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Everything posted by antler

  1. Do you have to run as admin every time, or just the first time?
  2. More likely it resulted in you proverbially launching a torpedo/depth charger...
  3. Yes. Will is actually 85% off... available for $29.99 for one week only
  4. I don't think a higher rating means more reward money; it was just coincidental that the higher rated ones were more expensive, meaning that (as a percentage) there was a higher reward for reviewing.
  5. 😮 and probably a lot of drive space... but then again, so is Superior 3
  6. Are you sure? from the OP, it looks like it's: Battery, Battery 2, Battery Studio Drums
  7. I just downloaded the demo; didn't realise at first that it renders forever, and that you stop it when you think its good enough. From playing around with it, it looks like there's scope for a really wide range of images. With enough experience, is there a way to know what you're going to end up with when you add new transforms, etc? or is it like how I approach FM syntheses (i.e. hmm... what does turning this dial do? oh, that sounds cool...)
  8. I was disappointed to learn that VST3 must be installed to a certain path: I try to keep my C drive for Windows and program files only. Regardless I ended up just going to the install location, moving the contents to another drive, and then creating a symlink in it's place; it's working well for me so far. For anyone interested and on Windows, look up the command mklink
  9. I'm surprised about some of them, e.g. Chris Hein Horns; I could be wrong, but that doesn't have a more modern version does it? (meaning some people will completely lose their instrument with no way to upgrade to a working version) I wonder if this has something to do with NI's subscription plan?
  10. These look really interesting. Would you recommend Chaotica if I were to start trying to get into fractal art? i.e. is it beginner friendly, or is it a beast like Blender (3D)?
  11. antler

    LMMS Free DAW

    It is now, but wasn't always. The projects hosted on GitHub though are the property of whoever uploaded them, and are (generally open-source*) licensed however the project owners see fit. * it's possible to host private closed-source projects on GitHub, but they're only visible to people that the project owners decide to make so. Also, no-one's technically allowed to use a project that doesn't explicitly have a license.
  12. Sort of... I'm sure Iron and Shadow are both mastering grade compressors, so you could use them in the mastering stage too. It's just that Ozone also has effects other than for dynamics processing that can be used for finishing your tracks. I suppose you can think of it like this: Ozone is a suite of effects for finishing your tracks; Ozone includes compressors, but you don't have to use them - if you preferred the sound of Iron/Shadow you can use those for dynamics processing, but use the other parts of Ozone for other areas, e.g. EQ-ing/stereo widening/limiting.
  13. Ozone goes on the master bus as the final element, where we can use its limiter and spectral/spacial enhancements (and monitoring tools). Iron/Shadow Hills can go before Ozone for glue/character... or at least that's how I see it. (yeah... I know... Ozone has it's own compressor modules too...)
  14. $69.99 from Black Octopus https://blackoctopus-sound.com/product/harmor-additive-synthesizer/?mc_cid=504213dd4f&mc_eid=11dafe2186
  15. To be fair though, if anyone were to drink enough ammonia cleaner, they probably wouldn't need to worry about corona (or anything else for that matter)
  16. From what I read in some thread a while ago, some people aren't finding it to be too cooperative. It may have been updated since though.
  17. 0.6 petaHz... Is this some obscure reference to our UIKG? 🤪
  18. I kinda wish iZotope would release a version of these so that they'd work without the iLok software (and just go through the iZotope portal). Mind you, it's giving me reason not to give into GAS. (I know - it doesn't require a dongle; i just don't want to install a driver-level copy-protection service)
  19. antler

    PA Survey

    Previously people were sharing, and getting plugins for free. Now that they have a minimum spend, PA will get some money regardless of who uses it.
  20. If you're not against a pseudo-subscription, $19.99/mo. for 25 months on Splice (rent-to-own platform)
  21. Only if you have a bad case of GAS... (but I think they're also on Splice - a rent-to-own platform)
  22. Is anyone in the UK able to buy MPS3 from JRR? It keeps telling me that it's unavailable in my country (which is fine: I can either get it from AudioDeluxe for the same price, or come to my senses and realise O8A is probably more than enough for my needs at the moment).
  23. Now to put all of those green melodies into ReMIDI...
  24. Not there... maybe I just need to be a little more patient... or maybe I'm indirectly being helped with my GAS
  25. What's the email subject line? I can't seem to find it in my inbox and don't know if I deleted it, or got left out of the promotion.
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