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Bass Guitar

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Everything posted by Bass Guitar

  1. The proper way to do this is to purchase a ( not cheap) Audio interface that has a Loopback feature. Most interfaces have this now and for the reason you are stating. Cheapo, none ASIO interfaces rarely work with Cakewalk. This video explains this stuff.
  2. Yes defiantly. I don't hear any difference when you go higher than that but I have always preferred 48 since I bought my first DAT recorder in the 90's. And FYI I just upgraded all my 240 SSD drives to 500 GB on both my main DAW and 2 Laptops. Under $50 each for Samsung Evo's > Samsung has a Magician app that allowed me to clone the old drives to the new ones in less than 20 minutes. It was the simplest and cheapest upgrade I've ever done. I actually read about that on the forum here a few months ago and I was thinking new drives were a lot more and no way did I want to have to re install Windows and all that Crud.. Go for it.
  3. And to add I got the toast the other day and I just clicked in the toast message to update, took 30 seconds. I don't understand the need for this question? All the software I use has toast for updates, I just got one today in another software I use, they are sort of a no brainier. I read that Cakewalk only uses this re activation to keep track of how many people are using it.
  4. The export dialogue allows you to choose any combination of Sample and bit depth. It doesn't matter what the project was recorded at. To bad you ended up with 44.1, that sucks. But there's nothing stopping you from exporting it at 48/24. I think it's brain dead that Cakewalk seems to set the default recording to 44.1? It's like a 12 years ago concept. Almost nobody uses CD's anymore. Everything is on video now and that is 48.
  5. Yep, Some audio interfaces are a huge waist of time and money, That's probably one of them. This is why you see the majority of people using the same dependable brands.
  6. Sorry I never clicked past the first part and scrolled down. My bad. My experience has been my controllers that don't come with drivers are more problematic. But we are headed for midi gear being all plug and play if you read up about Midi 2.0. Trouble shooting is where you take a system and test each individual component. If you have doubles of components then you swap them out. You said you have another keyboard. I would see if you can get it working. Does it show in Device Manager when connected? You need to get that working first. If it doesn't show in Device Manager then Cakewalk won't see it either. Does it have a driver? And because that keyboard has a 5 pin din port you could try that and connect it to your audio interface if it has a Midi port as well. Or connect it to Midi sound module if you have one. Have you tried looking in it's settings to make sure all theat is set up correctly. It might be only sending on a weird channel. but Omni input would fix that. There's a program I heard of called Midi Ox that is supposed to show you what is going on.
  7. It's not a bug. If you use a computer for serious audio production you need to set it up properly. You want a multi purpose computer then you will have to do things like disable and enable devices as you change what your using it for. Turn off the internet and disabling other audio drivers is Par for the course if you seriously want to use a DAW on your computer. DAW's are by nature contrary to almost all other applications you use on a computer. And yes the Realtek ASIO driver is a well known invasive driver. But that's not your issue. I get that message all the time on my office computer as said after it goes to sleep. I only use the real tek audio on that machine but I have a set of powered monitors connected. I have a 32 'TV screen connected via the HDMI but I would not suffer the sound from that, even for watching TV.
  8. I'd really hate to see any weirdness to logging in and asking a question here. Not many people use these type of forums anymore and it would really be the end of this one for sure. Like the Steinberg forum, I bought Wave Lab and tried to join the forum. It sucked. This is a great forum and seems it's been around for a long time. Hats off to the people who keep it running and civilized.
  9. It's interesting that M audio says no driver is needed but I just checked and they defiantly have a driver posted in the downloads. Might be worth a shot. But seems you know what your doing and it is a total bummer when S--T like this happens. I too am holding off on a re build to W11. I think I'll wait until Cakewalk makes up it's mind about which version I'll be using. And , yep, Don't touch a dang thing until the albums is finished is a good fri--n idea.
  10. But you have only one click with mouse to choose what you want. You barley have to move your hand because the menu is already there. What's the difference? And it seems to work in all views. Some hotkeys don't.
  11. Watch this. funny, first 2 threads I just read the dudes are having audio issues. This is the best video I have watched that seems to cover everything. There's a lot of bad advise on the internet about audio systems.
  12. Edit , Whoops, I replied in the old thread this dude started in March. You'll see the new thread in the Cakewalk main forum, sorry. Looks like you were have complained a few times about this in other threads of which you did not bother to reply. Those threads had the same answers you will get again. Did you follow through and read the other books or watch the millions of tutorial videos that are available. Your complaint is about something that is very basic and easy to learn. Cakewalk is by no means a Cakewalk as you said back in March, It take some effort. I found these were super easy to follow and the most up to date. I also like they are short and jump right in with no boring introductions. Even though I've used Cakewalk for a long time now I still learn new things every time I watch a few videos. And reading this forum is good too.
  13. @Michael Vogel Yes I agree and from reading some old threads on the topic I see that I neglected to save that one item the Command center. I actually have backups of most of my Cakewalk software on an older external drive. And it's OLD! I also found a few serial numbers but it was all incompleted and only half arsed orginized. Now I have the Command center and full access again it's a matter of taking some time to do this and back it all up to a dozen places.
  14. You need to use the Focusrite ASIO driver and that should not happen.
  15. Yes one thing a screenset can do that workspaces can't is this. You save a project where you made some of the Channel strips in Console view narrow and when you open it they all revert back to wide, A screenset will save that set up for a project. Workspaces only seem to save the interfaces view box sizes and layouts as well as which tools and widgets stuff are shown or hiding. It's sort of a nightmare at first. Lots of newbies are more confused by that sparse set up of the Basic workspace layout than any other aspect of Cakewalk.
  16. @Lord Tim Yes That must be it as I never can see the pictures in the documentation. It's been like that for a long time. I can only see them on my phone. I added Cakewalk com to the list in chrome as advised by someone here but that never worked either. It's OK because I have a freind who uses Cakewalk and he had the Command Center still in his downloads folder so It's all working now. Thank you @Jonathan Sasor It would be nice if you could sort out why your web site is un secure by both Edge and Chrome and on all 3 of my computers that all use more or less default settings. And while trying to sort this out I eneded up in old Cakewalk land where there are a lot of very obsollete pages and dead links. Someone really needs to delete all those as they must be frustrating to people who are trying to locate the new version.
  17. Yes this is what's happening. I just found this out. On my old DAW have lots of older versions of Cakewalk etc. and those have Melodyne 4 installed and working fine. I'm building a new one and I had just downloaded the latest Cakewalk and it now comes with Melodyne 5. I guess it will expire demo mode after a month. Last time I checked they offer a discount when you upgrade. But I think that was a Black Friday deal. I don't sing so I don't need it for the vocal weirdness but I do use the Audio to mid sometimes.
  18. This is the different between screensets and Workspaces. Workspaces override screensets. Screen sets are per project, A workspace is global to all projects. You are better off to creat your own custom workspaces and save them. Then you can quickly have everything the way you want it. The Basic workspace is a joke and not sure why it even exsists as it screws people up. The default should either be None or Advances ( which shows everything ) I had just watched this video a while back. I'll see if I can find it. Ya here there are.. https://youtu.be/tzUtfEl4sps And this one is about the control bar custom settings https://youtu.be/kTO1ViXjjZc
  19. In Preferences under Midi only check the focusrite. But If you are using the TTS-1 that has nothing to do with the midi output in preferences. THat is for the DIN jack in the back of your interface. You would check that if you own hardware midi devices only. The midi track / file needs to be output directly to the TTS-1. The TTS_1 audio will go to the Master bus and onward to your interfaces audio outputs. Check your master bus is set to the Focusrite. It's actually impossible to use your on board audio from Cakewalk if your interface is connected and in ASIO mode. So somethings not right there. Also If you had opened this file and that GS Wavetable output was checked then that would screw up Cakewalk automaticly using TTS-1. Always open a midi file with those 2 midi output boxes unchecked and Cakewalk will automaticly set up the TTS_1 to play the file. Good Luck
  20. I'm going through issues sort of like this where I can't download the Command Center. I have all my passwords and the old Cakwalk log on stored in a safe place you should have done the same. You can recover your passowrd by contacting Support found in the Tab above. Hopefully you have a copy of the Command Center running.
  21. I'm re doing a laptop I have as a second DAW and as part of this I need to install Cakewalk Command Center to install Splat and the goodies. The download seems to be screwed up. I tried on 2 computers and using both Chrome and Edge. Chrome just sits there going round and round, Edge gives me this warning . I found a thread where people were having same issue. And I see now it would have been smart to have this all backed up. But alas, I didn't, I sure as heck will once I get this working. Is that old server dieing? https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/15430-command-centre/
  22. I 100% agree with always redo a part if you screw up. I actually record my tracks from start to finish without punching in if I can help it. I make a mistake, delete and redo until it is the best I can do. I don't keep half baked tracks. I definatly hate Comping. But in some cases that best I can do contains very small errors I didn't notice right away. It might be on projects I'm re mixing a year later. I have no clue what guitar, amp or signal path I used. The track might be the result of 20 takes or one magical moment in 1,000. This is not turd polish but perfecting the almost perfect! And Only I will know that it happened. God bless digital audio workstation recording. Still havn't had time to try it out.
  23. I just upgraded to Editor from I guess it was Assistant for $99 ( I guess that will be $148 Can. ) Just to get the chord editing. Havn't done anything with chords yet just a vocal track which everything seemed the same fars as that went. But looking forward to fixing gutar tracks now. And possibly turning Guitar chords into Midi?? not sure if that works but would be pretty cool. Far as I caan tell the next level, Studio's biggest feature is editing multiple tracks at the same time. I can see that would be great for Harmonies. But that will be nexts years upgrade for me.
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