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Everything posted by antler

  1. I managed to - my biggest 'problem' with it is that it's limited to 8 sounds per instance. IIRC, there are some MIDI keys somewhere - one for each loaded sound. You can export MIDI (you might need to install an update) from XO to your DAW. You can also sync it to your DAW so that it plays whenever the DAW transport is running. The third option is, as you mentioned, to export wavs.
  2. GPL3 is very copyleft. If you choose to license as GPL, your derived product must also be licensed as GPL. You can still sell it (I think...), but you have to make the source 'available'.
  3. I think the biggest turn-off of SoundPaint for me is the disk space requirements; I already have some fairly big libraries and unfortunately, I don't have infinite disk space
  4. antler

    Wusik Station X1

    You could put the address into your email client's spam-lists; they'll go straight to Junk.
  5. Does that mean that going forward, hosts will eventually stop scanning for/loading VST2 plugins? I tend to only install VST3 ones nowadays, but I'm wondering if it means I'll (eventually) no longer be able to use some of the older VST2 plugs I have.
  6. Nice work Wookiee - it's kinda got a Caribbean/chill out element to it. I like it!
  7. Generally, it's only Komplete upgrades that are 50% discounted; for a new comer, this would be a good deal.
  8. Great song - a very nice sound. My only criticism is that the ending sounded quite abrupt to me. Good mix though - well done!
  9. Great tune Douglas. I like the contrast between the verse and the pre-chorus - very cool!
  10. antler


    Nice song Paul - there's some great playing in there too. A very minor thing that I noticed (possibly just me) was that the compression ratio felt a tiny bit too heavy, as the drums felt a little squeezed to me. Overall a good mix though - well done!
  11. antler

    8dio.com hacked

    I'm guessing that's why some end up using third party services, e.g. FastSpring, GumRoad, etc, to do the commercial transactions.
  12. How so? Do you mean there's a way to toggle between the two versions, or that it's got two plugins?
  13. I would never have guessed... 😜
  14. I'd recommend you stop shopping from wherever it is that's offering you that deal. From the Presonus website:
  15. antler


    I enjoyed that - there's a really nice interplay between the guitar and the horns. Really good mix too! Have to ask though - what inspired the track title?
  16. Maybe it's comparing itself/competing with the likes of e.g. PA's Dangerous Music BAX EQ?
  17. Awesome tune, Tom. Part of me wanted the piano to go throughout the piece, but switching instrumental focus works really well too.
  18. antler

    Christmas Time

    Nice song Jack - I enjoyed that one. The mastering sounds good too - didn't sound crushed or crunchy to me.
  19. Nice work Wookiee - enjoyed that one
  20. antler


    Very nice - it sets a good atmosphere, and I love the reverse instruments
  21. The vocals and guitar seem to be the loudest things in that mix - it's important that they're heard, but you also need to balance out the other instruments. When starting a mix, one of the first things I do is to get a good general balance before adding compression/eq - it helps to turn the volume down so that I can just barely hear it, and then to adjust the levels so that you can make out all the instruments. It can also help to listen to reference tracks at that volume too, to compare which elements of the song you can hear. Once the levels are approximately there, you can turn it back up and start making things a bit clearer by adding eq/panning. When I was learning to mix, I used this article: https://docsbay.net/the-equalization-primer-the-complete-lesson-on-getting-started-with-eq-by-robert-dennis (I don't think it was on that website when I found it, but the article text is the same). If any instruments sound thin, you can try adding some compression to give them a bit more sustain/punch/body. I usually apply compression before the eq - compression alters the sonic quality of the instrument, and then the eq helps it fit in the mix. Compressing the busses also helps to glue everything together - generally, you'll want a gentler compression ratio and attack/release for the busses than the individual tracks.
  22. Don't do it then - just because there's an entry in the Available Updates tab in Native Access; you don't have to click the Update button, and they don't install themselves either. Disable Native Access from your computer's start-up (that's what I do), and it'll be like the update was never released (unless you encounter a problem and want to install it).
  23. When signed in, you might see a dot (or star, if you've posted in a thread) [as shown in the screenshot below] - if you click on that (and not the orange text link), you'll be taken to the last message you've read
  24. Not sure about mobile, but signatures don't seem to appear if you're not signed in on the full version
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