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Magic Russ

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Posts posted by Magic Russ


    3 hours ago, Canopus said:

    It definitely doesn’t happen every day that a new Rapture/Rapture Pro sound library gets released so anyone using those synths should take notice. Sound design by Francesco Silvestri and Chad Beckwith. As the included 1.8 GB of multisamples consists of uncompressed wave files they can of course be used elsewhere as well.

    Yes, and you don't often see new soundware for abandoned products released.  It makes me wonder if they know something we don't.





    Universal 120 Volume 3

    Sale price$14.99 Regular price$29.99

    Universal 120 Volume 3! The third installment in the Universal 120 trilogy. This project has been a labor of love for years, working on designing inspiring presets for Rapture. We hope you enjoy playing U120V3 as much as we've enjoyed developing the sounds. U120 V3 features an all new Multisample pool of content featuring analog synths, retro keyboards, Modular Synths, Digital Wavetables, Vintage Drum Kits, Spectral & Granular processed samples, and more.


    Creative – Enjoy over 600 new Rapture presets to inspire your musical creations with Rapture & Rapture Pro.

    Expressive – Extensive use of Rapture's modulation parameters.

    Fun – New samples of unique instruments to spark your tracks.



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  3. 3 hours ago, Tiger The Frog said:

    In the future, there will be new blocks and racks sold by third parties. These partner blocks can be used by anybody who has Blocks Base.


    The future is already here.


  4. They updated Reaktor to 6.3


    ADDED Visual representations of the audio in and out terminals on panel, supporting up to 40 ports

    CHANGED Text module “view” properties default state

    ADDED Min width and height properties for instruments and macros

    ADDED New font “Roboto Condensed Light” for the text module

    ADDED Global switch from A to B view for all instruments at once in Ensemble mode

    IMPROVED Design of the interface in Rack mode. Four new buttons in the header now allow for switching between view states “Compact”, “Ports only” and “Ports and Wires”. Additional toggle switch for “Show Structure”

    CHANGED Design of the structure view in Rack mode. Removed breadcrumb navigation and Bookmarks bar. Changed color theme and design of structure view

    REMOVED Unnecessary properties in Rack Mode. Properties are now reduced to Midi in and out Settings on the connect tab and the bankchain settings on the function tab

    ADDED Coloured wires - eight different colours are available to distinct wires in a patch

    FIXED Automation ID issue: when deleting a Block the Automation IDs don’t get auto compressed, but keep their original ID

    ADDED Consistency for file and project name in Rack mode

    CHANGED Behaviour in case of loading a project with non applicable host chunk. If the Rack file is not loadable due to missing instruments referenced in the file, the host chunk will be preserved to be applicable after fixing installation

    REMOVED The option to “minimize” instruments and to switch A/B view via the header in Rack mode

    IMPROVED “Extended view” in Maschine & Komplete Kontrol enables panel patching

    CHANGED The sample map editor in Rack mode. The sample editor is showing only relevant options / functions, as the sample map editor in Reaktor Player

    REMOVED Context menus for panel and structure view in Rack mode

    CHANGED Handling of missing instruments. As the Rack format is relying on referenced files, a new error message guides users how to fix issues via Native Access, or the installation of 3rd party content

    ADDED "Welcome Screen" on start up

    ADDED "Load new Rack” entry to the Preference “On startup”

    ADDED Dedicated NEW.nksr Rack file to the Library folder of the application

    FIXED Accessibility of presets via the toolbar. This issue occurred specifically with REAKTOR instruments like FORM

    FIXED Crashes on Core Structure Navigation

    ADDED Context Menu for Device Types "Instrument / FX" to the Rack File Drop Down Menu in Header


  5. I was trying to make a backing track so that my son could practice "Iron Man" to just the bass and drum track.  I found a couple of midi files that sounded promising, but each had some parts that were right and some that were wrong.  So I thought I would try and stitch together the parts I like.

    At this point, I have a midi file which is mostly right, but I like the drums better on another one.  The problem is that one file is at 76 BPM, where the other is a half time 152 BPM.  Is there a way to process a clip so that the timing of the notes is halved or doubled?

  6. For the most part I use Rapture Classic to do editing and use Rapture Pro as more of a preset manager.

    Rapture Pro got off to a bad start for a variety of reasons.  While I appreciate that it was like Sound Center on steroids, it didn't seem to be the upgrade to Rapture that Rapture users wanted.  There were a few embarrassing bugs as well.

  7. Recently I tried to create a track with Pentagon I in  CWBL.  It gave me some odd message saying something like it was not installed properly.  I pulled out my X3 installer and reinstalled that plugin but ended up with the same message.

    Of course, it works fine in Sonar Platinum.  Any Idea why it works fine there but not in Cakewalk by Bandlab? 

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