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Everything posted by topaz

  1. EZdrummer 2 to 3 upgrade or nout. the latter... possibly some ezx too. 🤞
  2. Often I see people complain about the size of some of these. 1.back up to a drive somewhere. 2.resave in kontakt using lossless compresion. sorted.
  3. They are on the main pag but clicking into the add to its not here. maybe uk although did try us vpn 😉 FIXED 😉
  4. They are on the main page but clicking into the add to its not here. maybe uk although did try us vpn ;-)
  5. Anyone worked out how to add user images to 3rd party imports ?
  6. SomaFM secret agent have been a long time supporter of my project Complete Cycle, top guys that play some banging music 🙂
  7. No more waves until they ditch WUP.
  8. topaz

    Reason 12 Upgrade

    Ok. Cool. Thanks.
  9. topaz

    Reason 12 Upgrade

    Is that possible, is the upgrade not tied to per version ?
  10. topaz

    Reason 12 Upgrade

    Cheers @cclarry :-)
  11. The problem is waiting so long for an update and mdrummer coming along and killing it.
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