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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Phew, we're all safe then........ For now.
  2. We have a win 7, a win 8 and a win 10 pc . No prizes for guessing which is the one that has all the problems.
  3. We won't know for sure until Bapu gets here.
  4. Price = OUCH! Looks like it's very well made though. Midi controller keyboard makers please take note.
  5. And the 2020 Doughnut around the Hole award goes to.............. MESH! 😁
  6. I don't know the original, so nothing to compare it to here. Sounds good. As good as the vox sound and really leap out in a good way, I might be inclined to back it off a tiny bit, or automate volume where it's slightly too loud in places (IMO). My only real crit is that the drums could use some variation. Feels a bit like you did all the hard work with the other tracks and then just threw a loop in for drums, cut a couple of pauses into it and called it done. Then again, maybe it's supposed to be like that and I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  7. paulo


    I liked it, but I didn't find it relaxing. I think maybe the lead/melody instrument needs to be softer/more ethereal sounding. 1:32 is an example of where it seems a bit harsh and jarring to me if relaxation is the aim.
  8. If I were the mixer, I think I'd start the next mix by dropping the Dim Pro vocals - not really working for me. Press that mute button and it's already better.
  9. Not enough *'s for that. I was thinking "Chap"....... I was merely surprised at Bapu's choice of adjective.
  10. Imagine all the bad words that you ever heard of...........today I direct all of them in the general direction of UJAM. 4 download attempts later I finally get all the files, install them, run the VST scan, so far so good..........hope it was worth the fuss...............the UI is opening and...........Trial Period has EXPIRED. Erm, I installed it for the first time just now, so WTF? Imagine all those bad words again with UJAM on the end. 😬
  11. Who was fond of a suicide stunt.....
  12. I have only the .exe and one empty .bin file. The download said it was completed at 4.1GB so I have no idea where the rest of it went.
  13. TBF he was a rank amateur in comparison. Not fit to tie the special edition Presonus shoelaces of the master. He didn't even have a t-shirt with his own face on it.😁
  14. PreAl on the Studio One forum will give you the same warm, fuzzy feeling.
  15. paulo


    I've often wondered why over the years your threads generally have a very low amount of comments when compared to the amount of views. Now I know why. Thank you for solving that mystery for me.
  16. Some things are just hard to forget. Especially once immortalised in rhyme........ (for the benefit of those who missed it first time round) Ahem........ There was an old fecker named Strummy Who named his bollocks John T & Plummy He used to check on them often Before his body did soften But now he can't see past his tummy © Paulo 2017
  17. There's nothing to uninstall because I haven't been able to install it. The installer opens, I accept the licence agreement (like I have a choice, lol) select/accept the install locations and then select install. Immediately I get a pop up asking for DISK 1 or to direct the installer to another location where it may be found. Problem is that despite a 4.1GB download I can't find any other files anywhere. Thanks for trying to help, but I'm giving up on it for now. Already wasted far too much of the day on this.
  18. Thanks for reply, but I know that. I haven't even installed it yet. It's the installer app that is asking for a disc.
  19. Apparently I downloaded 4.1GB of data and the downloader verified the files before closing and doing nothing else. So where do they go? All I can find is a VG Carbon 1.0.1 application 559KB and an empty BIN File. If I run the app file it just asks for a disc and will go no further without one...... Oh, for the days when you actually had a disc............ 😬
  20. Well one of yours anyway.😀 John T would probably feel a bit left out though, which is generally not the best place for gentleman vegetables to be.
  21. Thanks Larry. I already did the d/l for the "installer" but it was very small, so I'm guessing that it's just the installer for the thing that is then going to do the d/l onto the pc like Native Access does. That's the step that I would prefer to avoid - I just want to d/l the actual thing not the thing that wants to manage it for me if that makes sense.
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