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Everything posted by abacab

  1. IK MixBox is cool! If you ever thought is would be nice to have the Syntronik or SampleTank 4 FX rack to use anywhere, this is it and then some!
  2. The Discover edition of the Spitfire BBCSO is FREE if you fill out a survey at Spitfire and wait 2 weeks. Or $49 if you don't wanna wait! https://www.spitfireaudio.com/bbcso/ PluginGuru has just released a paid DiscoverStation patch library for Unify that works with the Spitfire BBCSO library. $59 at https://www.pluginguru.com/products/discoverstation-corestation-unify-bbcso/
  3. You can edit and save Syntronik instrument patches in ST4. The saved as patches will show up in the instrument folder. But the newly saved patches from ST4 don't appear in either the Syntronik or SampleTank 3 browsers. I'm guessing that ST4 uses a different database index.
  4. I agree in general, but with the distinction that having an option is also important, as one size doesn't necessarily fit all. I am dead set against subscription ONLY plans, where license ownership has been eliminated completely. Adobe is a prime example of a major company that has chosen to go down that path. My fear is that their success in that regard may tend to lead the way for others. Although Adobe caters mainly to graphics pros that can both afford and benefit from always having the latest versions.
  5. OK, since the plugin is working, then the crash likely has something to do with your project having an unexpected condition. Your best bet is to follow scook's recommended advice to submit a crash dump for analysis.
  6. Hmmm... weird. The SVX is the only thing I'm seeing as a separate product listed with a serial number. The Soldano and everything else that came with Amplitube 4 Total Studio Max is present in the plugin, but not listed individually in my account. Did you buy yours through the Custom Shop? I did not.
  7. Did you overlook the 12 pedals included this amp sim that comes with Cakewalk? Maybe not the ones you are seeking, but they are included. TH3 Cakewalk Edition by Overloud https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Plug-ins.2.html#1813385
  8. I'm not seeing this issue with the Ample riffer factory patterns. To test this, start with a new blank project. Insert only a single instance of an Ample Bass with riffer, then drag n drop a factory pattern to the MIDI track and hit play. Does this still crash?
  9. You can use JamPoints for up to 30% of that!
  10. And it's 180 rather than 90 days... 😉
  11. When I checked on my WavesLocalServer it was only using 122 MB. But the only Waves bundles that I own are Abbey Road and the H Series, plus a handful of other individual plugins, so clearly not as many presets as you! It would be interesting to know what makes that memory usage increase.
  12. The download zip's in your local IK Product Manager folder after install using PM. I just move that file to my archive HDD to keep it. Product Manager will let you select a custom Download folder in preferences. I could place that path directly on my archive drive, but I find that the download, unzip, and installer steps run faster using my SSD.
  13. That, and the other amp models and content, only show up in AT as far as I can tell. My Product Manager and IK account only list the top level products such as AT 4 Max and AT 5 CS, not the individual owned content.
  14. And the biggest drawback is being cutoff from your own work if you ever stop paying. 🙄
  15. I've already got the plugin. 😉 But as you mentioned, it isn't a technical issue. If that was something they were willing to do, they would probably have done so a couple of years ago.
  16. Maybe selling plugins, and then supporting them, doesn't fit with the current BandLab business model. Which I have the impression is for first getting the Cakewalk DAW as stable and bug-free as possible under the BandLab brand. Further spreading out the limited technical resources (Noel & his team) would take away from that primary mission. It's obvious that BandLab doesn't need the money, since they are giving the DAW away for free.
  17. Tracktion is supposed to be releasing their new FM synthesis instrument F.'em sometime this year. Caught a NAMM promo about it, where they mentioned they've been running a bit behind in development. Letting the devs, including Wolfram Franke (former Waldorf dev and now current Biotek dev) take a deeper dive, or something to that effect. Might be interesting... It's a 13 operator FM synth with 8 operators as classic single cycle wave operators, plus 2 sample oscillators. Plus loads of modulations like Biotek has.
  18. You really need to get a handle on what is using your system drive, by folder, by size and percentage. Then move the largest to another drive. You clearly are using too much on the system drive. For example, my system drive is only 500GB, but only 50% used. It contains all of my program files, and several DAWs, and plugins (over 500 of them). And scook just made a great suggestion.
  19. If you had it in your old Cakewalk.com account, you still have access to it. That, and many other former Gibson/Cakewalk Sonar plugins have never been made available by BandLab since Cakewalk by BandLab was released. Meng, the CEO of BandLab, has committed to keeping the Cakewalk DAW free, but never implied that the former plugins would be released for free, or at all. We can always hope, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I would love to get my hands on Rapture Pro, which I only had a demo of when Gibson shut down Cakewalk.
  20. Aha! Thanks Peter, that clears up my mystery! 👍
  21. I tried to add it, then discovered that the SLO-100 had been added last year. So I'm puzzled by that if it's new? I acquired Amplitube 4 Max last year, then installed Amplitube 5 CS when it was released. All of my AT4 gear made the trip over.
  22. Right on! That's the reason I refuse to subscribe to Adobe's Creative Cloud. They don't even allow you to buy a licensed copy any more. No ownership allowed! I'm not a pro, just a home hobbyist that doesn't make any money with music or art. I just want to buy my tools and not subscribe to nothing!
  23. I installed Doom 3 on a Win XP virtual machine that ran OK.
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