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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Hopefully you're better at it than this guy.....
  2. I wondered why it needed such a big stand.
  3. BB is a soft furnishings critic........who knew ?
  4. First off, if you haven't already, I'd be talking to Spectrasonics about the issue. They're pretty quick to respond to issues in my experience. In terms of upgrade cost, I got 20% off @ T&S using T&S voucher, but that was pure luck that it came just as I was about to buy. Spectrasonics don't do sales, but personally I don't mind that - better than buying it and then seeing it's 50% off the following week - at least you know where you are with them, right? The arp function is very much improved in the newer version if you use that type of thing. I didn't bite on upgrading v.1 until 2.6 version, but I don't regret it.
  5. I certainly hope that he's not paying "a professional" for that.
  6. I always figured that almost everything in the CH is made up. Do you honestly not know who Bapu really is?
  7. It could be...... if Hofenbacker was a blind guy who made bass guitars.
  8. Having had a quick look at it my first thought was that a fake website would probably look more professional.
  9. In your case it will just scan your vst folders, quit before it even gets halfway through and replace the UI with....
  10. I don't even know what it tastes like. One of those things that has never appealed to me in the slightest.
  11. Design idea for the next one .....😀
  12. I did and it doesn't say that which is why I asked.
  13. 2 for $19 or 2 @ $19 ? I guess it depends what you have already...in my case there are 15 assorted packs @ $19. I think it's slightly misleading the way they describe their older sound packs as being for the latest version. Ok, they work in the latest version so technically they are Chromophone 3 sound packs (for example) but it would be more accurate to just call them Chromaphone sound packs (or whatever synth) rather than by implication suggest that they are made specifically for the latest version.
  14. Is the handle for when you use it to grate cheese? 😀
  15. Pfffft. Amateur hour stuff....... Even I have three and I'm not a pro..............I can't even play the sofa..... Although I Am on it very often.
  16. That would only work if it was blue and made by Pfender.
  17. I'm all beside myself now wondering what TLL is going to call this one........
  18. My exact thoughts when I saw this earlier, and I actually typed "aka chromaphone" as a reply, but I decided not to be the cynic for a change and deleted it again.
  19. People round here give cats way too much leeway..... You do know that the cat basically thinks that you work for it, right?
  20. And here's how the first part of that conversation went....... Mrs Shane: Honeybunny, is there something you need to tell me.......? Shane: No, why would you say that..? Mrs Shane: Well, I was just dusting your guitar case and I couldn't help but notice that you have several bottles of red glitter fingernail polish in there underneath the spare strings....... Shane: Oh er um, well, yeah, that's um, well because I err, I um.....
  21. How did you expect it to come out though?
  22. Ur like so within ur rites to do that.
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