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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Yes, $119 is as excellent price for a Kontakt crossgrade! I think that I paid $124 earlier this year during a 50% off sale at NI. Well worth it!
  2. Cakewalk was never intended to be entry level. It was always a complex pro level audio/MIDI recording studio. BandLab acquired it to be available as a step up from the BandLab music program.
  3. I noticed that with the Studio One v4 release. Their forum lit up with comments from "traditional" users complaining that most of the new features rolled out by PreSonus were aimed at "non-musicians", i.e., "producers".
  4. If he did that, Pro Tools would probably be #1, with FL Studio and Cakewalk last... 😉
  5. Yup, wondered what he was thinking about Studio One there... but otherwise his list was about what I expected. I tried FL Studio some years ago, but couldn't work with it. According to his survey, FL Studio is #1 for EDM, so I guess that EDM producers must be the biggest DAW market these days.
  6. The Software Center updated, but did not show any updates initially. So I hit the "Synchronize" button, and then saw 29 instrument updates waiting.
  7. Sometimes it is just much easier to find tools that work the way you do, rather than expect tools to change to accommodate your workflow. Making a feature request is always encouraged, however it should be made with the awareness that only the most highly requested features ever get implemented. And even then, it could be a very long wait. Any community discussion of pro and cons is not a rejection of a request, but is intended to hammer out the level of usefulness of said feature to the largest number of users. I have used Cakewalk for over 20 years, as well as a few other music programs, and change is usually evolutionary, with the exception of major bug fixes that have widespread impact.
  8. I had no problem using PayPal with Fastspring yesterday. I always use the Firefox browser for shopping, and with most browser extensions disabled during financial transactions. I have found that some privacy and ad-blockers can mess up the shopping experience!
  9. Yep, that was a promo, where they were also offering discounted bundles. And just after the Studio One 4 release in May 2018, which featured their new chord track. Ujam virtual bassist v2.1 instruments were integrated with that PreSonus chord track!
  10. July 2018, for Studio One customers >>> http://forum.cakewalk.com/Presonus-Owners-get-Virtual-Guitarist-Sparkle-FREE-m3770518.aspx
  11. Very humorous, and enlightening regarding the need for accumulating endless libraries... 🤣
  12. abacab

    Modartt Sale

    Since I got the Hammond B3X from IK, I'll never look at another sampled or modeled organ! Pnky swear!
  13. I think that Ujam may have discovered the "sweet spot", between useful products, and marketing rhetoric! So far, from Ujam, I have 3 VB, 3 VD, and 3 VG. Got them all on sale! Well, except for VG-Sparkle, which was free at one point!
  14. Mellotron? Naw, but it's a smooth double bass, LOL!
  15. No idea, but I wouldn't wait too long! I just noticed them when I was looking at their other regular Black Friday sales today... Ujam does run periodic sales, but this is the first time I believe I have seen these flash sales...
  16. I think VB-Royal would pair up nicely with Virtual Drummer-Solid. It has a good all-around session bass sound that should work in many types of music. To my ears, it sounds like a fingered P-Bass on the bridge pickup settings. But since it has both neck and bridge pickup selections, it probably more like a Fender Jazz Bass.
  17. That $39 Mellow price is a no-brainer But Royal will probably go on sale again at 50% off. I got it for something like that a while back. So for VB, I now have Royal, Dandy, and Mellow.
  18. It's $39.99 right now at IK. I got that as one of my Group Butt freebies, LOL!!!
  19. The BBCSO Discoverstation library for Unify expands on the preset library provided with the base Spitfire BBCSO Discover. So there are the unified instrument presets, plus additional presets, layers (multis), BPM patches, etc. https://www.pluginguru.com/products/discoverstation-corestation-unify-bbcso/
  20. I wasn't planning to fall for any Black Friday trickery this year, but this $39 Mellow 2 may get me! 🤪 And Virtual Drummer 2 Solid is $29...
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