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Esteban Villanova

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Everything posted by Esteban Villanova

  1. What says on the title. I have the arpeggiator and input quantize engaged. The previous clip ends exactly at the beginning of the new bar where the punch in is. If I play the note before the punch in, it doesn't register. If I play it after it will be recorded, although it won't make a sound. Any setting to fix it?
  2. I'm having some issues with the arranger track. I recorded some midi and created an arranger section. If I move, copy it, or suplicate it, it doesn-t move the track content with it. If I define the section as a section type everything works fine. Is this by design? EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out!
  3. Thanks, I actually messed with the colors in preferences and the numbers showed up again. Is there any way to reset the colors?
  4. I made the bar numbers disappear from the time ruler somehow. Can't find anything in the reference guide so I guess it's a bug? Also, Cakewalk is installed diretly in my C drive, don't know if it was like that before or it's an Early Access thing. I also had a crash with my Nektar Impact LX25+ contoller. I tried to find the crash dump but I didn't find the "Minidump" folder where it's supposed to be.
  5. Hi, I noticed that Cakewalk installed in the root folder of my C drive. Is there a way to change it? And is that by default?
  6. Thanks for the update! The new plugins are appreciated but is there a possibility to make the UI's larger? They look very small on my 1080p monitor.
  7. I would like to use the mousewheel to change track height. This is very useful! Also there's a bug with the vertical zoom tool. If there's any track selected besides from the first one, if you click and drag down and back up, you end up all tracks hidden above the visible area so you have to scrool up again. Thanks!
  8. I have it installed but haven’t used it much. I’ll check it out soon!
  9. Yeah, pretty heavy on CPU but this thing sounds ridiculously good.
  10. Reaper's great but not very user friendly at all and they don't have a UX designer on the team and the devs seem to be proud of that fact. The next release (probable 6.1) will have a BUNCH of improvements on many areas so at least it's getting better. I'd love to use CbB as my main DAW but automation is nowhere near REAPER level, same as CC editing. Also zooming in CbB is just weird, never got used to it.
  11. I'm actually eagerly waiting for Bandlab to improve automation and CC editing to switch from REAPER... It's so close to being all I need!
  12. Key switching is cool and notation too but I’m not convinced to ditch REAPER or CbB for it. I really hope the Bakers implement some kind of articulation manager soon ☹️
  13. Se activa solo. Lo bajaste usando el Bandlab Assistant?
  14. Happy 4th of July to all Americans! *Freedom intensifies*
  15. can you use rack extensions with this? there's a bunch of free ones.
  16. Hi, I'm trying to transfer an iLok license and I've just realized they don't accept PayPal. Does anybody know of a prepaid virtual debit card that I can top up using my PayPal funds? Thanks
  17. Man, sometimes things work out in such a weird way! I've been looking for something like this for like 3 days and I had given up and this just shows up here! Exactly what I needed at the time I needed it! Thank you!
  18. Micro Pod 1 and 2 are also VERY nice freebies on Kontakt Hub.
  19. Really cool! Includes almost all pianobook libraries in a nice five layer engine.
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