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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Still the same old deal for Legacy Bundle owners - I.E. $149 Hard pass.
  2. PSP VintageWarmer2 updated to v.2.10.2 CHANGES: - added AAX Silicon native format, - updated PageTables (Protools) for improved parameters' name displaying, - added downscaling GUI, - added dropdown menu to PSP PresetBar with predefined scaling values, - added copy/paste (cmd+c, cmd+v) functionality for text edited values, - improved shortening preset names in PSP PresetBar, - improved overall stability. BUGFIXES: - editing text values in LogicProX (only ARM version) was causing whole screen to turn pink - fixed, - plugins were sometimes crashing Protools while loading presets from Protools' Preset System - fixed, - fixed hints' look in dark mode (macOS), - plugins were passing only left channel in Reaper if track had more than 2 channels - fixed, - plugins were crashing DaVinci resolve while loading session - fixed (it is actually DaVinci software's problem that session data is invalid, so the fix is rather a kind of hack that we prepared for our users to bring up some solution), - minor bugs fixed. DOWNLOAD: Update is free of charge for the current PSP VintageWarmer2 users. 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) If needed you can always return to the earlier version.
  3. Tried the Skye Dynamics demo in the Windows version of FL Studio to see how it would handle a problematic vocal track currently using double compression (2 plugins) just to rein it in to where you can ride the fader to make the subtle adjustments. Maybe not the fairest test but it is the kind of situation where I would envision I'd most need to use a plugin like this. First impression - not thrilled. BTW - I totally acknowledge that all of the issues mentioned below may be on me or my system and that YMMV. In Fl Studio (latest Windows release) - once you click on the plugin it steals the keyboard focus and you have to click entirely out of the DAW to get it back. This means if the DAW is full screen you end up either having to set up a loop while you work with it or control the transport with your mouse. Edit: Found quick fix - there an icon on the plugin wrapper to "Allow the plugin to handle keystrokes before the host does" Clicking it 'off' fixed this issue. the silence periods - where it automutes are particularly annoying. I totally understand why it does this but - it seamed to mute every time I was trying to make a sensitive adjustment, then I'd have to use my mouse to reposition the transport and try again, then again, etc. Working out the interactions between the different layers (expansion, compression, limiting) was a bit opaque. I wasn't seeing what I was hearing. The compression ration of the limiting layer in not adjustable nor explained. Doesn't sound bad but it would be nice to know. The manual wasn't of much help. I'll try testing the plugin again later after I watch the walk through video (instead of skimming it) and see how much of my problems with the demo are self inflicted.
  4. I've created a drink to celebrate my plugin deal addiction called American Plugin ***** Ingredients: 1 shot FOMO, 1 shot Buyer's Remorse 1 shot Burbon coat the glass with Angostura bitters (gives it a little zing and a nice red tinge) and serve with a little pink umbrella to remind yourself that mature and mentally sound people probably spend their money on other things. If you're married add 1 shot of Angry Spouse, 3 (and an extra shot of Burbon) if they have any idea how much you actually spend on plugins. Variations - instead of Burbon... British Plugin ***** - use Gin Russian Plugin ***** - use Vodka Mexican Plugin ***** - use Tequila etc.. you get the idea. If you're under 21 there's the Jailbait PS version - use 7up instead of the booze. Be forewarned that this drink is extremely habit forming. Edit: LOL the censoring makes it look nastier than written!
  5. ... decided that the post belonged in the Coffee House instead
  6. Don't know if it was extended but sale ends August 1st (per web site) https://www.adsrsounds.com/vendor/moog I played with ClusterFux, then the StagePhaser, then watched (most of) @Zo's video and broke down and bought the rest of the set. This is the cheapest I've seen them go for & they're fun. Possibly someone will have a July 4th sale but que sera sera. I usually procrastinate on buying things till the sale is about to end and have more than once forgotten about something until after the sale ended and been pissed at myself.
  7. Looks interesting. You can download a trial version at https://www.signumaudio.com/skye-dynamics
  8. I saw the offer with the Music Theory class to be able to post the certificate on your Linked In page. Lol - not good thing when your day gig views non IT endeavors as 'distractions'.
  9. Thanks @Fleer for the code, very helpful. I bought the BitWig 8 Track to Studio upgrade from Musician's Friend. While I couldn't apply the 15% July 4th holiday sale discount I was able to use my points/credits to save an additional $34.
  10. I found the "Introduction to the Music Business" class under this link
  11. Classes start today but enrollment has been extended - from https://online.berklee.edu/ As Mettelus mentioned, I enrolled and this came up (not a show stopper) Note: If you decline you're offer the same certificate bundle for $41.65 when you sign in - option is open for 6 days)
  12. If you search the forum for 'tritik' you'll find that Tkdelay and Irid rate highly among Bitflipper and some of the other forum power users.
  13. Have all the free courses filled up? Not seeing any, only free samples lessons. What I see is stuff like: 3-Credit Tuition $1,515 Non-Credit Tuition $1,265 which to my eyes means I'll need to pay either $250 or $1,265 to attend.
  14. As Larry said - they have always hit the Max discount. Not that I recall. But to quote the Gret (OTS):
  15. Now at 855 participants / 40% discount!
  16. Some dude already beat you to announcing this... Maybe you should kick his butt, show him who's boss!
  17. Yes, that would be most generous of you. Thanks
  18. Thanks @jngnz wasn't thinking that it was sold at 3rd party vendors. 🤪 There are currently some decent upgrade options to BitWig Studio if you have BitWig 8 track ($259) or 16 track ($219). Unless BF is going to have better prices (doesn't look like it according to Music Software Deals) I'm considering picking up a license at PluginBoutique and just sitting on it until I have the time to fully explore it so that I don't burn through my free upgrade window.
  19. Anyone know if the clock starts ticking on a license when you but it or is it like Cubase (i.e. when you register it)?
  20. Is it worth the extra $ for the Platinum Edition? Do the extra models really help?
  21. @mibby Good catch! The manager looks pretty new - don't think it was there last time I checked. The latest version was released in June, current version is v1.0.23 "You still need to figure out which ones you own because there is no 'My Plugins' option" I thought so too but turns out it can identify** what plugins have been installed and will show if they are up to date or if there are available updates! If you have demo'd but not purchased a plugin and just deleted the VST instead of uninstalling it, you can uninstall it via the Manager so you stop getting nagged about updating a noninstalled plugin. **edit: the manager could only identify 1/2 of what I had previously installed. I had to install the 'missing' plugins with the manager for it to know what was installed or not; but now it looks like it recognizes them all. left clicking on the ellipsis of installed plugin...
  22. Hi E.D. - not picking on you, just giving information. CPU is probably the bottleneck. CPU architecture has improved a lot over the last couple of years and an i7 in itself is no longer an indicator of sufficient performance. E.G. I had a 2012 Alienware i7, 24GB RAM, 2 4TB SDD Samsung EVO drives and finally had to concede that it was outperformed by my kids newer i5 powered laptop. I found this info googling around... In general you will get better performance with a newer i5 vs older i7. Older i7's (like your i7-6700HQ) were 4 cores with 8 threads. Newer i5's are either 6 cores and 6 threads or 6 cores with 12 threads. The i5 9600K achieves better performance than the i7 7700K, and the i5 10600K achieves better performance than an i7 8700K. UserBenchmark: Intel Core i7-6700HQ vs i7-7700K Don't know if upgrading your CPU is an option, but in terms of bang for the buck might be worth checking out.
  23. SoundToys Spring Sale ended June 14th If last year is used as the model the next big sale is probably BF/end of year with one off sales (individual plugins or lite versions) occasionally in between. Also JRR Shop or other 3rd party vendors have one off sales from time to time. Edit: or you can pick up a used Sie-Q on KVR
  24. My upgrade price from 9 Pro to 10 Pro is $79.99 Don't think that this is an intro price (no info if is or not). The question is if I'm not going to immediately use it should I hold off hoping for a sale?
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