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Everything posted by paulo

  1. And they shall call it karaoke...... Drunk people who, for reasons unknown to personkind, think they can actually sing will gather in holiday resort bars competing to see who can best murder a famous song and they shall be egged on by even worse singers who are thankfully too drunk to even make the few steps required to reach the microphone, but will still feel compelled to join in the choruses from their seats next to damp and sticky tables. By the following morning all their memories will either have been completely wiped or at least AI altered to make the memory seem like it was a fantastic one of a great night that was enjoyed by all and thus either way round will seek to make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, this handy mind-wipe phenomenon shall not be applied to the memories of those that experienced it only from their holiday apartment that proved to be not quite far enough away from the bar to not experience it. Those people will automatically reel in horror at hearing the first bars of "I will always love you" for many years to come and they will never be able to listen to Oasis ever again. So at least there is an upside.
  2. The darkest one is the best, dark grey second, never been a fan of the mercury look and never will be. I don't hate the blue one, but I'd probably tire of it quite quickly. The tungsten classic looks like a much loved tour t shirt that has been washed too often and is now living right on the edge of that fine line between retro chic and polishing rags and as for the really light ones there is but one word.....gopping.
  3. Just, whatever you do, when the time comes......... don't forget to take the tin opener.
  4. Do you secretly yearn to mentally beat yourself up in frustration that you gave money to some company whose products seem nice, but who never fail to deliver the customer support sucker punch with a sickening blow. Even though you already get a regular beating from NI, while Arturia cheer them oblivious to what the question even was..... You do? Welcome to Steinberg Customer Support.....
  5. In my experience the final of the all time most abysmal excuse for customer support football tournament would be a tense affair between Steinberg and NI. A close game as both have strong midfields that would cancel each other out and no real quality in front of goal. It would probably go to extra time and then penalties. The penalty shoot out would not finish as one of the teams would leave the pitch before it's conclusion, thus remarkably forfeiting and also winning the title at the same time.
  6. Bitflipper shuffles nervously behind his rig as the bass player winks at him....
  7. It's all gone a bit Fleetwood Mac....... how long will it be before the new guitarist insists that his girlfriend has to be in the band too ?
  8. Downloading trial version in hope that owning this might somehow compensate for not having a Quantum MK2...... Doughnut round the hole perspective and all that.
  9. Or as it stands probably nearer $90. Many years ago I was told that the first million is always the hardest, so I decided to skip that and start working on the second one. Turns out that it's not quite as easy as it was made out to be.
  10. It's to keep "them" occupied and out of our way,😀
  11. Roses are Red Violets are violet Bapu's no poet And neither am I.
  12. So "complete" doesn't mean complete and "completely usable" means it doesn't work properly and "Today you can get it monthly or get an annual BSP license upfront which is cheaper" is not the current price ? OK then. Regardless of nomenclature all I said in the first place was that to me the currently released version doesn't justify the current asking price.
  13. My dad always said that if you lend someone money and then never see them again, consider it money well spent.
  14. Noel has stated that BSP is the release version - "The feature set is complete".
  15. Sorry to hear about your mate. Hope it works out ok. Way back when my band spilt up on the very same day that I made the final payment on the synth that I was pressured into getting that I couldn't really afford, hence the paying monthly. Aside from a house it was the one and only time I ever bought anything that I didn't pay for up front. I guess it was a good lesson in that regard.
  16. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. It would seem that someone is currently using your identity to talk about this subject in the very thread that tells people what you have to pay to get Sonar now. Some geezer called Noel mentioned it. He seems like someone who maybe knows something about it, but maybe I'm wrong. You know how the www can be,😉
  17. I take it you never visit the upstairs part of the forum.😀
  18. The current asking price is bandlab membership.
  19. So you're saying that reaper sounds better than reason? By how much? 20-40%?
  20. There's really not much beyond the new lipstick to justify the current asking price, but I'm happy about that because it means I can not have it and also not feel like I'm missing out on anything.😀
  21. A penguin fell asleep on an iceberg. When he awoke he was iced over and stuck to the iceberg which was slowly drifting farther out to sea and try as he might he could not free himself. Then a few metres away a Narwhal surfaced and seemed to be looking in his direction. "Excuse me, Mr Narwhal....I'm so sorry to bother you, but would you mind coming over here and breaking the ice ?" The Narwhal swam slowly over to the iceberg and said.... "So, do you have any hobbies...?"
  22. Tip of the day: Save valuable time by taking an instant dislike to anyone you're meeting for the first time.
  23. aRe yOu oK tHeRe LaRs ? dId yOu oVerDo tHe vItaMin suPPlemEnts aGaIn?
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