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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. Hmmm. Go to Las Vegas and spend the money on *****, drugs and rock and roll! The rest of the money I would just waste. [Edit] WTF? The word s e x got censored?
  2. That's what SHE said!
  3. If you cut your hair to have bangs....will that make you a better drummer?
  4. Yeah! You can buy a gallon of gas!
  5. Some cheap MIDI cables do not handle pitch bends well.
  6. Witch of these spelling jokes is your favorite? Q: What is a witch’s favorite school subject? A: Spelling! Q: How does a witch spell mousetrap? A: C-a-t! Q: How do you know a witch invented the alphabet? A: Because you have to spell it. Q: Can you spell a word for pretty witch with two letters? A: QT! Q: What’s the difference between a ground witch and round witch? A: The letter G! Q: What happen to the short witch when she added the letter E, R to her spell? A: She got a shorter! Q: How do you make seven witches into three even pairs? A: They ate the witch whose name starts with S! Q: Why was the witch given a letter with X written on it? A: Because she was X-communicated! Q: Why did the witch name her two sons ED? A: Because two Eds are better than one!
  7. For the older readers: tl;dv A) "Too long; didn't view", meaning a video, meeting recording, or any video that is very lengthy, and whoever used the phrase didn't even view it for that reason.
  8. I must be old, I don't get this distressed/vintage look...at all!
  9. Actually, safety belts DO decrease the likelihood and severity of injury. (Still, I hate them, I wish I could disable that annoying chime!).
  10. You know 'vaxxed' people can carry it and spread it around just as easily as the 'unvaxxed'...right? (Some analyst pointed out that 'vaxxed' people can have it and not show symptoms so they go out and about their business which actually makes things worse. The 'unvaxxed' show symptoms and are more likely to stay home). ('Vaxxed' in quotation marks because it really isn't a vaccine.)
  11. The big C is reserved for Cancer. Don't be freaking people out!
  12. I should probably cut down on the amount of coffee I drink
  13. History of the Eagles The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years
  14. I have listened to, unfortunately, many players of error guitar.
  15. #34 When someone told me this thread was funny.
  16. #10 When the used car salesman told me I was getting a real good deal.
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