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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2023 in Posts

  1. I gave up on Corel because I couldn’t stop the constant desktop spam pop up’s. I’m currently testing the Affinity suite and plan to purchase on Black Friday. They are great tools! 👍
    4 points
  2. This doesn't change any of the other variables, so rather than buying MComplete in roughly 4 years, it would now take 9+ years. My other concern with this path is that it doesn't give credit towards the 50% off sales, so you are committing to full price with no off ramp. While it does give instant access to everything, it comes at a cost. It remains a cheaper path to pick up things during the Eternal Madness/sales (getting credit for each of those), and squirrel away funding to redeem the 20% referral code discount when the bundles go on sale, but that requires a little more planning and discipline.
    4 points
  3. If you have Cakewalk installed and set as Windows default for opening midi files you most certainly don’t need to suffer the MS wavetable synth. If you have nothing selected in preferences/midi/devices/ output. The TTS-1 will automatically open with Cakewalk when you double click an Midi file. TTS-1 is a GM synth so plays all GM files no problem. It is 10 x the sound quality of the MS wavetable. I only use it to preview download midi files. If I like file I replace the instruments with better stuff.
    4 points
  4. The $29 deal was under the old pricing model where you had to pay for the effects separately. Now that the hosts drive the revenue instead I suspect that this will be as good as it gets.
    4 points
  5. It's not just music that makes the cash fly away. I just pre-ordered the pricey new Quest 3 512 GB VR headset. When it comes Wednesday, I'm going to have to buy a lot of new accessories, as the old ones reportedly don't fit it. I'm going to buy the NI Ukulele. Definitely going to download a trial of Musio 1. If I do buy that, I'll need a new SSD. Sonuscore in October. I generally love their stuff. Pretty much everything they've come out with. Then on to Black Friday and the holiday sales! 😟
    3 points
  6. Van Halen - Runnin' With the Devil:
    3 points
  7. https://youtu.be/3mMEem-n1cA?si=wd2b9zncAz_kxAlb Download links in video WITH DEMO Free VST Plugins mentioned in this video: 1.Radiant Q - Viator Dsp 00:00 https://tinyurl.com/bde3vhsj 2.Deep Jupiter updated v1.1 (only the plugin has been updated) 00:31 https://tinyurl.com/59kkss8z 3.Wavetable - SocaLabs 00:57 https://tinyurl.com/2rzjhs4b 4.Pop Pink Drums - Hafizh joys 01:23 https://tinyurl.com/3k9c2adu 5.Looser Tape Movement - Benedict Roff-Marsh 02:02 https://tinyurl.com/4xyczzrd 6.NTS-2: An Oscilloscope Turned Synth 02:28 https://tinyurl.com/4u8hah3m 7.Needler 03:08 https://tinyurl.com/4hyhxsvs 8.ML-Sound-Lab ML Drums Free Update 2.2.9 03:34 https://tinyurl.com/berpxm6v 9.Spiral Delay - Davisynth 04:01 https://tinyurl.com/3v6tkudt 10.Death Dealer Drums - Fire Portal Studios 04:28 https://tinyurl.com/48mzu48r 11.Organic Alien Drones Light - Sample Science 04:55 https://tinyurl.com/323zwp5y 12.Vaporizer 2 - Vast Dynamics 05:30 https://tinyurl.com/3pxpc92j 13.Free Halloween Melody Pack 06:08 https://tinyurl.com/3nytvfkk 14.FREE DJEMBE LOOPS - Devious Machines 06:47 https://tinyurl.com/ujkph3tf 15.Free Sample Pack: 'Emotional Piano Melodies' 07:14 https://tinyurl.com/mufdnr3f 16.Nu-Soul & RnB - MIDI Klowd 07:41 https://tinyurl.com/4ffecfxf 17.FREE Cinematic Impacts 08:12 https://tinyurl.com/2s3ufzkm 18.Soundpaint - Adastra Ambiences 08:34 https://tinyurl.com/2p3j5355 19.Electric Keys Is A FREE Rhodes Piano For Kontakt Player 09:14 https://tinyurl.com/2w3swnke 20.The Free Orchestra 2 - ProjectSAM 09:58 https://tinyurl.com/2p8xknyd
    3 points
  8. By the way watching Simeon video ....but not fair everything he touches sounds great !!! lol
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. APU Loudness Compressor update v1.93 (not a deal) Note/Edit: 10/13/23 v1.96 has released, see devs post further down. https://apu.software/download/ last update I had was v1..8.7 Release Notes Version 1.9.3 Update default theme Various minor fixes Version 1.9.2 Fix single-value slider thumb offset, improve coloring Version 1.9.1 User interface improvements Revert maximum loudness range change, causing issues with sliders Version 1.9.0 Expand maximum loudness range Improve Atmos histogram alignment Fix histogram bucket range end text Version 1.8.9 Fix auval validation failure Minor fixes and improvements Version 1.8.8 Transfer function raster type (compressor) Fix layout issues, give manual range its own row Exclude threshold from manual range Center histogram buckets for channel-linked link to prior posts on this plugin You can ping the dev @Aaron Robinson re questions.
    2 points
  11. https://www.newegg.com/corel-paintshop-pro-2021-with-aftershot-pro-3/p/N82E16832352180?Item=N82E16832352180
    2 points
  12. yes, you could have a bunch of instruments all responding on the same or different MIDI channels as well as outputs - separate or combined. even multiples of a single instrument.
    2 points
  13. So far as input filtering goes, CbB can only be set to completely ignore all controllers for purposes of recording; it's not selective and it will still echo everything in real time. MFX operate at the output of a track, which is effective to control what gets echoed, but won't limit recording; you'd have to Apply it after the fact. But even given those limitations, I don't know of an MFX offhand that's designed to only pass changing values. Most MIDI controllers are designed to only generate a new message when the position of the physical control has changed, so this isn't a very common scenario. You might have better luck finding a 3rd-party MIDI management app that can operate between the hardware ports and the DAW to do the necessary filtering. I recall looking into one of these apps a long time ago. It wasn't no-brainer cheap so I didn't pursue it, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some pretty powerful freebies out there now.
    2 points
  14. https://8dio.com/products/custom-instrument-series-circle-strings?variant=41310088790216 Requires Full Kontakt
    2 points
  15. Walk, Don't Run – Johnny Smith (the original - and some nice guitar playing)
    2 points
  16. https://www.auburnsounds.com/products/InnerPitch.html Auburn Sounds has announced the release of a new fun-to-use pitch-shifting plugin with a very high-quality, natural sound. Inner Pitch stays true to the source material, prioritizing the intent of the input performance with destruction as an option only. Inner Pitch features State-of-the-art sound quality. Stereo-preservation. 100% linked by default. Lower latency than GRAILLON. (Down to 17.8 ms). Complex program material support. Whole mixes and noise are supported. Formant shifting. Delay Unit which includes Ping-Pong, Diffusion, and infinite feedback. Simple in-loop 3-band EQ. Stereoization based on a simple L/R pitch offset. 3 types of in-loop distortion. Inner Pitch for Windows, Mac and Linux (VST/VST3, AU, AAX and LV2) is available for free. The full version includes more features that trade quality for CPU, unlocking the best pitch-shifting quality and the lowest CPU usage. It is on sale for the intro price of $29 USD until October 20th, 2023 (regular $38.67 USD).
    2 points
  17. This morning , i opened omnisphere , loaded atmosphere pads = gas off lol ... Loading more modern pads ..... even less gas Sonically don't fell like i will get better BUT the design of complex pad is where imho Luftrum offering is winning : more fun and easier
    2 points
  18. You are aware that nobody except the Bakers know the pricing structure ? Don’t believe any pure gossip and speculation you read on the forums - nobody knows. J
    2 points
  19. I don't like to throw all my eggs in one basket. That's why I don't do subscription plans with Audio based programs or plugins. So I avoid Waves Audio subscription, Pro Tools subscription, Adobe Subscription (music videos) I use outdated adobe software, or anything else subscription. I have given thought to subscribe to Loopcloud for the TimeShaper plugin, but in the end...it's the subscription that kills the deal for me! OFF TOPIC: I was using Reaper for about 6 months, and I've recently updated Cakewalk and switched back. I like how much more productive I am when I use Cakewalk vs Reaper. Plus, Pwr-3 makes Cakewalk audio files sound better than Reaper for my genres. On my HS5s, when I dither a file from 96khz-24bit to 48khz-16bit, the file is more transparent with Cakewalk than with Reaper. The dithering for Cakewalk sounds more true to the original file vs Reaper's dithering ability. The most important feature is the ability of Cakewalk turning a clip into a tempo map convenient! Which is being able to drag the audio clip up until it turns blue then release it. Cakewalk will start Melodyne which will analyze your clip for a tempo map and sets the tempo map for Cakewalk based on that clip. That's time saving. *** In Reaper, I would have to open up Melodyne Studio, drag in the file, let it analyze, export the tempo map, open Reaper, drag and drop the tempo map. *** Cakewalk just makes this a no brainer, easier and more productive.
    2 points
  20. David Bowie - Suffragette City
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Cloud based software signing is around $500 for 3 years (literally just bought it recently myself) and let's you sign without the use of a hardware key. It's simple to setup and get approved for
    2 points
  23. I see you and raise you this entire album. 😁 Lords of Acid - Lust
    2 points
  24. Bauhaus - The Passion of Lovers
    2 points
  25. Not really the platform for other suppliers to bring their woes to. This forum is for the benefit of Cakewalk software uses to bring legitimate deals to their attention.
    2 points
  26. part of a series of songs written during my time doing open mics at the Backstage Hotel which was all about creating and performing originals. this one is somewhat like a Romeo & Juliet story, erm, perhaps in reverse? lol. anyways - this is early in the mix process and i have some lead vocal phrasing i want to tweak... feel free to leave some comments. ----------------------------------------------------------------- she thinks about how her life has been insane and contemplates the mysteries of eternal pain she sings her favorite song but then she hums the refrain she dances in the rain her boyfriend's gone away and she wonders who to blame on this date in the calendar she cries out his name to the hole in the ceiling where it echoes through the frame she dances in the rain he crawls up to the surface like a zombie from its bed screams this ain't no way to live to those voices in his head but it's to that distant melody, a secret place he's led he's walking with the dead he rushes down that shrouded lane and he finds a clearing there he sees a lonely figure dancing 'round a candle on a chair it's a losing proposition you get burned if you win the game she dances in the rain he moves into her motion, she swirls to embrace those raindrops sparkle on her beautiful face the music seems fantastic but the song its got no name she dances in the rain [solo] two worlds collide they're not the same he walks with the dead she dances in the rain now miles apart in the same dark room they pull apart the curtains to release the gloom they fall to their knees to that higher power above and they begin to pray they say love shine on me love
    1 point
  27. This reminds me of something my kids and I did when they were young. Somehow, somewhere they had heard that "A pair of sleepy red moose" sounded like the title of a Beatles song when reversed. We had fun taking whatever it was, reversing it, mimicking the pronunciation of the phrase, and then playing it backwards. (I just listened to it; the title in reversed sounds more like "horse" rather than "moose.") I see there's also a file of "Nam Gay Me--ahh" backwards which sort of sounds like lyrics from another Beatles song. Whacky stuff! Funny and Fun for a few minutes. Just gotta laugh. "It was a fake moustache!" I wonder that happens is we take the words of politicians, play them backwards, and then try to come up with words they MIGHT sound like. LOL!!
    1 point
  28. As for me, PlugInGuru’s Unify is the ultimate pad machine.
    1 point
  29. Are you talking a single MIDI track or a single audio track here? I cannot think of a VSTi that can fire off multiple articulations in a single instance simultaneously (the articulation is a key switch that drives every note played after it), so the only idea that comes to mind is to load two instances inside Kontakt (one for each articulation used) as David mentioned above. Internal to Kontakt, you can play with routing (and may achieve your goal that way); but "visually" it can get insanely confusing to try to do everything from one track and understand what is going on. You have access to unlimited tracks, which also gives you better control over mixing them later on (example would be if you want to pan the oohs right, but the aahs left when mixing, adjust levels separately, etc.).
    1 point
  30. https://ni-japan.jp/news/komplete-toolkit To celebrate the relaunch of Native Instruments' official Japan website, we will be holding a KOMPLETE TOOLKIT campaign for a limited time from September 2023 to October 9, 15, where even those who are just starting out can complete music production. After that, if you have a PC and headphones, you can build and complete an advanced music production environment including A.I. workflows. If you purchase a combination of an eligible NI controller and audio interface at the same time, you can purchase the Komplete 14 Select*1, a popular NI music production bundle that is not usually included, UVI Digital Synsations Vol. 90, which includes four digital synth instruments from the 4s, UJAM Virtual with nylon string concert guitar instruments, and UJAM Virtual Guitarist SILK, an orchestral instrument collection with more than 1,50 instruments, including more than 1 titles from Cinesamples and the SONY MGM STUDIO library, 000 months' worth of MUSIO, and iZotope's "Onigiri Barb" or Neoverb are included as a bonus. Other effects and DAWs include the iZotope Elements Suite, Guitar Rig 3 LE, and DAW Ableton Live Lite.
    1 point
  31. Well there’s BF next month and afterwards there’ll be Christmas. Go on, treat yourself - you might as well live !
    1 point
  32. Well, since I have no issues with I guess I'll stick for a while. Bought 2 x64 Pro versions (legal) way back. Why? end of 10 security updates. Thanks for the input!
    1 point
  33. I used 'em both ways, but mostly for support. As far as the CPU hit, I didn't think it's bad at all but I have a pretty powerful machine. Some Straylight presets will bring my machine to its knees too. I've yet to run into the same issue with this. Check out all the demos before you make a move. It's one of those libraries that you really do get what you hear (I've had some libraries that I can't make it sound anything like the demos I've heard). Can you use other synths to do the same kinda thing? Probably. But there's an inspiration factor working with this one that inspires me. I open this and I just play. And then get lost.
    1 point
  34. In case you weren't paying attention, the third teaser came out yesterday. There are some waveforms in a DAW which might suggest some clue as to what this thing is. More interestingly, Best Service said this was the last teaser and we will know soon. Scared about my wallet.
    1 point
  35. D16 Drumazon v2 plugin has been updated to version 2.0.3 (not a deal) Drumazon plugin has been updated to version 2.0.3. The new version provides: Added: Pattern Copy / Paste works between instances Fixed: Wrong title in Load Midi Map & Load Host Automation windows Loud crackles when changing some presets Download installers: https://d16.pl/downloads
    1 point
  36. One thing that I hate about the audio software industry is that you can never tell a really good deal from a price error. When something is very cheap but you don't instantly get the license, there's always this fear that it was an error and you won't get it in the end. I've never experienced that anywhere else. Only audio software.
    1 point
  37. I tried to soften the harmonica by adding a shelf in the eq to cut down on the air a bit. This song has been added to a video and published already but maybe one day I will revisit the song. I hope the harmonica is at least passible. It is a very intimate instrument (which is why I chose it) and very hard to get right. I am not sure that I have ever gotten the harmonica tracks right that I have put in songs. I remember my dog used to cry and yelp when I would play the harmonica. It produces tones maybe the human ear cannot even hear I think. Well, again, I just hope at this point it is passible. Thanks for your valuable feedback Keith! 💝
    1 point
  38. Excellent from both creative and engineering perspectives. I think this is the best mix you've done so far. All instruments sound clear and really well balanced (maybe bring the bass up a dB or so). Sophisticated changes, relentless pacing, quick rhythmic shifts, stabbing melodies are all excellent elements to create the mood shifts and tension you mentioned. This must have been a huge job to mix but the results sound great. Reminds me of some of the Bowie/Eno tracks from Low and "Heroes" but with a harder edge🎶🎶🎶🎶
    1 point
  39. BTW, depending on your music and whether or not you have it already, you might want to try the free pack done by the artist who uses the name Alba Ecstacy. If you like the free set (32 ambient presets for Pigments), he also has a set of 75 patches for €10.00 (includes the 32 free ones**). With both Luftrum and this sound pack, I found a higher percent of sounds I can use (some with with only minor tweaks) than packs I have gotten from Arturia. He also has a video that demos the 64-patch pack, which now includes 75 patches.
    1 point
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