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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. wow mark! kind words, thank you sir. yea,, the ending is supposed to be kinda like a hangover, with the nasty discordant chord signifying that, indeed, the moonshine has done its' job!
  2. alright jdf! vox on a song as mellow on this, i was on the fence about.... i like the idea of having them further back, to draw the listener into the music more than just the vox. hey lynn, thanks for the comments, that's nice of you to say. America, i really liked that band when i was growing up, listening to the radio, funny you mention them. they were never an influence as much as, say, CSN&Y were, but still, it's a very similar thing, to the eagles as well. nothing wrong with those bands!! hi Edd, glad you enjoyed this one, it's pretty introspective.
  3. heheh, yea, that'd be the allman joys! but yea, those guys were just coming into their own when i was a but a wee lad... and i heard all that stuff, all the time! i was the weirdo around my music peers.... i liked the stones, and yes, and 3 dog night, and sabbath, and purple, and queen, and mahavishnu! didn't mix it up well with sweet home alabama!!! LOL hey, thanks for listening to this one... it was a lot of fun to write and record
  4. hi edd! i love the idea of doing a 'folk song' and giving it a southern rock edge....
  5. hey edd! thanks for listening to this one.
  6. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/just-walked-away this one is a fun hard rock workout, with some cool harmony work and some wicked guitar parts. njoy!
  7. hey sailor! appreciate the kind words! yep, on the cdbaby site, they only give you 3 spots, honestly, i just made that sh!t up on the spot! i grew up in jacksonville florida, so i was definitely influenced to some degree, by bands like skynyrd, and i always love the allman bros. so yea, i get that!
  8. heheh, thanks wookiee
  9. hey spak! i appreciate your comments. that was an actual rain storm, of all places, salt lake city!! and i simply stuck my AT4033 out the open door, cranked up the preamp gain, and let it run. that particular piece i used, seemed pretty dramatic, but would then go into a nice smooth rain. which is kind of the memory of the lyric.
  10. this is a mellow, spacey acoustic/electric hybrid, a sort of folk song. njoy
  11. hey tom! thanks for listening, glad you dig this one! this one is off my 2nd album, "The time is Magic", here: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/batsbrew since this is a finished tune, i'll probably not mess with it anymore, i've got another project half done right now! and thats taking all the free time i have, which is not much! here's the guitar i used on this one:
  12. hey lynn! this is off my trouble album, you can get it here: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/batsbrew12 yes, this tune has several guitar tracks, some went thru the condenser. some thru a 57, and some direct thru a Palmer PDI-09. for certain levels of girth, i like the condenser (it's a shure KSM44). thanks for listening!
  13. "Twilight Rain" https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/twilight-rain
  14. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/work-it-out this is off my 1st album, re-released last year..... gave me a chance to use this ole '77 ibanez artist 2618 for some rhythm work all done in sonar
  15. i've always loved the cadence and feel of a minuet. this reminds me of some of Rimsky-Korsakov's feel.... wookie, sounds like this one is only half baked, with some obvious timing issues.... i'm assuming this is a work in progress, i dig the layout, but not thrilled with the choice of sounds. maybe it'd work better full-on synth voices....?
  16. there is an easier product to use that they make, funny enough, called 'ezdrummer2' that's how i got started. superior drummer 3, is just that... superior.
  17. yea, could just be my bats-speak, they are pure recorded 'sounds', technically 'wav' files, but are triggered by midi. i call those 'samples'... that's what toontracks calls them. it's an incredible program, raw samples of killer kits, that you can then pull thru their own mixer, which has studio quality effects that you can apply to each drum individually, you can define how much of the room mics are in the mix, how much bleed from the kit into the other mic, etc, ad naseum. electronic drums too, and you can even use your own samples. i always wanted to make a kit with all the pots and pans in my kitchen. LOL
  18. thanks so much, msmcleod! i appreciate that mr villanova, thanks for listening
  19. hey, thanks for posting that... it's an impressive sound for sure (requiem) but to me, still feels totally like someone playing a keyboard triggering guitar samples... it's very stiff, does not have a 'real' feel to it, doesn't really talk to me. i know i like derek sherinian's guitar-like riffs and tones, he just kills it! but never feels like a real guitar, tho to a casual listener, it would never matter. toontrack Superior Drummer 3 (what i use) uses extremely well-recorded 24 bit drum samples that are triggered by midi info, it's a wonderful drum program, find out more here: https://www.toontrack.com/product/superior-drummer-3/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzbm_1IiC4QIVGsDICh3tug76EAAYAiAAEgKxpPD_BwE
  20. heheh, michael, i had to chuckle just a bit..... i mean, it's a straightforward question for sure, but IF you can find ANYONE who is playing canned sounds and making them sound like THIS....... i wanna hear it! now! LOL...... yes, all real instruments, recorded in real time. the only thing that is 'canned' is my superior drummer drum tracks, and all of those i write from scratch, so in a way, they aren't really canned either.
  21. hey sailor! i so dig it, that you guys that really aren't into this kind of stuff, are giving it a shot! i mean, even if you step out of the musician/singer category, and just look at it from a production point of view, it's very valuable to me, so thank you. i did tweak the vox more last night, and decided they needed to be a bit brighter, just to bring them forward just a touch, so this should help with some 'intelligibility'......!
  22. hey daryl, so glad you checked this one out... you have such a good arrangement style, and i've been trying to dial mine back a bit, so nice to get feedback on it from you, thanks! ok wookiee! i can imagine if anything tickled your inner hairy ears wrong, you'd tell me! it's great getting feedback on playback from all these different systems i know you guys listen on.... thanks!
  23. HEY JOHN B! thanks for listening.... even tho it's kind of a straight ahead rock thing, i tried to make it 'dynamic' like you say, i think part of that ability to be dynamic, is simply not crushing it with mastering. when i DO master this, i'll only bring the volume up about another 2db, and that's it. if you want i LOUD........... turn that dial that says 'volume'. ok lynn! no more tweaking..... oh wait, i tweaked it last night! oh crap..... no going back now! LOL hi freddy! theolonious monk, now THERE is a name that does not get dropped around here very often!! that sentiment he describes, i definitely can relate to that. when i record my stuff, i spend a good amount of time working out the demo stage......but when i go for what i call "keeper tracks", i try to let go of all the practice and 2nd guessing, and just let it go. i always hope that comes across in my stuff.
  24. hi amicus! glad you dig this one... and super cool you checked it out even if it's not your thing! i appreciate that
  25. ha! don't touch it.... man, that'd be so easy! LOL thanks for the vote of confidence! i wont tweak this much more
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