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Esteban Villanova

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Everything posted by Esteban Villanova

  1. Hi, I've recorded a percussion instrument playing quarter notes and I'm attempting to create a tempo map based on it so the metronome and the grid follow the performance. AudioSnap recognizes the transients but when I click on 'Set project tempo from clip' I get some weird behaviors. If I set it to 'Beat' it creates a tempo map based on the average clip tempo, but if I set it to 'Measure' or 'Clip', the audio clip is moved forward a bit and the tempo map is all screwed up, not recognizing the transients as the new tempo. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi, When I started organizing my plugins and creating layouts for them, I didn't realize that you had to create one layout for effects and one for instruments. I made one for effects and then I tried selecting it from the instrument tab of the browser which prompted a crash. Another bug I found: I made an FX chain consisting of an amp sim plugin (Mercuriall SS-11x) and created a UI for it with knobs and buttons. I saved the FX chain and when I drag it from the browser into the ProChannel of an audio track, everything works as expected and I get an audio signal. But if I save the track with the FX chain in the ProChannel as a track template and then I insert the new track template there's no sound coming out of the amp sim. I can see the audio going into the plugin on the input monitoring meter on its graphic interface, but the output monitoring is not moving. If I bypass the FX chain module I can hear the guitar again. Can anyone reproduce this? Last update is great, btw. Thanks for the great efforts!
  3. Maybe try the beta Focusrite driver at beta.focusrite.com
  4. It would be so useful to have tap tempo function right there in the transport section and to be able to click and drag the tempo from there too. Please?
  5. Yes, a bit of graphic coherence would be nice across the board. These are the small details that make the program seen "unfinished" and rushed. Hopefully details like this will be a priority at some point.
  6. This one is extremely important for me too... Please!
  7. Transport and other controls work fine with here with the same controller. Right-clicking vst knobs and clicking 'Learn MIDI' does nothing though, maybe I'm doing something wrong...
  8. Embertone Arcane (a free library) qualifies for the crossgrade. Just bought it yesterday for $125, great deal! There's lots of free libraries, take a look at the freebies section of Vstbuzz.com
  9. Nevermind, managed to solve it by deleting the control surface entry of the keyboard and loading it again in the preferences.
  10. Hi, I just installed the setup files to use the Impact LX25+ with Cakewalk and it doesn't work at all. Before installing the files it worked as a midi keyboard with no transport functions but now it's just nothing. I followed the Nektar instructions and checked inputs and outputs of track but don't know what else to do...
  11. Hi, just bough this. If I install the 5 CS, will the individual modules also have the new GUI? Thanks.
  12. I didn't know that you could open SF inside CW either! Will it work with SpectraLayers?
  13. An underrated thing about the PC is the ability to create custom UI's for FX chains so you can control any plugin the same way that the included modules. I want to start creating UI's for my amp sims to control them from the track inspector and map the controls to the knobs on my Nektar Impact. Talk about workfkow!
  14. Snap to grid: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Tools.18.html To create an automatic crossfade (real-time): Click the Track view Options menu and choose Auto Crossfade.
  15. Would be cool to have a section where members can showcase the music or projects they’ve done with Cakewalk.
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