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Everything posted by Grem

  1. I would not be able to stop myself from doing it just to see the results of the two different coolers!! Like abacab said, a little rubbing alcohol and some cleaning pads, (paper towels), would clean that paste off in no time!! FYI: take as much paste off first before trying to remove it with cleaning pad & alcohol. I use a straight edge razor to scrape off the majority of the paste first before I come in with the alcohol pads. You can get it looking like brand new! If you do, you got to post the results!
  2. Yeah if your gonna wait, do it all just once and done!! Good choice on the change of cooler. That was good advice you got. Good choice on the fresh install too. I have had this install of Win 10 going since it first came out. But on my Surface Pro 3 that came with Win 8, all I did was upgrade and it seems to be doing well until recently. The keyboard and trackpad seem to be getting flakey. Was working all this time, then stopped. Had a Win update and it started working again. Now it's back to not working. Not sure of the problem there.
  3. Yes. Something like "Open Source Plugin Language" (or OSPL) ain't that good!! But it's better than CLAP!!
  4. I recently got a Joe Bonamassa Lazarus Epiphone Les Paul and I couldn't be more happy with the sound and build quality of my guitar. If I didn't have so many guitars already (though I don't have a hollow body) I would get this. I like the color and I know it would probably play well too.
  5. @Peter - IK Multimedia I sure do like how ya'll got the GB page set up now. Very clear, easy to understand. All products that I don't own and can buy to qualify for the GB, the prices are in Green!!! That's a great improvement. Each tier clearly states how many you get if get in on the tier and it goes all the way. Great job this time!!
  6. That's a good catch. I didn't see that. You gotta have the mic!!! (actually you don't need that mic, but you do need a compatible mic!!)
  7. I would somewhat agree here. However, the Syntronic stuff just sounds so good!! I just went through (actually, still in the midst of it) trying to get all my Instruments setup properly. But for the price I paid for it, I won't complain. I bought Syntronik 1 Deluxe in a group buy. I paid much less than retail for it because of JP. Then I got all the synths I didn't have before plus some other stuff ( I just can't remember all the stuff I get in these GB!). Now IK comes out with Syntronik 2 and I am able to get the free version, buy a $50 synth to enter the GB, and I got it all now! I am in a win win situation!! Could have IK done a better job with the installers? Sure as heck could have (I am being very kind here). No doubt about it. But I am willing to cut them some slack as long as they keep giving these great deals!!
  8. I thought the same thing for the recent Syntronik 2 GB. I figured with so many people with other just as capable/better synths, why would that many join this GB. I was wrong there!!! And I might be wrong here too. But I think it's too early to call it done. And again, for new or newest users of T-Racks, it's a fantastic deal.
  9. Yeah. It just ain't the sale for me. I agree with Peter. It's already going strong. They seem to have gotten their $izz together (for the first time!!) and have laid out the page in a very understanding way. For $99.99 if it goes all the way, you would get 43 really outstanding plugins for little over two bucks a piece!! ($2.32). That alone will keep the ball rolling IMHO. No need to buy in twice like previous GB. Next tier down is the $79 tier. If it goes all the way you get 22 plugins for $3.63. If these were throw away plugins, I can see it not going all the way. But there ain't a dud in the bunch. It will get there. For new IK T- Racks users, this is an absolutely fantastic deal. For all of us here who have almost all of them, we just po'd because it don't do us no good!! LOL :) [edit] I forgot to add in the discount of Jam Points!!! $99.99 - 30JP = $70 (69.99). That changes it too 43 plugins for $1.63 per plugin. 79.99 - 24JP= $55.99. That's $2.54 per plugin.
  10. This may be the reason it's subscription only. To appease those with subs (feeling they getting something special/restricted). And to appease NI who is not looking for competition from anyone, let alone a partner of theirs. I suspect that this may have been part of the "Partnership" deal made between PA and NI.
  11. You mean after filling out the form? I didn't fill it out. But I am curious also as to what happened.
  12. I have taken it apart! I knew how to do it back in the day. I still remember what to do, but it doesn't seem to work. It maybe that after all these years it's just stuck in there. Living in south Louisiana, we have high humidity almost constantly si that joint may have swollen up like the dowels!! I sure wish I had pictures of it, mostly to show how simple this joint really is. It is a precision joint, make no mistake. It fits in there tight, once it gets to that special place where is 'snaps in' or locks in. @kennywtelejazz Went to the LP forum and posted there. Got a few hits but nothing much. On this forum here I have gotten more discussion about it than anywhere else.
  13. Yes they are nice. Thanks!!
  14. Exactly these two. And I will add a third. 3. Latency when playing. Now that I have the Apollo, I have been using it mostly to record with. I can hear my music, play along with it in perfect timing (or as close as I can!!). I have tried to go back playing through an "native" amp sim when recording my playing. It just ain't happening. No good groove. I never thought I could tell the difference, but I can. It's really, for me, all down to the feel. I do own quite a few amp sims that will be used in the mix for sure. But the sound of the UAD stuff is really hard to beat. That old Soft Tube Vintage Amp Room is pretty damn good IMHO. Besides, I get to demo them before I buy. So every plugin I buy from UAD gets demo'd first. I have saved a bunch of money that way. This Suhr PT100 was one of the last things I really wanted. I was just waiting for a good sale. It came, I got! Kinda want that Marshall 2203 also. But I haven't seen a sale on it like the PT100.
  15. I picked up the Suhr PT100 in the last sale they had. With a coupon I got it for little over $50. Really one of the best sounding amp sims I have. Brainworx did a nice job on it.
  16. That's what I ended up doing. I only d/l the Part 3 &4 files. The ran the installer from within those zip files and it worked a charm!!
  17. Thanks to all who have helped. By a stroke of genius, I figured it out. No I am not going to tell... it was that simple!! : )
  18. This seems to be where I am having the problem. Help me understand how every other folder in the right location is way less than 1gb and this Syner folder is over 8gb? OK, so I copy the folder I find in the install directory of: IK Downloads\Syntronik Syner-V\SYN2_Syner-V_Part_3.zip\Syntronik 2 Sound Content\Samples\Syntronik Syner-V to G:\SampleTank 3\Syntronik 2\Samples\Syntronik Syner-V and I still get the same error after doing a rebuilding scan. I am not getting something. And if my past experience tells me anything, it is something very simple I am not getting/seeing/understanding!!! IOW, I can't see the forest because of the trees!! : )
  19. Yes it was easy to understand. I even remembered the post. But let me ask these questions. After fixing the install files, do you zip them back up? Or just leave them unzipped? Then do you just run the IKPM again to re-install the libs?
  20. Oh I spot a difference alright!!! Look at these pics. It is showing the hierarchy of the "Extra folder" Syner-V folder, and what's in it, is over 8gb!!! Nothing, I mean nothing, I have looked at with regards to Syntronik comes even close!! The folder Syntronik 2 in my Sample drive is a little over 3gb. So it's not making sense to me. So that's why I came ask here. Something I am not getting/understanding/seeing.
  21. Ref: Syner _V I keep getting this message when selecting certain instruments. I know this was talked about but I can't figure it out. I have deleted the Syner-V file from IKPM d/l locations. Had IKPM reinstall the lib and I am still getting this error. Seems this is the only Synth getting this error. All others seem to be working.
  22. Got my son hooked on the Elder Scroll series! He has played every version since. He got me Oblivion as a present and I played that till I had to stop. I get into those games and that's all I wanna do!!
  23. Both. That's what is leading me to think it's either my UAD drivers or IK synths. None of my other synths do this. Toon Tracks, Kontak... I tried to roll back to an older version of UAD drivers when I know I had no problems with it (drivers about a year back) and they still had the issue. SO I am leaning to IK synths has the issue. I want to try and roll back the IK stuff but what a PITA that is!!!
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