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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. No worries. There's lots of people wishing better for BFD3, me included.
  2. The work that’s happened over the last four years is probably as good as the SPlat lifetime updates I paid for. Thanks for the great work and constant attention. Can’t say that about many of my favorite plug-ins!
  3. New kits recorded at Hansa Studios, new features not even in SD3…WOW.
  4. EZDrummer 3 pre-order https://www.toontrack.com/product/ezdrummer-3/ I just looked for my wife’s purse but I think it ran away, too.
  5. My wallet just kicked down the door and disappeared down the street.
  6. No freebies pour moi. 12 measly Jampointz for life, I guess.
  7. Wow. That was a lot harder to watch than I thought it would be. Just knowing it would be the last show makes it incredibly poignant. Thanks for posting, Larry.
  8. Yeah, that’s where it comes up short compared to EZ Bass. It’s got the sounds but what I really want is a tool that will keep me from having to invite my buddy over just because he can play bass.
  9. I was JUST about to buy EZ Bass on KVR. This is awesome. I would still use MODO for the track but build grooves in EZ Bass based on the demo. This brings them together although I was really impressed with the songwriting features in EZ.
  10. NI are getting closer to justifying the update price for the next Komplete 14CE. Almost.
  11. You really should tell us before you take a break. Couldn’t you just bring a laptop with you???
  12. I was close to jumping at Whitacre last time and then remembered I haven't even touched Insolidus for a project yet. I did get Albion Tundra with this sale, though. Love it.
  13. Super excited to find out how I'm going to pay for it.
  14. Totally agree. I also need to make my puns more explicit.
  15. Well that stopped me dead in my tracks.
  16. Yeah, this is bad. As a Riff Generation customer and one that just bought SSS1 on sale, I expect more. Maybe not on price, but on how how they want(ed) to keep me as a customer.
  17. I have FX Collection 1 and stopped there - I wouldn't get around to using some of the new plugins in FX2 but Intensity Reverb is one of my favorite go-to reverbs. It's transparent and lush but at the same time has lots of ways to morph tails, add drive, stutter and LFO effects, etc. Not too bad on CPU - pretty much along the lines of FF Pro-R. Lots of good presets to give you a head start. I do like their compressors, too - really solid emulations. I haven't looked at TRacks since getting them.
  18. Reminds me a lot of Output's Portal - too much so to pick it up even at $29, but if you don't have Portal this thing is a blast.
  19. I should have stated clearly in my earlier post that I was referring to the great value that the V4 plugins are - thought that was explicit in calling out their average price vs. the V3 versions that are now freely available. I have Barricade, Reverb 4, and EQ4 and use them often, even with similar Fabfilter plugins available. Just another option to have but they do some things differently than FF that I just flat out appreciate. Clean UIs and easy to use. Sound great with relatively light CPU hit.
  20. Thanks, Jack and Michael. Duly noted re: older CPUs, Jack - the 8700 would still be a significant upgrade from what I have now so it's still a consideration. Are the heat issues you've seen in the XPS machines a result of the CPU or is it a design issue for the model itself? Jack, interested to hear what you find as you bring up your old projects. Would you mind sharing what liquid cooling unit you went with?
  21. Sorry! Sorry! I was referring to the V4 plug-ins!!!! Should have quoted the post prior to mine!!!!
  22. For $32 a plugin (average) you cannot beat the value. The demos work in perpetual trial - you can't save presets or store your settings but they're fully functional. I had no problem ponying up the asking price for three of them. If I didn't have so much redundancy already, I would buy the rest with no hesitation.
  23. Motherboard is deceased in my i7-4790 system. I have used Dell Precision builds successfully for years and am looking at similar machines that have the following CPUs: Dell Precision 3630 i7-8700 3.20GHz Dell Precision 3620 i7-7700K 4.2GHz Dell XPS 8940 i7-11700 2.50GHz I use Kontakt, SD3, Neural DSP plugins a lot. Freeze most tracks if there are glitches. Overclocking on the 8700 gets within 8700K territory for speed but the 7700K is no slouch, either. Obviously, the 11700 is much newer technology but all systems are within $200 of one another including 32Gb RAM. Not planning on upgrading to W11 unless there are obvious advantages. Is there an obvious choice in terms of latency and processing efficiency? Hard to tell using UserBenchmark.com....
  24. But are they downloaded and loaded, Bapu? That's all we need to know.
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