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"Mind Games" (Rock)

Bob Oister

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"Mind Games" (Rock)
Hi, guys,

It's been a while!  Due to a very busy work schedule, I haven't been able to get in the studio for about three months, but this past week or so I was finally able to squeeze in about three hours over a couple nights and came up with this new song.

Unfortunately, once again I seem to have lost my "studio ears", and hope you can help me out by lending me yours!?

I just uploaded a Test Mix for a new song called "Mind Games".
If you can spare a few moments to check it out, as always, any and all helpful comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, input and ideas are very welcome, and also greatly appreciated!??

Big thanks in advance for any observations, suggestions, comments and ideas!?

"Mind Games"  https://soundclick.com/r/s8b98r

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Hi Bob.
Im not much of a rocker myself...  but I enjoy your guitar playing and vocals.
Good stuff.

You asked of comments..  I hear a few clicks here and there on my system...  maybe be due to clips needing cross fades.. ex.. 0.41 secs right speaker.

Edited by garybrun
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Great sound, and mix in my opinion, very nice!
I heard a few click as well.
I have the feeling the vocals are slightly late on tempo between 2'14 and 2'21. Just a little bit.
Same thing for the drums at the end of the solo and after the solo. It sounded off tempo as well.

But hey... it's still a great tune and I enjoyed it ?.

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Congrats on getting some recording done. As a business owner I know what you're saying...

Nice work on a solid foundation. Too much high end content on each track? Try experimenting with taking an LPF and drag it back until it starts taking out content you want to keep.

Keep up the good work.

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Oh, that was a really cool intro with the delay on the vox. This song rocks - I really like your lead vox - it's a great fit for this tune - nice job there.

I also enjoyed the lyrics - well crafted. I've listened to your tunes over the years and you always come up with excellent songs with great hooks - you should be signed?

I enjoyed the guitar solo - very nice. Regarding the mix - I think you're right there where it needs to be.



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Hi, Gary,

Thank you so much for giving this a listen for me, and also for you good input, observations and very kind comments!?

I really appreciate it because my ears were definitely not the same after being away from the studio for so long, and then spending a few hours throwing this song together and giving it a quick mix.

I'll definitely check out those random pops, I'm really glad you picked up on them.  I've actually had similar problems a few times in the past, and I suspect that they're from my punch-in automation points on the Channel Tools plugin.  It's really strange, sometimes just re-rendering the wav file gets rid of them, other times, I have to manually adjust the punch-in nodes on the automation envelope and then re-render to see if the pops disappear.  Either way, I'll try that and also as you suggested, check all my fades and crossfades to see if I overlooked anything in my haste.?

Thanks again, Gary, you're always a true gentleman, and the quality of your song posts is always top-notch!?

Much appreciated, and have a great Holiday season!


EDIT: PS:  Great ears, Gary, you were exactly right!  In my haste,  I got a bit sloppy with my track editing and apparently completely skipped the right rhythm guitar track altogether.  I still have to fix the Channel Tools pop issue in a couple spots, but I'm hoping to post the remix over the weekend.  Thanks again, and have a very Merry Christmas, my friend!


Edited by Bob Oister
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Bajan Blue:

Hi, Nigel,

Thank you, Sir, I truly appreciate you taking time to check out this mix for me, and also for your observations, input and kind words!?

I'm touching things up and hoping to have the new mix up sometime over the weekend.

I always used to enjoy your posts on the old song forum, but your latest song post here, "Take It All", is really fantastic!  Amazing production, really good stuff, best of luck with your new release!??

Thanks again for giving this a listen and for your input, greatly appreciated!?

Have a Merry Christmas!


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Hi Bob,

As far as the mix, I think you could make the bass a bit more brilliant, more audible what is played. Maybe the guitars are a bit too fat, too. The vocals are great :)

On my headphones hd600 the whole thing sounds a bit dull, on my HD430 seems to be ok.

Have a nice week end and a Merry Christmas

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Hi, Grebz,

Thank you for taking time to check out this song for me, and also for your very good input and kind words!?

Thanks so much for the good catch on the slightly late vocals and drum fills, very good ears, my friend!  A slight nudge to the vocals made things sound much better, I really appreciate your observations.

I will also make some adjustments to the drum fills that come after the guitar solo over the weekend.  I'm hoping to post the remix soon.

By the way, excellent job on your latest song post for "Journey In the Fairy Woods", it's an amazing piece of orchestral music, and a fantastic production.  Outstanding work, my friend!?

Thanks again, and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!?


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On 12/20/2019 at 5:55 AM, HarryC said:

As far as the mix, I think you could make the bass a bit more brilliant, more audible what is played.

Plenty of "low end" on my Bose cans, but as Harry said the bass line is not real distinct. If that's by design leave it alone.
Three hours? Remarkable!
As always; great tune, performances, production, etc.


So the rhythm guitars, double tracked panned hard left/right; do I have that right?
Do you send them to a buss and mid-side that to keep the center wide open?

Just curious

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Hi @Bob Oister nice to hear you back in the studio, this has your sound from the kick off, I too hear some minor clicks and a couple of timing slips, which I am sure you will be all over once you get a chance to remix.   Hope you have a fun festive season and get more time in the studio in the new year. 

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Hey, How are you, buddy?  Hope you're doing great!??

Thanks so much for giving this a listen for me, and for your always good input and observations, and also for your very kind words of encouragement!

I'm hoping to be able to touch up the rest of the small timing issues and the rest of the "Jiffy Pops", LOL, ?and get the remix posted soon.

I truly appreciate you lending me your ears, and I'm very grateful for your input, support and friendship here on the forum!

Thanks again, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!?


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Hi Bob.  If you are too busy to have time for the studio, then you are just too doggone busy!  Life seems to have the annoying habit of interrupting the fun stuff!  This is another cool, hard driving song from you.  I love the Fx that you are using on the vocals and guitars.  I didn't hears any of the clicks mentioned above; therefore, I assume that you have taken care of the minor suggestions made above.  This song is constructed/built really well and the lyrics are really accentuated very well by the instrumentation.  I think that this is one of my favourites of yours.  Cool ending BTW!

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