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  2. To answer the OP, Sonar X1 is 1st version with ProChannel in late 2011. However, I just opened a 2008 .wrk file in CbB and it opened with basic PC modules.
  3. I think you need to be much more specific. First of all, by “bandlab Cakewalk” I assume you mean Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB)? If so, what do you mean when you say Rapture Pro has stopped working? Can you see it your list of instrument plugins in the CbB browser? If so, can you create a track in CbB with an instance of Rapture Pro? If so, can you open the Rapture Pro interface and see its list of installed soundbanks?
  4. Today
  5. Makke

    Bullhill tango

    Thanks for the listening and nice comment Thanks Thank you very much, Nigel. Makke
  6. Well done video. Good song and sounds. 👍
  7. Great music and video. Well sung and played nice song.
  8. I found the culprit. Some samples from my Vienna Choir library got corrupted. When I hit certain notes I was getting clicks and pops. I downloaded and reinstalled the library and all is good.
  9. Someone figured that out. Slap a well know name only to DAW users and charge more money. You see that often with guitar gear.
  10. Then benefit of upgrading Cubase is 3 machine limit.
  11. Hi all, i been working with Sonar and now this bandlab Cakewalk over 20 yrs. I use Rapture pro synth occasionally and most it's angelic choir to my songs (they are really good after tweaking). This rapture pro has stopped working even if you download again from older Cakewalk site. I have many synths and most what i need to use to my arrangement is that female choir. Does anybody know how to get this Rapture working again. I tried many many ways without result.
  12. noynekker

    The Gull.

    Sounding great so far . . . gull glissandos and all, very convincing. Hopefully you can build it into a series . . . interesting how you have a story mapped out in your mind, like a video.
  13. Hey Mark . . . your collaboration, and instrument work on this one was certainly the spark that made me even attempt this video, going way outside my comfort zone . . . your final mix sounded so good, I just had to give it a try . . . thanks for that ! Bruce
  14. @Bajan Blue . . . Wow Nigel . . . hoped you would see this, and I very much appreciate your comments ! I've watched a lot of your excellent video work here on the forum, so lots of inspiration to pull from there. I think video really helps to convey a story of the song for most people, if there is a story to be told. When it's audio only, it really leaves the interpretation open ended. This was hard to do for me, but I do hope to get better at it . . . need to practice and experiment a lot more. Bruce
  15. @Wookiee . . . yes, it's the same old song (mix slightly mangled by You Tube) thanks for having a watch. (Or, did you have your eyes closed ?;)
  16. @jack c. . . . Jack, thanks for stopping by and watching, and commenting
  17. Yeah. I know what you mean. but what this change does is kind of screw over people that were forced to invest into the e-licenser system. and quite frankly, it does sound a like bit like its all a scheme to entice you to upgrade to their latest DAW. Might as well make legacy Cubase devoid of a licenser if its really that useless to them. Anyways, it doesn't really matter that much to me at this point. Over the last few years, i struggled to properly learn the workflow of FL and get my head around it. I have reached the point where I am able to get the same kind of music and tracks I was able to do in Cubase. I just have to go about doing it a little differently. I don''t want to turn this into a which DAW is better discussion. But what the experience has taught me is, there is a great benefit to no having to deal with licenser systems and it really was a big ole' waste of time and money having to deal with these licenser systems. You should just be able to install the software DAW you bought, and use your username and password and not have to look back at it again.
  18. @Lynn Wilson . . . thanks so much Lynn ! What a fun project it was, always like to try some different things.
  19. @PascalHP . . . didn't mean to offend you, it's not a big deal . . . looks like the forum software really enlarges the SC link when you embed it in your signature . . . doesn't do that on the phone version, so it kind of surprised me when viewing on my desktop. Also, didn't mean to make you feel unwelcome . . . please stay !
  20. bit expensive upgrade for 200 presets, think better get novum on sale for this price
  21. T-Force Alfa Plus 2 free https://mastrcode-music.de/en/vst-plugins/t-force-alpha-plus-2/
  22. Figured out why I was confused on this. I've bought two Axe I/O's. The first one at my studio didn't come with Tonex SE as it pre-dated the release of Tonex. The account of the second one I bought for the studio I'm working out has it.
  23. Are you using ASIO at 44.1? And the other thing is uncheck allow this app to have exclusive control in preferences and windows. If you watch my videos on audio set up it explains all this.
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