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After Christmas Bill Paying Blues

freddy j

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I hope that the holidays for everyone were great!

Just for fun I thought that I would post a song that I posted a very long time ago.  It is called "After Christmas Bill Paying Blues" and I am now facing the reality of having to pay-up on my Christmas purchases.  I got a number of good suggestions on how to improve this song when I first posted it and was going to make the changes before I posted it again.  Unfortunately, this song was on the external hard drive that I accidentally destroyed and so there were no working files that could be used to make the corrections.

Anyway, in spite of the fact that it is a bit rough (perhaps, an understatement?) I hope that it gives you a bit of a giggle.






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Freddy, the thing I love about your songs is that you always tell a story.

I especially like the rhythm guitar  tone, really ripping sound.

hey, look at it this way, at least you could get credit!  I can't even get that, and we know how easy that is to get.

Merry Christmas my friend!

whatever you do, don't sell your guitars, just change your name.


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Hi Jesse.  Thank  you !!  I think that the story is one that some might be able to share due to the exuberance of spending during Christmas.  Actually this year was a fairly modest one for us, and isn't it interesting --- it was still a wonderful and warm Christmas.  All the best to you for the new year, pal!

Thank you Tom!  I got an estimate to see if anything could be recovered from my dearly departed external drive.  The estimate came in close to $1,000 to which I responded thanks but no thanks.  I would like to improve some of the old songs that I posted in my early days on the forum.  However, I don't see any other option other than re-doing them from scratch.   That may or may not happen with some of them.  Thanks very much for listening and commenting . I hope that you have a great new year!

Hi Nigel.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.  I always appreciate it.  With the exception of some genre such as big band, cool jazz, etc. , I have always leaned to a more raw, rough and ready sound to music.  I guess that's why I always gravitated to rock 'n roll, early electric blues, punk, and other such genre.  Also, I must admit to not having the skills nor talent to create  a  perfect piece.  Besides music, for me, is more therapy than anything else.  Instead of yelling at my wife or kicking the dog, I simply grab a guitar and feel much better. ? Thanks again Nigel and happy new year!

Hi Douglas.  I can remember having a lot of fun when I was doing this song.  However, I thought my son was going to call the men in white coats to sedate me and take me away.  I very much appreciate your taking the time out to listen and comment.  Thank you and I hope you have a happy new year!

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Hi Freddy, I think I may have listened to / commented on this tune when you originally posted it. Man, time flies on by doesn't it? It still sounds as rockin' now as it did then, though. Sorry to hear about the hard drive but IMHO the song sounds fine as is.

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Hi Freddy ,

Nice story telling featuring  a witty sense of humor in the lyrics . Also nice overall loose Blues Vibe w the guitar playing and the music .

Having just survived this Years  Holiday season by the skinny skin skin of my teeth . I enjoyed listening to your song .

As it played  I found a moment or two or three of genuine humor and escape ...

all the best,



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Hi geeare1.  Thanks very much for listening and the kind comments.  Indeed, time passes by fast.  In fact, it seems to be passing by at light speed.  Needless to say I was more than just a bit upset when I destroyed (accidentally)  my external drive.  Oh well, at one time or another we all must adapt to what we do to ourselves.  Thanks for the sentiment.

Hey Wookiee.  I am just waiting for the bills to come in this month.  I'm glad that this blast from the past might have given you a giggle.  Thanks for listening and commenting pal!

Thank you Bjorn.  I must return the sense of humour complement.  You Beanie Weenie video/song was great!  Please don't listen too closely  to my guitar playing --- you will hear all of my mistakes.  ? ? Thanks again for listening and for the kind words.

Hi Kenny.  I hope that you had a great holiday season.  I'm also glad that it gave you a wee bit of time of relief from holiday and everyday stress.  Thanks for listening and for your comments.  I very much appreciate it!


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