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CbB Updated to 2019.11

Larry Shelby

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ASIO improvements

Automatic dropout restart behavior. By default, Cakewalk will now automatically restart the audio engine when certain kinds of benign dropouts are detected. If playback is underway, the dropout is handled and playback resumes automatically from where it left off. This behavior can be changed in Preferences > Audio - Configuration File by setting the RestartEngineAfterDropout flag. Set to 'False' to revert to the prior behavior of displaying a dropout toast notification.

Latency updates from ASIO driver panel are immediately reflected in the Preferences dialog box.

ASIO latency can be set from Preferences dialog box. For supported audio devices, the latency slider in Preferences > Audio - Driver Settings can now be used to change the audio buffer size without the need to open the manufacturer’s ASIO panel.

StopEngineOnASIOPanelOpen Aud.ini variable. A few ASIO devices require that the host should not use the device while making changes to device settings. Some devices may display an error or gray out the controls in the ASIO panel while others may silently ignore changes. In prior versions of Cakewalk, the only solution was to exit the app for such devices. In version 2019.11, you can set the 'StopEngineOnPanelOpen' variable in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Configuration File. Setting it to 'True' will automatically stop and release the ASIO interface, allowing you to change settings in Cakewalk.

Change settings in the Preferences dialog box while audio is playing.

Workspaces (Lenses) enhancements

Lenses have been renamed to Workspaces.

The Workspace Manager has a new Description field that allows you to include a text description of each workspace.

On fresh installs of Cakewalk, the onboarding wizard lets you select an initial workspace (default is Basic). Note: The Help > Get Started command now launches the onboarding wizard.

Global keyboard shortcuts persist whether using a factory workspace or 'None'.

The Workspace Manager will now prompt to save changes to the current workspace if necessary.

In the Workspace Manager, the Save button is only available if the workspace has been changed.

You can select a workspace when no project is open.

Several factory workspaces have been updated to improve workflow.

Switching workspaces to 'None' no longer affects the active theme.

Switching Workspaces no longer affects project track and bus sizing.

Misc. enhancements

The new Track view View > Display Muted Takes in Parent Track option allows you to display muted takes in the parent track.

Added Instrument Support for Mackie Control surface.

Simpler activation. BandLab Assistant now has a Refresh Activation option. In the rare case when you need to reactivate Cakewalk, log in to BandLab assistant and choose the Refresh Activation option from the Cakewalk drop-down menu in the Apps tab.

Click the Sample Rate or Bit Depth fields in the Control Bar Transport module to open audio preferences.

The minimum gap between Control Bar modules has been increased when 'Lock Module Order and Center' is enabled.

Behavior changes

The Split tool now supports single clip splitting across clips in Take lanes. On the lower half of clips, there is a new cursor to indicate when splitting the current clip or all clips on the track. This cursor appears only if there are multiple lanes on the track.

The Split tool now respects the Auto Crossfade state.

The Comp tool now respects the Auto Crossfade state.

The Default MIDI Prepare Buffer size has been reduced to 200 msec. Limitations preventing the MIDI buffer from being set lower have been removed. There should be no need to change the buffer size from the new default value anymore, since the engine automatically raises the internal size when necessary.

On first launch, Cakewalk will reset the MIDI buffer size to the new default value of 200 msec (Preferences > MIDI - Playback and Recording > Prepare Using n Millisecond Buffers).


Meters and now time display are now more responsive and uses less CPU when multiple projects are open. Rapid scroll and clip drag operations in the UI no longer cause meter and time updates to lag.

Various improvements to audio engine for better ASIO compatibility.

Optimized audio engine to set ASIO buffer sizes and sample rates more efficiently.

Minimized the number of VST3 start/stop state changes during project load. This greatly improves the load time for certain plug-ins such as Vienna Ensemble Pro.

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