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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I just looked up Earl Grey tea. Looks interesting. I'll have to try it one of these days or nights.
  2. Or at least a nice cup of cappuccino ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. You want to Florence and you didn't mention any wine. Seems a little fishy to me ๐Ÿค”
  4. Good Tune. I don't have anything negative to say.
  5. I beg you not to post a picture. It will be to much to Bare/Bear๐Ÿ˜
  6. Accept it is TEQUILA and after getting smashed on it in my early years. I haven't touched it since. Just the thought of it makes me ill.
  7. We will have Becan tonight. We decided on BLT sandwiches for Dinner!
  8. Even that picture is too much for my poor eyes. I think I spot some fungus on them. Please tell me you don't have Athlete's Feet๐Ÿ˜ฏ
  9. And with this statement IMHO they really do need to update the staff view. Educational market is huge. Giving Cakewalk DAW for free is great but if it doesn't have a decent STAFF/notation I don't think educational market will stick with it.
  10. Next you're going to tell me to drink wine out of a cardboard box. I never. okay maybe once or twice or thirty times ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. Out of the bottle. Major Charles Emerson Winchester III would never accept this๐Ÿคจ
  12. You do like kiddie cocktails, don't you ๐Ÿ˜…
  13. I think the CbB DAW will stay free too. Hopefully Meng and company will start to sell RapturePro and prochannel modules again
  14. I don't believe it! There is no Emoji for a snifter glass. What is this world coming to๐Ÿคจ
  15. Yep. if it is a synth patch it could take 8 bars to evolve into something sweet!
  16. Here I thought you were going to take me to see Cats bayoubill ๐Ÿ˜†
  17. Do I have to visit all 8 saloons for this or can I just play without drinking๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž
  18. Very True. I might even be considered Am compared to Bapu
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