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Everything posted by antler

  1. antler

    BFD = CFA

    Don't know about BFD 3, but usually even the stubborn ones still work if you move the sound files and leave a symbolic directory link where it used to be (I used to do this with VST3s). I have encountered a few (non-music) programs that will fail even with this trick though.
  2. Fine by me - I think their instruments are pretty cool, and I use Studio One. They also have a reward-points scheme if you buy from their store; they do have an expiry though.
  3. One Subscription to rule them all, One Subscription to find them, One Subscription to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
  4. Their company name is Orchestral Tools, so another orchestral library would be too obvious - maybe they'll announce a diversification in their product line and release, I dunno... a Trap library 😝
  5. Undoubtedly some great deals from PA this month. Personally, I would have preferred their previous voucher usage scheme though. A quick heads-up: I got an email saying vouchers expire May 28, 2022; there might be some kind of sale coming.
  6. In addition to the under $20 section, be sure to check the others too, e.g. there are some Serum presets that you could pick up with this voucher.
  7. Are these actually cleared for use copyright-wise? Fine if you're just making your own music, but just thinking it might be painful if someone makes a great track and decides to sell it.
  8. Isn't that Steinberg's approach with Cubase?
  9. I switched from Soundforge to Acoustica and feel like I've saved a couple of years by not having to wait for Soundforge's plugin scan on start up 😜
  10. Hopefully it means that some new snap-ins are on their way
  11. It's probably a rarer occurrence, but what happens if your actual iLok dongle stops responding?
  12. Shame you can't read this on a Kindle; I prefer printed-ink screens over computer/phone screens for reading
  13. The best way to know for sure is to send an email to support. Even if the samples are in an open format, it doesn't mean that they are licenced to be used in other ways.
  14. That's quite a big difference and certainly worth buying direct from AudioModern - the APD purchase probably would have given you a 100%-off coupon code, meaning that you 'buy' from AudioModern anyway. Also worth noting that AudioModern now have a bundle of Atom, Opacity, and Opacity II if budget allows. The deal is over now, but Atom was recently on sale at VST Buzz
  15. I was tempted, but put off by the thought that these seem to be verging on legacy products (compared to the SINE versions) now. I think I read that someone found some bugs in Ark 3 (Kontakt) related to tempo matching that haven't been fixed - if they haven't fixed bugs in the SINE versions that I've also read about, it's very unlikely they'll fix something in the Kontakt versions. The demos do sound really good though.
  16. I wonder if Industry Brass will be a Musio exclusive, or whether it will eventually become a Kontakt instrument too?
  17. I'm guessing these are the Kontakt versions - are they effectively discontinued given OT's decision to use its own SINE player?
  18. You're missing PhasePlant, and the ones from u-he 😜
  19. antler

    8DIO V8P Sale!

    Hey Larry - just out of curiosity, what are the reasons you prefer libraries to be Kontakt Player enabled? Is it the relative ease of browsing libraries in the left panel? That's probably the main reason for me - that and that I sometimes forget about the non-Player libraries that I have because they're not listed.
  20. Err... did they just say that "true" mid/side can be achieved by: Doing "wrong" mid/side processing, and then Splitting the left and right channels of the side channel into two separate channels themselves? Breaking up an LCR mix maybe? Other than that, no idea...
  21. antler

    8DIO V8P Sale!

    It's unlikely to go cheaper any time soon. As I understand, 8Dio are going to make the V8P products public over the course of a year or so while also moving to a new website platform. A 75% discount on base prices is pretty generous; a discount on upgrade prices that knocks 8W and the Emperium bundle to $100 each is even more so.
  22. Some of the older products, e.g. Shevannai are Kontakt based
  23. It'll probably be fine - I think the CPU and GPU are separate, but the whole system shares the RAM. That's just my (possibly incorrect) understanding of the M1 architecture though; best way to find out is to give it a whirl - it is free 😁
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