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CbB crashing..

4th Eden

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29 minutes ago, AxlBrutality said:

Also, I actually wasn't aware of the second part of your statement.  Are you suggesting it's better for VSTs to go in a top-level or desktop folder or something?  I have an awful lot of migrating to do if that's the case...something I'm not particularly looking forward to.  Lol.

Lots of old plugins were designed to read/write configuration files where they were installed.  When Microsoft changed Windows so the Program Files directory was protected all of these plugins started having problems and technically needed to be re-worked to save their settings someplace other than where they were installed.

By installing your VST plugins some place other than Program Files you may avoid some problems with very old plugins.  But plugins being released these days have to work in the Program Files environment.  For example VST3 plugins really should only be installable in c:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.  That is the only directly they should ever be installed to (despite the fact a few plugin developers let you choose a directory).  For VST2 plugins while you can specify where to install them there are a handful of standard directories (that any plugin developer may need to be able to support).  All of these standard directories are in Program files (and Program Files (x86) for 32-bit) .  If a plugin won't work in Program Files, the developer should fix it.  Yes, for really old abandoned plugins you may have no chance of getting that to happen.  You can install those to some place else.  But modern plugins should expect to be installed in an admin protected directory and store it's settings in a user modifiable directory.

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15 minutes ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

For example VST3 plugins really should only be installable in c:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.  That is the only directly they should ever be installed to (despite the fact a few plugin developers let you choose a directory). 

Um....so grouping all of one's plugins (both VSt2 and VST3) together in Program Files/Cakewalk/VSTPlugins isn't a great idea?  Asking for a friend. :P

Also, thanks for the info; I was not aware of any of that.

Edited by AxlBrutality
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20 minutes ago, AxlBrutality said:

Um....so grouping all of one's plugins (both VSt2 and VST3) together in Program Files/Cakewalk/VSTPlugins isn't a great idea?  Asking for a friend. :P

Also, thanks for the info; I was not aware of any of that.

VST3 specification details where plug-ins should go - C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 (and C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 for 32bit)

VST2 does not, however; most default to folders under C:\Program Files\ and C:\Program Files (x86)\

Cakewalk can handle non-default paths for VST3 but not all host do. It is best to let VST3 install in the default path.

1 hour ago, AxlBrutality said:

Are you suggesting it's better for VSTs to go in a top-level or desktop folder or something?  I have an awful lot of migrating to do if that's the case...something I'm not particularly looking forward to.  Lol.

Pay attention to the defaults suggested by the manufacturer. Most use folders under C:\Program Files. Some choose other paths often because the plug-in writes into plug-in folder. If a plug-in has a proper installer, the default is the first choice unless you understand what it means to choose an alternate location.

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There are no separate installers for most plug-ins bundled with Platinum. They are grouped together.

The BREVERB 2 PC module is in the main SONAR installer starting with  SONAR_Platinum_Setup....

The regular BREVER 2 plug-in is the installer starting with BoutiqueFXSuiteSetup....

If you ran the Command Center, these installers are cached on your PC. The default location for the installers is

C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Command Center\Downloads


BTW both the BREVERB 2 PC module and plug-in are installed by CbB.

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9 hours ago, AxlBrutality said:

grouping all of one's plugins (both VSt2 and VST3) together in Program Files/Cakewalk/VSTPlugins isn't a great idea? 

I would recommend against it.

As @scook has already stated, VST3's have a default location, and installers are usually hard-coded to put them there. They shouldn't go anywhere but in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. I don't know if plug-in manufacturers hard code their stuff to expect the .VST3 file to be there, but anything's possible, and you are having a whole world of trouble.

For VST2's, the problem with putting them in a folder under C:\Program Files is Permissions. On my system, I am in the Adminstrators Group, so it doesn't much matter, I can override most folder security settings if I don't already have Write and Delete permission. However, if one is but a lowly User, by default, one only has Read & Execute permission to the Program Files folder and subfolders, at least on my system. This can lead to trouble if a plug-in tries to save parameters or presets using the user's permissions.

So that I may manage my VST2's more easily, I install them to a top-level folder, C:\VST64, which I have Full Control permissions on.

You might try shifting your problem plug-ins around like this and see if anything changes. Can't make it any worse. Be sure, of course, to inform Cakewalk of the new location of the VST2's.

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1 hour ago, Starship Krupa said:

I would recommend against it.

As @scook has already stated, VST3's have a default location, and installers are usually hard-coded to put them there. They shouldn't go anywhere but in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. I don't know if plug-in manufacturers hard code their stuff to expect the .VST3 file to be there, but anything's possible, and you are having a whole world of trouble.

For VST2's, the problem with putting them in a folder under C:\Program Files is Permissions. On my system, I am in the Adminstrators Group, so it doesn't much matter, I can override most folder security settings if I don't already have Write and Delete permission. However, if one is but a lowly User, by default, one only has Read & Execute permission to the Program Files folder and subfolders, at least on my system. This can lead to trouble if a plug-in tries to save parameters or presets using the user's permissions.

So that I may manage my VST2's more easily, I install them to a top-level folder, C:\VST64, which I have Full Control permissions on.

You might try shifting your problem plug-ins around like this and see if anything changes. Can't make it any worse. Be sure, of course, to inform Cakewalk of the new location of the VST2's.

Ironically, I started grouping everything together in one VST folder in what was an attempt at cleaning up and having some better file management.  Lol. I had no idea about some of these issues.

Seems I have a ton of housekeeping to do in the morning.

Not gonna lie; I'll jump for joy if that's the issue with both the VST2 and VST3 versions of Toneforge.

Unfortunately, the issues with my other plugins are actually a GUI/OpenGL problem that's proven difficult to resolve, and is unlikely to be a permissions issue. I'll respond more in-depth to your PM tomorrow (I'm headed to bed) and expand on that and some other things.  Cheers!

Edited by AxlBrutality
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