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Everything posted by abacab

  1. For example, I think that creates an issue say if you want to build a bass MIDI pattern in EZbass, then use that pattern to power a different bass such as MODO... Any ideas on how to get those articulations to go along for the ride elsewhere short of buying every EBX made (obviously not a problem for you, LOL) and staying in the EZB UI?
  2. I think if you an existing EZD 2 user, and you want a resizeable GUI, you probably should upgrade at the pre-order price. I mean, let's face it, in comparison with the new GUI in EZbass the old ones suck... If you are a potential first time buyer, you may want to wait until after release to see if EZD 3 is something you will actually want or use.
  3. I think that may be a shortfall for a lot of modern music recorded on a computer. Being a "slave" to the grid. Back in the day, musicians used tempo changes at will, and even pushed or pulled the beat as they played according to artistic feel. As long as everyone playing together was on the same page, you could have an incredible "live" performance.
  4. You referring to IK Peter? This is Toontrack...
  5. Addictive Drums 2, EZdrummer 2, and MODO Drums are all I have, besides a few freebies. They are all fine for me as far as backing tracks go. I'm not a drummer, so I find the options to endlessly tweak a kit for absolute perfection to be a huge waste of time. I'm simply happy if the drums don't sound bad. I'm not looking for perfection! My ears can tell the difference between good and bad drums.
  6. That's the only reason for me to buy EZdrummer.
  7. That's what I'm looking for! If it's strictly kits that you are looking for, the other options may have more potential!
  8. I got the KeyLab Mk II working plug and play with Ableton out-of-the-box. For Studio One and Reaper I had to set the control surface up. In Reaper as a "Mackie Control Universal" with the "MIDIIN2" and "MIDIOUT2" ports assigned. Same thing with Studio One. All 3 DAWs now seem fully compatible, just change the DAW selection on the keyboard and it's good to go. Now Cakewalk is a problem child... I tried using the Mackie Control as a control surface with the "MIDIIN2" and "MIDIOUT2" ports assigned, handshake disabled, and it worked briefly, sort of. As I was testing, it sort of glitched so I turned the Mk II off and back on to reset, but then lost all communication with the keyboard after that. Tried restarting Cakewalk, but then all I could get from that point forward was a splash screen, followed by an appcrash! 😧 Long story, short version: I ended up doing a full system image restore from the previous day's image. All good now again, but am over trying to control the Cakewalk DAW with this thing. I'll stick to virtual instruments via CC. Long story, long version: I uninstalled/reinstalled Cakewalk, but it still would not start up without crashing. Obviously some permanent error had been created, most likely in a file or the registry. Sonar Platinum still started up just fine. Since I knew I had a very recent full system image, I began to perform a clean uninstall of everything Cakewalk to get to the bottom of this. First I uninstalled EVERY Cakewalk program on my PC using the uninstallers, including Sonar, then deleted all remaining Cakewalk related folders. Rebooted and just installed Cakewalk by BandLab. First run, same crash. Then I just assumed the error was buried somewhere deep in the registry. So I decided to punt, and restored the system image from the previous day. That only took about 45 mins... much better than reinstalling everything! Here is the old Cakewalk thread that I had tried to follow for the KeyLab setup suggestions. > >>
  9. Any love for MODO Drum?
  10. I grabbed Dream Pop the last time it went on sale. It's a good one, and adds a bit more variety to your collection.
  11. I'll toss this thought out there regarding why you might want EZD... It appears that the EZD workflow was primarily designed to assist songwriters with ease of assembling a nice drum track to accompany their song. That's probably the biggest attraction for non-drummers like me that haven't got the patience or a clue how to build a proper drum track from scratch. The drum kits and such are decent, but probably were not meant to compete with the leading drum plugins. Maybe TT are raising the bar in this regard the 3rd time around? We'll soon see!
  12. Have you had a look at Band in a Box yet? It's neither free or cheap, but can do what you ask. It also comes as a DAW plugin version now, so you can drop it on a track, pick any style you prefer, and enter you chord progression. https://www.bandinabox.com/
  13. Sounds like we took the same path with our Mk II's. I got into VC8 for $249, and consider it was worth every penny! And yes, those KeyLab Essentials are budget friendly, but definitely not as well made. Heard from another forum member here that had a bad experience with one. His retailer returned it to Arturia under warranty for repair, but when he got it back was still broken. Refunded it, and switched him to another brand. But I can vouch for the KeyLab 61 Mk II ... it's built like a tank, and with a great synth keybed! You get what you pay for. If you cannot afford one now, it's well worth saving up for, just skip a few plugin purchases if necessary!
  14. abacab


    Exactly!!! Come on IK, time to step up!!! 🤣
  15. I just took a look at Analog Lab V to see how many presets I have access to with that. It currently stands at 12,902. That includes V Collection 8, Pigments, plus a few extra preset banks that I purchased for Pigments and a select few V Collection instruments. That's a helluva lot of presets to be able to access from one preset browser, all tagged and ready to roll!
  16. abacab


    Yeah if someone posts a rant with one big long run-on sentence with no consideration for grammar or punctuation I cannot be expected to read it...
  17. It is integrated. You will get ALL of the V Collection presets available in Analog Lab, more presets than you would get from just Analog Lab by itself. Analog Lab makes an excellent front end for the V Collection, because it combines all of the presets from the collection into a single preset browser. You can then use the filter, tagging, and search system to locate the type of sounds from the entire collection that are needed at the moment. Plus you have access to the macro controls from Lab to tweak the sound in performance mode. Then if you wish, you can open up the full instrument GUI for advanced preset editing with one click.
  18. The NKS sound previews are provided by Arturia to accompany their presets. They are actually hidden .ogg audio files installed along with the Arturia presets. When they are used in NKS compatible Komplete Kontrol, just clicking on the preset name in the KK browser lets you hear a few seconds of what the preset sounds like without having to actually load it into the instrument.
  19. To answer the question, I don't recall seeing the individual V instruments going on sale. If you want to buy an Arturia synth, you may as well just buy the whole collection when on sale for nearly the same price. You may get a special discount based on Arturia products that you already own.
  20. That was actually Cakewalk by Roland, from pre-Gibson days... 😉
  21. Luftrum is worth checking out! I have some gotten some excellent sound banks for U-he Repro, iZotope Iris, and Arturia Pigments here! Rarely a dud in the bunch! He has done many preset banks for Omnisphere, Diva, Zebra, Kontakt, Dune, Serum, and others.
  22. Seems a bit too artsy-fartsy to me. 🤣
  23. I tried the Abyss demo. The workflow just didn't click for me. But I did unbox my JV-1080 years ago!
  24. v1.5.0 working good here! The NKS previews are pretty cool!
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