helping me a lot. In this line of thinking, it might be the case that the DAW itself increases in detail what it does by monitoring performance in execution and recording. Detailing better, if possible, the consumption of each plugin on the application and going further to allow the user in this future generated list to turn on/off plugins that are consuming more performance?
  20. Thank you one more time. Your clarification was very important and I was able to isolate the problem that was happening with the Adaptive Limiter. I followed the steps performed in the IGNORE RACK FX operation and was able to isolate the problem.
  21. Thank you very much for the clarification. So, to better understand, when I use the option IGNORE FX RACK does this? "The DAW recalculates PDC when effects racks are bypassed and when the audio engine is reset." My understanding is that turning effect to effect off the DAW, recognizing that ALL EFFECTS are turned off would execute the same IGNORE FX RACK rule. Interesting that latency is only reset when IGNORE FX RACK in MASTER. I end up identifying that one of the effects contained there is that it is causing latency. How to identify which effect is actually causing the latency. Turning off an effect and simulating the operation turns the audio engine on and off?
  22. I use a Keystation 49es keyboard and experience latency when my master effects rack is on. As below... If I use the menu option "IGNORE FX RACK" I get "zero latency". Press the key and the note comes out immediately. But if I deactivate effect by effect, one by one, the same result is not obtained. Latency remains. My question is about what happens internally in each of the operations, because I think that turning off effects one by one until all are turned off, should be the same as when IGNORE FX RACK.
  23. Thanks. I always record 44100/16 as I always export in that configuration; I didn't really understand the meaning of these 3 types of monitoring, because I didn't notice any kind of changes even increasing monitoring volumes via headphones or an external monitor. • USB/Direct Mono/Direct Stereo switch for monitoring mic, line or instrument inputs in stereo or mono I use active monitors, but the monitoring of the button itself, even at level 10, I found very low.
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