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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. That used to be in your sig didn't it? 😄
  2. I hear it's legal in the 3 southern states. Not the one I live in though. Nope. ðŸĪŠ
  3. Sorry to hear that Bill. Hope the power doesn't go out again tonight. ðŸĪžðŸŧ I heard they are doing rolling outages all across the midwest grid because people are using too much power to stay warm. Repair guy is coming tomorrow morning to look at my stove that blew up when the power went out here last week. I had to plow the road and my driveway so they can get in tomorrow morning and it was -17F when I started. My outside temp thingy said it warmed up to 8F when I was done. Took me 3 hours. ðŸĨķ This weather is crazy.
  4. A Cakewalk hover car? Yeah, nothing could go wrong there except maybe go crash in the loudspeaker. 🚗🔊🚑
  5. I hear Sonar Producer 8 is on sale though at Musicians Fiend. I mean, Friend.
  6. Holy! I would think that would be illegal to sell wouldn't it?
  7. I was going to say we're frozen and can't move. It's -17F here right now. But I think I'm getting him mixed up with BobF. He was from MO. I don't remember. I got hit in the head by a 12 ton bus. My memory ain't what it used to be. Back on track, @aidan ... this is interesting. I'll check it out. As soon as I thaw. ðŸĨķ
  8. Pro Channel did the same thing though. And they were stripped down versions of full blown VST's. I do agree with you that it's not a good idea to do that. I was very disappointed when I first started using S1Pro and found out the VST were locked to it. On the other hand, they were pretty crappy until version 5 just came out. They really updated all of their VST's. My biggest criticism of them is they are excellent at telling you about the things they want you to know and even better at avoiding certain things they don't want you to know. For example, in a subforum here I was talking about how it took me 4 days to set up routing external hardware on my Presonus interface. What it boiled down to is you have to disable their virtual mixer and only use the inputs that have gain control knobs with the built in mic pre's. That's not in any manual anywhere or in any of their setup video's that I could find. What that means is, all those extra inputs I paid for are rendered useless in my setup because I wanted to set up all of my external mastering and processing hardware so it's always on and ready to go. You can easily route external hardware through S1 via a special VST they include with it that compensates for latency. Nobody that responded to me on their forum knew that either. In that regard they are very bad. They make great equipment and software but you are kind of on your own setting it up and figuring it out. And their forum is all but dead. CbB has the most helpful user group I've ever seen. Always has.
  9. You can use most of their VST's in any DAW just not their synth. You have to install an add-on called Presonus Hub to do it. That said, there are plenty of things that came with Sonar that were locked to Sonar. Not everything was usable outside of it. CbB just doesn't include those any more. And like you said, just use something else and stop complaining. Go use a different screwdriver.
  10. I'm still using I skipped 4 and just signed up for Sphere for a month and started using 5 last week. It has some new really nice features compared to 3.5. I will say one thing has changed that I don't like that goes way back. When booting up it used to take less than 3 seconds from the time I clicked the S1 icon till I got to the start page. Something happened a long time ago during the early days of 3 and now it hangs for about 10 seconds or so when it hits the Melodyne loading part. I contacted both parties and neither knows why. They say it shouldn't happen. I've even done a fresh install of my system to fix it thinking something got corrupted and nope. Something changed and that's just how it is now on my system. Others have checked for me and are not experiencing that. So there is one problem that kind of stinks.
  11. Interesting. Seeing how the Studio One Professional 3 release only went up to version 3.5. 😁
  12. Thanks. I'm thinking they don't have an OS at all actually. I know the RAID part is set up in BIOS and you can format them with a bootable USB thumb drive. I bet that's what it is. I'll look on youtube once I find new adblockers. They figured out how to defeat the ones I use and it's near impossible to watch youtube now. Uhg.
  13. Hah. I've always read that backing up on to discs is bad because they go bad and laser rot and yadda yadda yadda. Yet I have two huge boxes full of them I burned over 25 years ago that still work perfectly. My first adventure in computing was when I wanted to add a SCSI CD burner to my system. I got exactly 0 good burns out of it before I ripped it out and threw it away.
  14. I just looked in my Presonus account. I've been using Studio One in one form or another since January 17 2011. Over 10 years. My old DAW was a lower end i5 with 4GB RAM. Sonar would crash on it multiple times a session. With the same exact 32bit and 64bit VST's, SF2's, same exact external hardware Studio One crashed 0 times in 5 years of usage on my old DAW. Eventually the HDD failed and everything stopped working but I was running S1 off of one of those little tiny flat memory chips used in camera's connected to an external USB reader and using extra's of those cards to store projects and samples on. Since I built my new DAW going on 5(?) years ago now (see my sig) S1 has crashed 0 times. X2 won't even open on my new system and CbB crashed on me the other day twice. But it is extremely rare CbB crashes for me and I have no trouble with the Pro Channel now at all like I did in X2. The Pro Channel would actually turn itself on and off back before it had an on/off button in X1 and X2 and become unresponsive. I had X1 and X2 set to autosave every 60 seconds. That's how much it crashed. I have no reservations about using CbB whatsoever like I did with X2 and I don't even have autosave set up in CbB. I fully expect all software to crash at one point or another so I consider CbB to be just as stable as S1 seeing how I can count on 1 hand the amount of times CbB has crashed on me. It's rock solid for me how I use it on my PC. 👍 So there's a real world comparison from a single user. fwiw.
  15. I'm not sure what a synchronization license refers to. I never looked it up. I took it to mean you need to get a license if using part of the original song along with the original artists video but I don't know. Seeing how you can't upload anything to youtube unless it is in video format then everyone would have to get a sync license, no? Take this guy for example ... I can't believe he's contacting every copyright holder of every one of these songs he puts out video's for. And he puts out a lot. But maybe he does, I don't know. Youtube is sending mixed signals on what is and isn't acceptable. For example the video I did that they took down, gave me a strike for, then put it back up and told me I could monetize it. I still have all the emails and the video is still there and can be set public with monetization. Not that I ever would. I'm not going to worry about it either way. Side note, I either read or watched a vid a while ago by a guy saying it's better not to copyright your own material now. I forget the reasoning behind it and if I can find it again I'll post a link to it. It made sense at the time when I saw it.
  16. Can you explain your NAS a little? What software controls it? I'm thinking of building one from an old i5 cpu based mobo I have in a case. I even have a video card. Just need drives and older ram. But I can't seem to find info on what software it is that runs them.
  17. A lot of us feel that way. I understand being a big supporter of a product but I think it's offensive when people immediately put others down and show absolutely no empathy at all when someone vents their frustration. It isn't like we all haven't done it at some point ... lighten up. (Not talking to the OP) I used to get incredibly frustrated because way back when I was working I only had a few hours on the weekends to record and blow of steam. I spent 99% of my limited time trying to get Sonar to be stable. I once offered to box up my audio interface, PC, and cables and ship to Boston in an effort to see if they could make it work. The offer was declined. Since the stock answers always seem to be just avoid doing what you're doing and it's you not the software then maybe you need a change of scene? A lot of us went to Presonus Studio One Professional when the Sonar X series arrived. Craig Anderton writes really good how-to and tips-tricks articles for Presonus that come up on the start page of S1 a lot. I think every Friday iirc?? You can try out the full pro version of S1 and everything they offer for 30 days at a time for a small fee or try a limited demo of just S1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using more than one DAW. I find myself switching between CbB and S1 regularly. Good luck.
  18. I've done the changing of the wrong fader many times too. 😄 I doubt there's any emulation for any of the ART gear. It's low end, but the funny thing is, it's in a lot of pro studio's. I see a lot of youtube video's from guys in real working studio's who love it. Although I see the price is going up on it. I use the mechanical bypass buttons on the unit to set the output level so it's equal to the pre-processed input and then I bypass Pipeline in Studio One to A/B the original signal to the ART. If I just rely on the bypass on the unit it's still going through it technically and I'm not getting a true bypass. My problem is I get too lost in VST's. I do much better with just a few knobs that I have to manually adjust. Especially with EQ's. I can spend hours tweaking 1 track with Melda's AutoDynamic EQ. I just compared the remix I did the other night with the ART routing to the original mix of the song completely ITB and there is a night and day difference. One thing I like about using Pipeline in Studio One is, you can reverse phase with it and then use the mix slider to blend it in with the original signal. Although that could be done ITB too. Two things have completely changed the way I mix and master that I have discovered in the last week. This routing thing and the ease of adjusting spikes in your waves in Studio One 5 now. It is so easy and it's graphically responsive so you can see the changes you are making to the waveform in real time. I'd like to upgrade my Melodyne 4 Studio to 5 Studio that detects sibilance and allows you to adjust it so you don't have to use a de-esser next.
  19. Looks great, if you can get it. Stock seems to be a bit of a problem these days everywhere. I just tried to get some balanced cables at my local G.C.. None in stock. Had to order them on Amazon.
  20. What I don't agree with in regard to YouTube is the fact they can give you a copyright strike for a private video set to non-monetization. If it's all scanned automatically by a bot then it should be that if you would ever set it to public and/or monetize it they would know immediately and then block it, notify you, and perhaps give you an option to purchase a mechanical license rather than delete your video and give a strike. If they had half a brain, as soon as they discover you have uploaded a copyrighted work, they should demonetize the video, block the video, and put a link next to it in your account with a quick way for you to obtain a mechanical license. I honestly believe that most people don't do it because they simply don't know they have to or they don't know how to go about it. Or they are like me and feel like I should be charging them for the exposure and if they take it down so be it. If not then that's ok too because I don't expect anything for putting it up. What I flat out disagree with though is someone who would put a cover up and ask for donations or monetize the video. I've never heard of anyone getting sued because they posted a cover of a song. I'm sure if we scoured the net we could find something but I did a quick search and the only thing I found was an article about Prince suing the family of a toddler who was dancing to one of his songs on YouTube. I actually have a lot of songs on my channel but 100% of everything is set to private. About 50% are flagged and say I can't monetize them. I've only ever had 1 strike and I had it removed within minutes. Here's a good link by a lawyer that explains how copyright works on YouTube in a quick easy read.
  21. Do you mean GTX 1060 video card? I've been watching those waiting for the price to go down but it keeps going up. They started out around $275 used 2 months ago now the lowest I've seen them is on eBay for $300 Buy It Now including shipping. They usually sell for more after shipping when people bid on them. That's a 5 year old video card. It's crazy.
  22. It was 100% done by me. It was just a midi backing track of drums and bass. I think on small channels like mine there is a manual review maybe and I think someone messed up. I could be wrong but that's my gut feeling.
  23. I had YouTube take down one of my video's. I was playing just the lead to a famous song, set it to private, and no monetization. They took it down and gave me a copyright strike. I contested it and they removed the strike. So in my experience you can have a cover taken down on YouTube, even if set private and don't ask for money. If you get 3 copyright strikes on YouTube your channel is automatically deleted.
  24. If you like folk type stuff these folks are live now. He's a boat builder and she's the original artist who made the Boba Fett costume. https://www.twitch.tv/allmusicconsidered
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