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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. you could use Waves Studio Rack to create parallel also... but sometimes having the plugins serialized is the end goal... then again, when you have 16 cores and 11 are used at any one time -- is that a problem? 🙂
  2. definitely strange - if i drag and drop a sequence -- if i double-click to open PRV - i see individual notes. if i click on the clip, i then see all the extraneous notes. the ADSR plays it as expected, and the AD2 of course plays all the notes - bad. i dragged the sequence into EZDrummer and it worked (no extraneous notes, but not aligned to correct pieces in the kit - cymbals instead of HH etc) so it seems like dragging into CW and getting the extraneous notes is a bug of some kind. there doesn't seem to be a way to export from ADSR so no idea if the MIDI output could be triggering something that CW pays attention to, and other apps do not (a CC value etc)
  3. not sure the difference between the H/W vs buss. but congrats! i'm a big fan of the export dialog. the options for tracks, stems, and in my case, i have "PRINT" buss which taps off the master pre-fader so i can adjust the master level (monitoring) and not impact the final buss output. then i set up tasks to export tracks or WAV rough mix (if record template), or WAV and/or MP3 2-track files (if mix template).
  4. i used to set up a dedicated Melodyne folder on my project drive for all separations -- but it looks like it changed in the not too distant past as i was checking the settings and found i could not change it! this is annoying since my documents folder is on my OneDrive which means if i forget to pause it, it will be conflicting with the synchronization functions. so i'll also need to exclude my cache folder from the AV as well. then found in the help file: Please note: The location of the audio cache is predetermined and cannot be altered: Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Celemony\Separations. macOS: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Caches/com.celemony.Melodyne/Separations
  5. thanks for this! do you have a HW controller device to manage adjusting the CC or using a mouse? or some combination? in my mind, have a MIDI controller with a number of knobs set to CC # would make initial changes "easier" and then zoom in and adjust for more detail.
  6. i liked it. one consideration - maybe also speak to how some of the instruments have articulations (and/or key switches) which may assist in the creation of more realistic / fuller performances (trills, legatos, staccatos, slides, etc etc) (i noted in your event list in the article: Virtual Orchestra Composition and Production by Guest Author Jerry Gerber (soundbytesmag.net) https://soundbytesmag.net/virtualorchestracompositionandproductionwithjerrygerber/ -- you had patch changes / notes about the articulations 🙂 )
  7. there are some references floating around but it's easier just to see the file types it supports via the standalone app: the ARA code doesn't seem to care about the audio depth as it's just coordinating the process - Melodyne itself uses the transfer and separation folders to store individual snippets (one good idea is to periodically it clean up).
  8. fair enough - the proper HW is going to be better for sure. 🙂 for me, the times i use "low latency" for live recording (vocals, guitars, etc) -- the 6ms RTL is fine. 😉 20 seconds to align any skewed tracks and done 😛
  9. that's because they're called "UMC Driver" 🙂 basically in their downloads, lower units clearly show ASIO4ALL as the driver, and all the bigger units they call the UMC drivers. i can go as low as 8 samples (0.5ms) on my 202HD unit but typically don't go lower than 64 samples which is about 1.5ms each way so about 6ms total round trip. and only use it when recording live stuff. otherwise for mixing and virtual instruments, i just keep it at 2048 samples (about 100ms round trip).
  10. nope, it's definitely not ASIO4ALL. 🙂 its a real ASIO driver which works most excellently.
  11. @RexRed @Starship Krupa the lower end units use the ASIO4ALL, the HD and larger units have real ASIO drivers - one of the reasons i picked the UMC202HD - it uses the same ASIO driver as my larger UMC1820 unit. as a note: i have ASIO4ALL installed but don't use it EXCEPT for a couple of older VST synths via Tone2 where is seems to work the best of all drivers. no idea why, but it just does. so it's hanging around solely for that. otherwise everything else is either the default system drivers or disabled 🙂
  12. when groove clipping it, you need to be sure to set the number of beats in the clip to get it to be the size you want.
  13. so your saying that the disabled driver got re-enabled? i just leave my devices alone except for the realtek. and just use my Behringer ASIO drivers.
  14. you need to disable the driver in device manager, not uninstall as windows will see the hardware and load the last known driver. if you disable, it will remain disabled (unless some update reactivate it) and it won't keep reappearing. same for the realtek etc any drivers except ASIO (which can be uninstalled usually, if not, disable it).
  15. that's rude! it's called "yoga mixing". try to stay current with all the cool trends or face being left behind! 🙂
  16. try taking the s out of https. i got to the page but the images didn't load. so going to unsecure (port 80) allowed them to load (likely due to references to http on images or separate hosting and cross-site scripting restrictions etc.)
  17. thanks! like i said, the links are broken 🙂 someone probably has to spend some quality time with the DNS and finding nice ways to ask users to clear dns, arp, and perhaps other caches...
  18. so convert bass samples to MIDI? some options include using Melodyne (i think minimum assistant to get MIDI out), or using EZBass (or an equiv product) which can read in audio and create the MIDI (or even suggest MIDI...) in general copying and pasting and edit MIDI via the PRV is pretty easy to do. so let's say you have a serie of bass line samples you've joined up and now you want to add the chords in MIDI - i would use markers first to identify the chords, then edit the MIDI in PRV to copy and paste the chord sections (presumably you meant chords and melody) over the bass line. conversely, you could take and convert the bass samples to MIDI and edit that to match your chords etc.
  19. so, something like a "chord" track to shift chords? e.g. i move the order of the chords from C-F-G-C to F-C-G-C? and the melody notes would follow that change of chord? or specifically within the chords for something like inversions? e.g. notes in the C chord => C-E-G get first inversion E-G-C or second G-C-E etc
  20. TSO? saw a couple of their concerts - based significantly on late 18th century and early 19th century rock, but hey! what's old is new right? lol.
  21. i'd start with the CW redistributables install to see if that does it, and then see if the RME "repair" or reinstall preserves user settings or wipes them (likely found in their site support or forum)
  22. not clear on this - you want audio samples to be inserted into the MIDI grid? or assign each note in a MIDI grid to a different instruments or audio sample player? i mean, in theory you could set the resolution in the matrix to a beat or note length value to play a sample based on a note or notes.
  23. my guess the thump on stop might be when the attack of the instrument is kicked off but the note terminates (either due to it being too short for the instrument to fully articulate the note, or the stop call). with the "standard groove" from EZbass dragged onto the MIDI line, i did not experience the stop thump (or any). i have experienced "spikes" "transients" "thumps" when doing stops but usually it's drums or pads and sometimes guitars. but not usually the fault of the instrument, more the speed at which i'm operating the transport to stop and restart etc.
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