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Esteban Villanova

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Everything posted by Esteban Villanova

  1. Hi, So, I dragged a loop, stretched to fit project tempo, bounced, made into groove clip, looped section, changed tempo and it all works fine. But if I use AudioSnap / Clip follows project, instead of Groove Clip, the loop goes out of sync with the metronome when the loop restarts. It changes tempo to fit the project, but it gets increasingly ouft of sync after each repetition.
  2. Any way to make CW change track selection to the track of the currently selected clip?
  3. You can demo it for 90 days too, which is nice.
  4. I wonder if version 10 will drop soon. They've been working on it for a long time.
  5. I had 50 reward points since years ago. I think it’s because I bought Reason 10 at some point.
  6. I got The Legend for free in the Rewards Shop! I emailed Synapse Audio and they gave me a VST license as well!
  7. Same about REAPER and Studio One. I’ve been mostly using REAPER for a few months exclusively and now I’ve returned to Studio One and the whole workflow and user experience is MILES ahead... I’m not coming back unless I need very specific things done. I’ve tried Waveform a few times but I always got crashes, even with the stock plugins (😐) but 12 has a rewritten engine, so let’s see if it’s better. I always keep CbB installed without using it, maybe a future update will convince me to give it a proper go!
  8. I may try the free version for one of my new projects to see how it compares to Studio One and REAPER.
  9. The conparison chart says something like ‘advanced MIDI’ wasn’t included in the free version. Any idea what’s that?
  10. More free stuff from the developer: https://www.kvraudio.com/developer/zone-sk interesting things!
  11. So, the profiles created will be available to be played on Amplitube or some other software/hardware product?
  12. Link doesn’t work for me 😐
  13. Yeah, I got it and it's pretty good.
  14. NI killing it with the confusing titles!
  15. I don’t think good sound selection is being lazy, it’s actually an integral part on any workflow. If you have to spend a long time making things sound good in a mix you may need better sources.
  16. I expect W12 to be a government mandated OS for our brains forcefully inserted through our rectums. Fun times ahead!
  17. Yeah, I thought inner political tensions had driven the senate to assassinate the Emperor. Thankfully the Empire still stands!
  18. YouTuber "Fans of Mixcraft" said yesterday that the beta will be sent to testers on August, so there may be and end-of-year release.
  19. oh yeah, the good ole' Mitsubishi W4nker 😁 I thought getting the claps was not something you decide, but rather happens to you. I predict that will happen to developers. They're all getting the claps because they couldn't help themselves.
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