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Everything posted by paulo

  1. A bit like here in UK v USA. It always seems like we only copy the awful stuff, but totally ignore the things that they do better than us. The only people that think that people in Starbucks doing DAW stuff look cool is the people in Starbucks doing DAW stuff.
  2. Typical geek move...... all that work to recreate something that wasn't worth listening to in the first place. J/K Geeks.......we'd all be lost without you.
  3. I never thought that I'd see Britney Spears mentioned in the CW Deals Forum.
  4. Yeah, I guess I must have been out of the corporate world for long enough to have temporarily forgotten how badly mismanaged even the "best" businesses can be.
  5. Yeah, in theory they had all the ingredients there. Hard to believe that they made such a mess of it really.
  6. Deer Keepforest- what the heck kinda name is that anyway ? Who said it's yours in the first place ? We don't need no stinking AI to make no music for us. We can do it for our ownselfs.. Y'hear......
  7. paulo

    APD Buyer's Club

    APD HQ: Dateline December 2022 Sales Meeting Minutes... Item 1.How to increase sales in 2023 ? Bean Counter Guy: It's taking me less and less time to count the beans these days. Obviously this is the fault of....well we can't mention that or we'll upset someone and it wouldn't be true anyway, so let's just say that we need more beans and there are no beans to spend on achieving this. Any ideas people ? Marketing Guy: Well, as you know there's a lot of competition in the market place for old rope and just lowering the falsely inflated prices for our old rope doesn't seem to work as well as it used to. It's almost as if people have seen through it now. BCG: I asked for ideas not excuses. MG: Well, I'm just making this up as I go along, so bear with me..........how about we get people to pay up front for nothing but the future possibility of being able to buy some old rope from us at a further made up discount every single month and if they still don't buy any old rope , we'll............ just keep their money anyway? BCG: I like it !
  8. Would you like me to look at the link you posted for you ? 😀
  9. A man is diligently at work when he realizes he's been humming "What's New, Pussycat?" for the last several hours. As he starts thinking about it, he realizes he has a hard time thinking of anything else despite not even liking the song. Perturbed, he goes back to work and after a long day of accomplishing little, goes home. Around lunch time the following day, the man starts humming "Green, Green Grass of Home." Another song that he's not really fond of. Now he's confused, where did that come from? The radio hasn't been on all day, but once again the rest of his day is ruined. The poor man's week continues this way, until he's had enough and goes to see his doctor. "Doc! You gotta help me!" the man exclaims. "All week long, I can't get any work done. I have all these songs I don't even like stuck in my head. What's New, Pussycat? She's a Lady. Green, Green Grass of Home. "What's wrong with me?" "Oh, that's not so bad," the Doctor replies. "You've got Tom Jones Syndrome." "Tom Jones Syndrome? Is that rare?" "It's not unusual."
  10. I'm not that bothered about having CV-1 TBH, I got the demo when it was released and it didn't make me want it. it just seems that AAS have lost the plot recently in regard to how they pitch things for existing customers compared to the deals that they offer new ones. I agree that their customer support is usually very good though.
  11. Any old Joe that never bought a single AAS product before in their lives.......CV-1 plus Currents $49. Paulo's special price to buy the only AAS synth that he hasn't bought all versions of ......$69 plus $19 for currents. 😕 Did AAS outsource their customer loyalty pricing to Izotope ?]
  12. What did Bob say when he offered to share his doughnuts with a friend ? I hope you like jam in too.
  13. How did Bob like his doughnuts ? Wid Jam in.
  14. paulo


    The first version of Cakewalk I ever saw/used was on an Aerosmith CD-ROM so that you could "remix" one of their tracks. Can't remember which track and no idea what happened to it.
  15. Top notch in every way. 👌 Nothing more needs to be said, which is just as well as I need to leave here right now so that I can throw my pc out of the window.
  16. Once again I'm forced to ponder the question.....exactly how hungry was the first person who looked at one of those and wondered what it tasted like ?
  17. Ahh man, now you've made me look this up and realise that back in the day what I had previously thought of as a different and original set opener actually owed erm.....quite a lot....... to this. It doesn't count if you didn't know it, right ?
  18. This is the greatest and best song in the world...........tribute.
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