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Esteban Villanova

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Everything posted by Esteban Villanova

  1. Studio One. I get an error message when scanning... I remember it happened before. I think it may be a registry thing. Same thing with Amplitube 5 (4 works fine).
  2. I've been using the NI ones but really don't like them. I have the Lounge Lizard Session one which is physical modeling that I'm going to try later today as my last few projects convinced me that I don't like the sound. Arturia also has some modelling EP's, a few patches are included in Analog Lab. I'm going to install the Addictive Keys collection again to see if I gel with those.
  3. "SK10 is a free audio plugin that simulates a sub-kick microphone." Pretty cool concept!
  4. I jumped through the hoops and didn't get the plugin.
  5. Just because you have it it doesn't mean it's not a new freebie since it's a paid product.
  6. It's been in beta for about a year. It's a one man spare-time show.
  7. Yeah, 300 is crazy. Trying to milk the last drop out of their faithful users, who are usually running professional studios in Europe and don't mind the upgrade cost *that much*. Being the powerful DAW that it is, I wonder if it wouldn't sale A LOT more if they priced it similarly to Studio One, for example. Maybe they dread the inevitable increase of support tickets... EDIT: OK, it's worth pointing out that the upgrade cost is for the Suite version, which comes with quality 3rd party goodies. To upgrade Samplitude proper costs $200.
  8. The installer was useful to realize how many cool freebies they've got, as well as to update Crunck V2 which I didn't remembered that I had. I love me some pedal plugins
  9. Not very versatile. I would get Musio subscription for 10 bucks a month to start with good sounds (Cine Samples) right away.
  10. Damn, I just got the trumpet and trombone...
  11. Si amigo, pero componer para UN instrumento no es lo mismo que para un ensamble o una orquesta. La partitura te da una imagen de TODO el arreglo que un piano roll no te puede dar.
  12. Performance and composition are different activities that require different mentalities. If it wasn't the case, we wouldn't have career composers or performers. If you're making music with few instruments going straight to DAW makes sense, but if you need to orchestrate or arrange something more complex, you're going to need to notate. Anyways, I don't care about theoretical assumptions or logic stretching, I was just responding to OP. Everything is IMHO, YMMV, yadda yadda... Edit: just to clear things out, the process I'm trying now is: Imagine music, sketch music on paper, flesh out arrangement on paper (could change to notation later), move to DAW and record/program each instrument reading what I wrote. This way I'm not composing to my sample libraries, nor to my limitations as a piano player.
  13. Yes, I was composing from muscle memory and not musical imagination. With pen and paper there's the music in my mind and the page. When you write with VSTi's you end up writing for the samples you've got instead of them playing the music you made. Notation also gives you an overview of the harmony, voice leading structure, timbre, and motivic development that a piano roll cannot provide.
  14. That's a great point. AI music comes at a time where culture is so dead anyways that it hardly makes a difference in the output.
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