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Everything posted by simon

  1. was sarcasm zero incentive to upgrade (side-grade?) as far as I'm concerned. In fact a bit insulting considering the prices of their libraries ..just MO obviously
  2. Thanks Orville - now if you could just let your resellers have their codes Then we could have a play too
  3. I have albion one - my discount is £15.95 - very generous I think
  4. still waiting for my licence
  5. simon

    Waves OVox

    I’ll wait for the $29 version
  6. Agreed (although TBH I didn’t know there were any other types of chords !)
  7. I have both - I still use cubase 99.9999% of the time insane that a nuendo licence doesn’t allow you to open cubase - zero excuse for that IMO
  8. maybe when v12 comes out ? there are a few things not in the Anthology - notably SP2016 $24 so grabbed it anyway
  9. on windows, when I downloaded it asked me for which disk I wanted it on but not where - it created a folder in the root directory of that disk. Shuffled this off to my sample disk afterwards. I found the whole interface a bit odd - they way you load up sounds etc....haven't had much chance to play yet.
  10. slightly odd pricing strategy - the "new price" is cheaper than any other crossgrades (Apart from cubase)
  11. agreed you can move it afterwards though - and then repoint to the new location messy
  12. the standalone app is a bit flakey on windows - the GUI often doesn't appear and when you open another instance its thinks there is one running in the background. If you scroll down task manager you can see the spurious processes running
  13. working this morning as Larry says you go into "my licences" and you should see the Layers option. Click "details" . Select the options you want then download it's not very clear how you put the library into a folder you want but I'm sure that will work itself out edit content is about 9gig also there is a 2 euro majestic horn kontakt instrument - gonna give that a go too
  14. off topic - https://go.waves.com/ anyone going ?
  15. if it is an elicencer then it will work - even the original usb one (the very first were parallel port) https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/115001652690-USB-eLicenser-revisions-dongle-key- note that the first gen "may" be a little slower
  16. I just mentally factor that in - at the end of the day it seems like a small cost so I don't worry too much. I have zero problem (ok, nearly zero) using these dongles but my friend refused to update from cubase LE to PRO because he didn't want the dongle on his laptop. I suspect it costs them some sales but they are more worried (paranoid) about piracy than convenience.
  17. yes - just checked you need to install the synchron player and use the downloader to download/install the library (.vsldownload file) Larry check back if it doesn't make sense - as it's all coming back to me like a bad dream also looks like it's been updated since I downloaded it
  18. just logged in - it's very confusing if you go to the "my downloads" section........ I think it was the Vienna Synchron Player ? plus you have to register the licence on your elicencer obvs also I assume I installed the downloader - not at my audio pc but can check later ?
  19. I downloaded it a few months ago - and didn't pay anything - I think you have to install the VST plugs as well. I'll take a look if I can remember my login I do remember it needing more brain power than I wanted to give it though.
  20. I use ilok and elicencer (steinberg) - Ilok is definitely much better (IMO!) - but elicencer is fine. You are stuck with it for 95% of steinberg products and I've been using one for years. Once had one blow up on me and SB were pretty good about getting me a replacement (for free). It's really not worth buying an elicencer just to use that free library though - it's not that amazing.....
  21. it's impossible to tell what is free and what product is a subset of what other product. You would think black-eye would be a subset of the big bang library ? confuuuuseed 😕
  22. posting this here although it's a bit niche https://soundparticles.com/ currently 30% off FWIW the free demo is probably all I need - it watermarks it's output (invisibly) and limits it to 15bit audio. Haven't had a proper chance to play with it but the developer seems really nice as I had a bit of an email back and forth with him. thought it might work for that imaginary hollywood sound design job that I feel is just around the corner............that phone's gotta ring at some point ?
  23. simon

    HorNET Secret Sale

    or wait until next week when the sale won't be secret (only kidding - 😍 Saverio)
  24. this is the freebie - you don't need VEP https://www.vsl.co.at/en/BBO_Map/BBO in my opinion their whole product list is confusing - where do you even start - what are the premium products https://www.vsl.co.at/en/Products/Product_List web page looks like it was designed in 1998
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