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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. You are? What a Coincidence, so am I 🤣
  2. I'm not allowed on Friday's at the moment 😊 Have extra for me 🥓🥓🥓
  3. With extra Tomato Basil. Focaccia , Bless you 😂
  4. Or go Ewok! had to considering the Star Wars convention is going on now in my neck of the woods
  5. Spock's take on all of this: Fascinating 🤔
  6. Okay you got me. Probably the next generation will be able to mind meld like Spock 🖖😆
  7. We shall sniff you out. Oh wait you haven't had the Becan. 🥓 You know you want some 🥓🥓😂
  8. What!!!!! You will be reported to the authorities! You have 24 hours to either eat Becan or turn yourself in. The choice is yours🙃
  9. Coffee House 2 says all Love so don't you think there should be some..........................💖 Or Maybe not 😃 Carry On!
  10. So the next Generations will just say hey did you see the latest "A" it is so cool 😎
  11. My wife and I just did that for a netflix movie last month. We were halfway through it and both of us looked at each other, didn't have to say a word because we knew we were going to say Hey didn't we see this already.
  12. Just remembe,r only sneak up. Do Not Touch!
  13. All in the eye of the beholder. Maybe you're not holding it at the right/left/obtuse angle 😉🤩
  14. Maybe the black notes don't want to see you 😂
  15. Me too but I don't have that nice gear
  16. Hang in there Mike. Hopefully these test will find the problem and start a treatment for you. Ed
  17. Mine took a tumble last year. I have to get a replacement. The room isn't the same without one🧐
  18. But if I put a picture of me up, you would need a Yuck Button not a Yum Button😐
  19. What color is the lava lamp?
  20. A new introduction and we start talking about food. Sounds like I'm back at my Mom or Aunts house. For everything revolved around food😋
  21. I love Raspberry Crepes
  22. Just make sure you don't let him loose during duck hunting season🤨......................😉
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