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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Just imagine what that band could have done with a top-250 guitarist!!! 🤣
  2. I just compiled the list into one text file for searching. Gee, has anyone else noticed that there's actually 263 guitarists listed in the top 250? 🙄 Yep. No Walter Trout (voted in the top-5 from a huge Europe survey) and no Guthrie Govan either who could easily be another top-5'er. Should Alex Lifeson really be on there? I don't think he did many original pieces, did he? 😂 I take it they aren't friends of the Blues since, besides Walter, Joe Bonamassa and Gary Moore are also conspicuously missing. Craig Goldy and Jake E. Lee? Nope. Michel St-Père from the Mystery is also a no-show as is Glen Campbell, John Petrucci and Christopher Cross. . . . However, both Neil Young and Joan Jett somehow made the list! (What, no Ace Frehley??? 🤣) Let's just say that this list is pure troll-bait and leave it at that. I'd much rather listen to Lord Tim and Kenny than most of those listed.
  3. Just not into Grammy's... I like 'em younger! 😜 (But, good luck to you just the same! 😉👍)
  4. Here's Bapu crossing that famous road with bear feet! 😁
  5. Who are these Beatles I keep hearing about? 🤔
  6. She Wants Revenge - ... And A Song For Los Angeles
  7. Let's just say, the order wasn't close even with the entries that made the list! I'm not going to go through it again, but I don't recall Guthrie Govan on there either...
  8. craigb


    The mice are busy attacking pwalpwal.
  9. I thought this was a Moody Blues thread! Imagine my disappointment! 😮
  10. Based on my sample size of two, I've reached the conclusion that everyone from Yorkshire is bat guano crazy! 😂
  11. Hilarious! Great troll post Kenny! Any list that puts some of THOSE in, but leaves out Craig Goldy and Walter Trout (among others) is a laugh! 😆
  12. All that work pwalpwal and still 880 behind! 🤣😜
  13. Oops! Didn't realize there was another page! Fixing... Def Leppard - On Through The Night
  14. Price tag: $1.765 billion? 🤔
  15. Wonders if Strummy got it... 😜
  16. Man that suit makes his head look tiny! 😆
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