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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. Give me the Reason not to crossgrade.
  2. chris.r

    XLN OLI Updated

    Shhh.... don't get Larry started on this
  3. C'mon, you can't leave us just like that! Your job is to prepare us for the inevitable outgoings so... what can we expect next??
  4. The good news is that IK now has money from the group buy to fuel future development. 👍 We all win! 🥳Especially the users! It will be cool to see what new stuff you guys bring to us! We're ready for the next group buy!
  5. Just wondering how much will I have to pay first for something to get it as a free addition...?
  6. Can't cope with the post count... again Hi Larry! 💪
  7. Next sale 40% off probably right around Xmas. Just 10% difference which is not much and a lot at the same time
  8. Yep, roland cloud authorization method sucks
  9. Are there any good D-10/D-50 emulations apart from the expensive Roland Cloud? Like we have Dexed which is pretty amazing, same with PG-8X. Also there's VirtualCZ that can be had for a small fee. But what about D-10 or 50?
  10. I had some issues with Solo over last view Cakewalk versions. Did you update recently? There were some Solo bugs but they seem to have fixed them in the most recent update (can't confirm myself as I didn't update yet to the latest).
  11. Yup. I thought hitting Esc key should just 'deselect-all' right there, but Noel disagreed.
  12. Yet in such powerful DAW like Cakewalk, if I have a synth or hammond organ track with many different CCs (organ track can easily have more than 20 if live recorded), there's simply no quick 'select all CCs of that same type' (lasso-selecting all events of a given controller pane is not a quick select-all).
  13. "Please ensure you are running SSL Native 6.3 or above to use the machine-based licensing method." What is SSL Native 6.3 or above (I'm new to SSL software)? Thx
  14. We've been watching free MIDI keyboard being delivered to ED... wait, go back
  15. I'm tempted with these 3 but can't help but think it's a waste... I'm a keyboard player 😂
  16. Right! They were added later along with some AT5 MAX gear. Here's the list: and a few more: Nu-Tron III bottle 563 tube VM
  17. from the GB FAQ: WHAT PRODUCTS CAN I CHOOSE FOR MY FREE ONES? You can choose any software product in the “Qualifying Products” section above of equal or lesser value than the product you registered. This excludes hardware products. ARC System 3 is available as a free product only as the "Software Only" version. In addition a few products are marked as "Not selectable as a free product for 25 Anniversary Group Buy promotion." like the Electromagnetik and Cinekinetik bundles.
  18. Hitmaker XMAS edition: Headbanger carols for infants
  19. I created a MIDI track with some MIDI notes and CC1 events in it, put the CC1 controler pane in focus then Edit>Select>All and hit Delete. It did the same ctrl+A would do - select everything along with the notes - and deleted all. Was hoping for a quick way to select just the control events in the CC1 pane but it seems there is no quick way, only through By Filter or manually with lasso...?
  20. Hitmaker halloween edition: spooky barps'n'farts how about that
  21. LOL we should really print this out as a banner for this forum for Larry
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