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Everything posted by Grem

  1. He does that a lot around here!! : )
  2. Grem


    AA? Alcoholics Anonymous? 😕 Better get to those meetings!!
  3. Last few BF really haven't been that spectacular. Not like it use to be when it was hot. We'd all save out lunch money and dream and dream and droool thinkging what fantastic deal we might be able to get!! Now it's like, "Didn't I see it for less during the summer?"
  4. Oh, my mistake Dave. Well even on vinyl was kool!!
  5. Great work Dev team. Some of the feature I am already using. That's when you know it's a goon one!! And while I do really like and support all the bug fixes that the Dev Team has been working on (and fixing!!) I would like to point out and remind everyone that these last few releases have not only been about bug fixes. They have also been adding some really great features and enhancements that bring substantial value to this program! The added features and enhancements to Comping and the Take Lanes was in itself huge for me. And now the Duplicate Clip feature... I never would have thought of this, but since I have installed it, I find I am using it instinctively, like it was always there!! The things the Devs have brought to the table this summer sure has hit a sweet spot with me!! Thanks Noel and team. And thanks for Meng and Bandlab crew for helping this to happen.
  6. Really Like this KM. Great work you did. I did not read the comments here on the forum before I listened. As I listened I was thinking I hear a lot of tension, drama, epic sounding stuff. And then I come here and everyone else is saying almost the same thing!! So apparently you are getting the message across!! Very good work. I really enjoyed listening to it. Twice!!
  7. I told him pretty much the same thing!! : )
  8. I have ST 2 XL. With what you and @sarine are saying. I will re-install that old stuff and give them a whirl. I have a lot of Xpanssion Tank stuff. I will have to look and see if I have any of the SR stuff.
  9. This is exactly what I was going to ask you!! Thanks for the info.
  10. Just got through with the installation and running the Scan in CbB now. !!
  11. I would have to agree too. That's a killer price for such a really great sounding synth. Ever since UA Session was included in with Sonar, I have really loved this synth. I just love playing with it. I am not a keyboard player (well not accomplished anyway!!) but I find the UI to be right up my alley. The Browser was alright by me too. What I liked about the old browser was it kept the sound packs together. IOW the defaults were up on top and the new ones I bought would always be down below. I liked that organization. Yep, Jumping on this one. @ZincT I got the whole bundle a couple of years ago. Not too long. Never regretted it. In fact, back then I was trying to decide what I would get, it or the Ozone stuff (or Waves bundles, or something else) and I am glad I went for the AAS stuff. To be honest, I get more use out of UA2 and GS2 than anything else.
  12. Yes they are. Good people over there too.
  13. Grem


    This was heavier than I was expecting but I liked it!! Didn't sound lo-fi to me. Good job. All of this was done ITB back then?
  14. Gary your the recording engineer too? Great job on the capture. You can feel it!! Mix sounds great. Clear and defined. This was the first song? Damn!! Burning down the barn baby!! Let me know whe ya got the video ready to watch!! Really Gary, that was a very enjoyable listen. Top notch all around.
  15. Sounds great DAve. Very clear mix/master. Dave B at your house?!! Wow!! Must have been one kool ***** childhood!!
  16. Are these the same sounds that come with ST MAX?
  17. Well said. I have been using Sample Tank 3 & 4 a lot lately. Really like IK stuff. I been wanting to answer you about this. But with so much traffic and all the stuff I was doing, I never got the chance. Glad you jumped in! I knew you would not be dissapointed with the quality of the Tracks stuff. They are top notch. Some of the best out there for sure. I still prefer the T-Rack version of the Pultec clone over all others. And like I have said before, the EQ 73, 81, PA, PB are all really outstanding. And Larry has found a deal on that EQ 73!!!
  18. I'm very close to what Skytron has too. Not at home right now to look at the boxes.
  19. Yes, the clean one is. The American Clean. Look for it in the AmpsAmplitube/Clean/American Clean MkIII. I never messed with the other AT Mesa clones. Just the Mesa Collection.
  20. Grem

    Vox AV60 Amplifier

    Yep. I got an old Blue MIJ Chorus pedal that's just won't give it up!!
  21. Doing the same Simeon, and for the same reason!! I got the parts, just needing the down time to do it.
  22. I have a MkIIb head that I bought back in the day. That's my baby. To experience the sound and power that thing is capable of is really something special. I don't do it often, but when that thing gets cranked with my LP plugged in, it's just a dream come true. It sings like there is no tomorrow. Sweet, singing sustain. But at a volume you can hear around the block!! : ) And I ain't kidding there. With a 2x12 setup, it gets loud!! But the response and feel are to die for. Seriously. I also have a Mk IV that I play through today. I have 2 6L6's and 2 EL84's in it. Sweet!! But nothing can beat my MkIIb for clean. That thing is crystal clear at almost any volumes. Until it starts breaking the speaker up. I got spoiled with that thing. And the sim that is most like it with clear clean sound is AT American Clean MkIII amp. And the AT MkIV amp sounds real close to my MkIV.
  23. Grem

    Sound Forge 13

    @Bajan Blue Really like that tune!! : )
  24. @ $750? I ain't saying it don't sound good. But man!! Out of my league. : )
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